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Aliaksei Kuncevič for Angular

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Angular 11 just released 🔥

Yes, the Angular version 11 just released as well as Angular CLI and Angular Material. I am really excited about that and I hope you too 🥳

Here is quick overview

✅ Automatic Inlining of Fonts - Angular CLI now inline fonts automatically for you to speed up the first contentful paint

✅ Component Test Harnesses - test harness now available for all Angular Material Components to simplify tests cases

✅ Improved Reporting and Logging in Angular CLI - Angular CLI console output is more easier to read and it looks more informative

✅ New Hot Module Replacement (HMR) Support - ng serve --hmr is all you need to run the HMR, no code changes required

✅ Faster Builds - faster dependencies install and faster TypeScript compilation

✅ Dropped Support for Legacy Browsers - support for IE 9, 10, and IE mobile has being removed

✅ Webpack 5 Support (experimental) - you can opt in for Webpack 5 but remember it is experimental and you need to use yarn for that.

✅ Updated Angular Roadmap - current Angular Team priorities


Angular Material

Read the official release notes here 🎉

Find out more about the future of Angular here 🚀

My name is Aliaksei Kuncevič. I am teaching Angular and Web Technology. Helping dev teams to adopt Angular in the most efficient way. GDE, member of the NGXS Core Team.

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