OK, before I get thrown to the wolves, let's get something clear here. As a mildly engaged open-source maintainer that dealt with spam and borderline spam PRs for the past few Hacktoberfests, I don't mind when one of my repositories gets spam pull requests or my favourite "I ran a linter" PRs. That's why bulk actions were invented.
I do understand why most maintainers are not that happy with the idea. But I also get the T-Shirt obsession. Hell, the only reason I got into Open Source was for a T-Shirt. And after 2020 I can see why people don't have the energy to bother too much with side projects and evening hacking.
So if you want an easy and still legit way of getting that T-Shirt, and you're not comfortable with opening PRs against your own repositories for it, I've got a solution for you.
A hand-picked selection of the worst computer puns, really cringe-worthy stuff.
A hand-picked selection of the worst computer puns, really cringe worthy stuff.
Submit your own at the bottom of puns.json
and if they make me cringe, I'll merge them.
I'm keeping these gender-neutral, a programmer isn't automatically a "he", so please use the singular they pronoun when refering to a person in the puns.
Node.js Package
Also a Node.js package available on NPM and the GitHub registry.
npm install puns.dev
const puns = require("puns.dev");
Returns an array of puns:
"pun": "Q: How do you comfort a JavaScript bug?",
"punchline": "A: You console it!"
Returns a pun, as well as the random id that was generated:
"pun": "Q: How do you comfort a JavaScript bug?"
"punchline": "A: You console it!"
"id": 7
β¦It's a JSON based repo, and you can get away with a 4 line PR, with a horrible, cringe-worthy computer pun(that's British for a one-line joke). And the maintainer, yours truly, will actually be happy if there are hundreds of open PRs. The more, the better I'd say. Hey, you can even make all 4 Hacktoberfest PRs against that repo, and that's your T-Shirt right there.
Later edit: In light of the new opt-in measures for Hacktoberfest, the repo was already tagged with the hacktoberfest
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