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The Struggles of Becoming a Self Thaught Developer

Want to become a web developer?

Cool, you don't need a degree for that.

You don't even need to go through a boot camp or pay for an expensive course.

You can learn web development by yourself. This is known as a self-taught developer. While it can be a rewarding experience, it also comes with its own set of challenges. But if this doesn't scare you off. Let's see a couple of the problems self-taught developers face.

1. Learning resources

When it comes to learning how to code, the first step is to decide which method of learning is best for you. With so many resources available, such as courses, YouTube tutorials, and so on, this can be a daunting task.

Afterall, the decision is yours to make, as you know yourself best. But, I can offer one piece of advice: no matter which route you choose, stick with it. Don't jump from one course to the next halfway through. I know from experience that this is not a productive approach. Instead, commit to the path you have chosen and stick with it through to the end.

2. Burnout

Burnout can appear at different times and levels for each individual. It might happen to you too at some point in your career, no matter how motivated you are. Self-taught web developers are particularly vulnerable to burnout. Thankfully there are a few ways to combat it.

Having a purpose/vision

Having a clear purpose or vision in front of you will help you to avoid burnout and push through harder times.

Taking a break

Taking a break when you start to feel burnt out is also beneficial. It allows you to take a step back and look at the situation from a new perspective.

Loving what you do

If you love to do something, or if you are interested in that thing, it will be way easier to avoid burnout.

3. Loneliness

Loneliness is one of the biggest demons of a self-taught developer. Having friends is great. But if you can't share your journey with someone, it can be difficult to stay motivated and inspired.

Of course, it is possible to be a lonely web developer. But it is much more enjoyable and rewarding when you have someone to share it with.

If you don't have someone in your life who does the same thing you do, don't worry - you are not alone. There are thousands of lonely developers out there. My advice would be to join a community, whether it's online or in person. Doing so can be a great experience and can open up a wealth of knowledge and support.

4. Study methods

When it comes to learning something on your own, the key is to create a plan and then turn it into a habit. This way, it will become almost automatic and you won't have to think about it - you'll just do it.

If you're learning to code, you're likely juggling other responsibilities too. So how do you find the time to code every day? If you're having trouble finding time, it's likely because you're not dedicated enough. But let's say you can make the time - the next question is how much time should you dedicate to coding daily? The answer to this depends on you and your goals, but dedicating 1-2 hours a day is more than enough.

Remember, it's not about who does the most work in a day, it's about who is the most consistent.

5. Tutorial hell

You've likely heard of the term "tutorial hell" before. It's one of the biggest mistakes you can make when learning to code.

Tutorial hell looks something like this: You start out learning from a course. You watch the course and copy the code, feeling amazing that you've learned something new. But when you try to recall it the next day, you realize you've forgotten it and have to start from the beginning again. When you're stuck in this never-ending cycle, you might feel like you're learning to code. But that is an illusion. When you want to build something without a tutorial, you get stuck.

My suggestion to you is to take notes. That's right - take a course and take notes. When you finish a lesson, review the lesson notes and I guarantee you'll remember way more than before.

Thanks for reading!

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