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How to learn way more from coding than ever before

Want to become a superhero programmer?

As a developer, learning is your superpower. It is especially important now that frameworks and new tech emerges every 2 days. The faster you can learn something, the more valuable you will be. So let's look at a couple of tricks I use to help me learn new stuff and not forget what I already learned.

  1. Make sure that you understand the concepts
  2. Apply what you learned(Practice)
  3. Take notes
  4. Debug
  5. Find a community

1. Make sure that you understand the concepts

When learning to code you can't memorize code, I know because I did it for a long time. But memorizing code won't get you far. If you actually want to learn something, make sure you understand the working of it. But not just what it does but why it does it too.
For example: Take an "if...else" statement or a logical operator like "&&". Besides understanding what it does when you use it in your code, you should look a little deeper and understand why it does that thing.

2.Apply what you learned(Practice)

We can all agree, that learning without actually applying the concepts you learned, is just wasting your time. I mean, why did you even learn it if you are not going to apply it in real life? It doesn't make sense.
You need to apply things to avoid eventually forgetting them. When you apply them in practice your brain builds connections. This way you will actually remember those concepts you applied.

3. Take notes

I do this when taking courses, or just generally learning new concepts that I didn't know about before. And let me tell you that taking notes, is just as important as watching a course. Because when you take a course writing down a couple of concepts throughout it, after finishing, you will have a summary of it on paper, that you can come back to any time.
This method also helps you to better understand concepts because it forces you to write down concepts in your own words.

4. Debug

The majority of programmers HATE debugging(not that I love it). It is a tedious process and sometimes the problem is just a missing semicolon.
But what I noticed is that when I actually find the bugs in my code and solve them. I remember those problems and the solutions to them way better in the future. This is because I already encountered them before.

5. Find a community

Finding and joining a good community can be a little tricky, but it's definitely worth it. In a community, you can share your code and finished projects, and the community would give feedback on it. You also would be able to provide feedback on other people's code.
Be open to feedback, whether it's good or bad because it's all an opportunity to learn something new.

Thanks for reading!

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