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Leon Korkh
Leon Korkh

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Less is More: Why I Switched to a Simpler Task Management App and How It Improved My Productivity

As a developer who's always juggling multiple side projects, I've tried out countless task management apps over the years. From Trello to Asana to Todoist, I've experimented with them all, looking for the perfect tool to keep me organized and on top of my workload. But after years of trial and error, I've come to the conclusion that less is more when it comes to task management apps.

When I first started out, I was drawn to apps that had a seemingly endless list of features. I thought the more options I had, the better I'd be able to customize my workflow to fit my needs. But what I found was that all those features quickly became overwhelming and made it more difficult to use the app effectively. I spent more time trying to navigate through the various options than actually getting work done.

That's when I started looking for simpler task management apps. I wanted something easy to use and didn't have a lot of bells and whistles. The features that I find myself using most of the time are:

  1. Setting reminders
  2. Assigning priorities
  3. Using colors to categorize
  4. Break down larger tasks into smaller
  5. Mark off completed subtasks to track progress and stay motivated

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After trying a few different options, I came across Planndu, an app for Android that I think is the best on the market.
What I love about Planndu is its simplicity. It has just the right amount of features to keep me organized without overwhelming me.

One of the features I appreciate the most is the ability to create recurring tasks. This is especially helpful for my side projects that require regular updates or maintenance. I can set a task to repeat daily, weekly, or monthly and not worry about forgetting to do it.

Long story short, I've found that keeping my task management app simple and straightforward has made it much easier for me to stay organized and productive.

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