When I launched a channel on Telegram, it was not just a decision — it was an awareness of a new reality. Telegram has always been more than just a messenger. It is a space of freedom, where information does not obey the usual rules, and the community itself determines what matters.
Let's remember the precedent that became a clear confirmation of the power of this platform — the arrest of Pavel Durov. The event, which at first glance seemed like an attack on a person, was in fact an attempt to control the very symbol of digital independence.
This case showed: when technology becomes a threat to old systems, they try to suppress it. But the history of Telegram is a story about how the ideas of freedom cannot be contained. The stronger the pressure, the more trust grows in the platform, which managed to remain outside the control of traditional structures.
And here is another confirmation that Telegram is not just a messenger, but a powerful tool of the new digital economy. Pavel Durov made a marketing move that again changed the rules of the game: the fee for advertising on subscribers’ private channels was raised up to 50%.
This is a step that strengthens the Telegram ecosystem, turning each channel into a part of the global Web3 economy. Decentralization here is not just an idea — it is a real mechanism that allows participants to earn and become part of a new financial model.
Today, we see how Telegram has become a space where value is determined not by power, but by the community.

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