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React Native Mobile App Development – Trends & Future in 2023-24

The landscape of mobile app development is ever-evolving. However, Reach Native continues to be the top choice for app developers and app development companies alike. The framework of React Native has the ability to create experiences similar to native for both Android as well as iOS using a single codebase. It is exactly the reason why React Native mobile app development has revolutionized the industry. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to be at par with the trends and future of mobile app development in 2023-24 with React Native.

Fresh Additions in Terms of Accessibility, Styles, and Events

Several additions have been made for feature enhancements for adapting specific CSS styles. Tags for Image and TextInput have been added. Different styles such as aspect-ratio which presently supports string values, fontVariant which presently supports space-separated string values, fontWeight which presently supports number values, and transform which presently supports string values have been added. objectFit, pointerEvents, userSelect, and verticalAlign are the aliases that have also been added. Events come with an opt-in implementation of PointerEvents which when enabled will support hover onPointerOver, onPointerOut, onPointerEnter, and onPointerLeave handlers on View.

Comes with Modern Architecture

The new rendering system of React Native is Fabric which brings about a significant improvement in the experimental New Architecture experience, including reduced build times, lessened C++ code writing, better encapsulation of iOS app setup, and better management of dependency on iOS.

Advanced UI Component Libraries

The ecosystem of React Native is witnessing the emergence of advanced UI component libraries such as UI Kitten and Paper. These offer ready-to-use pre-designed components, options for styling, and customizable themes to accelerate mobile app development, along with maintaining consistent UI across different platforms. Professional React Native app development companies utilize these UI component libraries to create fantastic and highly responsive user interfaces.

**Read the full blog: React Native Mobile App Development – Trends & Future in 2023-24**

Top comments (2)

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Manisha Sharma • Edited

Informative blog. If anyone searching for the top mobile app development service providers then you can connect with us.
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dugongglobalservices profile image

This blog offers a comprehensive look at the trends and future prospects of React Native mobile app development in 2023-24. The insights and predictions shared here are invaluable for developers and businesses looking to stay ahead in the mobile app industry. A well-researched and insightful read!