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Sourabh Gawande for Kusho

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OpenTofu: A Community-Driven Response to Terraform's Licensing Change

At Kusho, we’re are building a copilot for API testing so that you never have to manually test your APIs again. Kusho generates exhaustive tests for scenarios that can occur in production and executes them within your IDE.

The Linux Foundation recently unveiled OpenTofu, a robust and community-driven alternative to Terraform, the widely used infrastructure as code provisioning tool. This announcement comes as a response to Terraform's controversial shift in licensing, which transitioned from the open-source-friendly Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPLv2) to a more restrictive Business Source License v1.1. OpenTofu steps in to offer developers and organizations a reliable, open source alternative under a neutral governance model.

Terraform and Its Licensing Controversy

Terraform has long been a linchpin in simplifying infrastructure management within cloud environments. Its ease of use and powerful capabilities have made it a go-to tool for DevOps teams worldwide. However, the recent licensing changes introduced by HashiCorp, the company behind Terraform, have raised significant concerns within the open source community. This shift threatened to restrict the freedom and accessibility that open source projects depend on.

The Birth of OpenTofu

Enter OpenTofu, originally known as OpenTF, a community-driven response to this licensing conundrum. OpenTofu aims to offer a genuinely open source alternative that stays true to the principles of open collaboration, impartiality, modularity, and backward compatibility. It's designed to ensure that developers and organizations can continue leveraging infrastructure as code solutions without the encumbrance of restrictive licensing.

Industry Support and Commitment

One of the key strengths of OpenTofu lies in its broad industry support. Leading players in the infrastructure as code space, including Harness, Gruntwork, Spacelift, env0, Scalr, Digger, Terrateam, Massdriver, Terramate, and others, have thrown their weight behind this initiative. OpenTofu has garnered formal pledges from over 140 organizations and 600 individuals, reflecting a robust commitment to its success.

Moreover, OpenTofu doesn't just stop at endorsements; it's backed by a dedicated team of at least 18 full-time developers committed to its development over the next five years. This level of investment ensures that OpenTofu will remain a vibrant and continually evolving project.

OpenTofu's emergence signifies a pivotal moment in the world of infrastructure as code. It promises to provide developers and organizations with a reliable, open source alternative to Terraform, fostering open collaboration and innovation while upholding the principles of freedom and accessibility. To learn more about OpenTofu and get involved in this exciting initiative, visit their GitHub repository today.

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