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Destructuring in JS

Firstly thanks for reading Ray's React Learning Notes, a React course I purchased from Udemy to document what I've learnt.
Link to the full course:

Thanks again to Udemy for the high-quality instructional content.

In this project, I am learning how to use one basic tool in VScode: Quokka.js

This plugin can easily to found in the VScode extension store.

Quokka.js is used to quickly create JavaScript / TypeScript prototypes. It's easy to run JS files in VScode and helps to troubleshoot bugs.

to run it just sample type: >quokka start at VScode command palette. Then click the 'Start on current file'

It Very important is that he can return the results of the current code in a timely manner in the terminal on the left and below. This is very useful for me to start learning React.

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Destructuring is getting data out of an object or Array.

A simple data structure about books is used here:

const data = [
    id: 1,
    title: "The Lord of the Rings",
    publicationDate: "1954-07-29",
    author: "J. R. R. Tolkien",
    genres: [
    hasMovieAdaptation: true,
    pages: 1216,
    translations: {
      spanish: "El seΓ±or de los anillos",
      chinese: "ι­”ζˆ’",
      french: "Le Seigneur des anneaux",
    reviews: {
      goodreads: {
        rating: 4.52,
        ratingsCount: 630994,
        reviewsCount: 13417,
      librarything: {
        rating: 4.53,
        ratingsCount: 47166,
        reviewsCount: 452,
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Use getBooks() to get all books data

const books = getBooks();  
const title = book.title; 
const author =;
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Or use getBook(id) to get a specific data

const book = getBook(1);
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There are many other elements in the book object such as author, name, etc. We can use Destructuring to create them all at once.

const { title, author, pages, publicationDate, genres, hasMovieAdaptation } = book;
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this way you can get the object in the book. This puts the elements of the object together. Passed with console.log.

A similar approach can be used for elements in book, except for book:

const primaryGenre = genres[0];
const secondaryGenre = genres[1];
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const [primaryGenre, secondaryGenre] = genres;
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So we can use ourselves to create an array structure, in a specific location to go to the data we want, similar to the use of [1].

Top comments (2)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

Destructuring is getting data out of an object or Array

Not really - it would be more correct to say an object or iterable - since you can destructure any iterable type - not just arrays... like strings for example:

let [a, b, ...c] = "Hello"
console.log(a, b, c)  // "H", "e", [ "l", "l", "o" ]
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You can also do more interesting stuff with destructuring:

let {length, 2:thirdLetter} = "Surprise" 
console.log(length, thirdLetter)  // 8, "r"
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kyrierui profile image

Wow! Thank you so much for the explanation! Turns out Destructuring is useful for more than that!
I will continue to learn and update what I have learnt.