Asalamoalikum and Hello!
I am Abdullah from Pakistan, And i was really wondering what should i do in my field. I am studying BSIT in a local University currently enrolled in 6th semester with a CGPA of 3.90 out of 4. I have experience in a lot of things and i really need some help to sort my life an Information Security student. First let me introduce my skills so you may know who you are dealing with.
Biggest Flexes
My Biggest Flexes are 2 things,
- I am a really fast learner. As far as basics and intermediate levels are concerned i can learn them in 1 to 2 days, Like intermediate working in Kotlin and some minor projects i did them in 2 days.
- If i decide to commit my self to a task i will do everything to get it done as soon as possible
My Skills and Experience
- Graphic Designer: I made a lot of things as a graphic designer from Logos to even Professional Poster for Events and Official Advertisements for Universities. It include both Paid and Un-paid work
- UI/UX designer: I have also made a number of Web and Application UI and UX designs
- Android Developer: I made a lot of Projects and even now am working on some in mostly Java. I can say i am really good at it. (Did alot of paid work in it but not enough)
- Web Developer: This is the skill that i am learning right now.
- Intermediate skills in C++ and C#
- Basics in Game Development.
What i want?
I don't know where i am going and what i need to do in future, My goal for now is to land a Remote job outside my country because truth be told there is not a lot of opportunity in my country. I need a guide from an experienced person who can help me sort my things.
I will also be grateful if someone can be my mentor or guider, SO if i need help in their specific field of expertise.
Apart from this, Every little help or a advice is appreciated that will lead me to a better and bright future.
Is there anything you would like to suggest?
Will be waiting for your comments!
Top comments (1)
You chose a very good direction at the university. I'm really jealous. I didn't choose what I wanted, as a result I didn't study, I even found dissertation writing services, I used for this. After university I took courses, spent time and then found a job in IT. In short, I just spent a lot of time retraining, so to speak. Therefore, I advise you not to waste the opportunity and continue to study everything you can in this direction.
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