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Prashant Yadav
Prashant Yadav

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Amazing list of resources for Javascript Interview

Are you preparing for a Javascript interview?. Then this list may help you to crack the interview.

In the past 4 years I have interviewed for around 20 companies and created a list of things that these companies often ask.

I agree, you agree that Javascript interview is a bit different than the other software engineer interviews.

So I have separated the preparation in three different parts.

  1. Data Structures and Algorithms (To test the problem solving skills).
  2. Web development and Computer science stuffs (To test the computer science skills).
  3. Javascript specific questions (To test the grip on the language).
  • Understanding javascript programming language in order to use it.
  1. ESNext (Javascript with latest stuffs).
  • Data Structures in javascript
  1. Array
  2. Object.
  3. Strings.
  4. Stack.
  5. Queue.
  6. List.
  7. Linked List
  8. Stack using linked list
  9. Queue using linked list
  10. Doubly Linked list
  11. Deque
  12. Deque using doubly linked list
  13. Circular linked list
  14. Priority Queue
  15. Circular Doubly linked list
  16. Binary Search Tree
  17. Others I am writing currently and will be added soon.
  • Algorithms in Javascript
  1. Given an unsorted array of integers find a pair with given sum in it
  2. Right circular rotation on an array of integers
  3. Left circular rotation on array of integers
  4. Convert decimal to binary, octal or hexa in javascript
  5. Count number of sub-string occurrence in a string
  6. Swap two numbers without temp variables
  7. Palindrome string
  8. Program to check balanced parentheses
  9. Find the biggest perfect square in an array
  10. Print all subarrays with a given sum k in an array
  11. Find digital root of a given number
  12. Buggy Calculator
  13. Form the smallest possible number from the given number
  14. Find missing alphabets to make a string panagram
  15. Check if string has duplicate letters
  16. Difference between square of sum of numbers and sum of square of numbers.
  17. Converting string to jadencase
  18. Check if given number is armstrong in javascript
  19. Find all the armstrong number between two numbers
  20. Print matrix in zigzag format
  21. Print matrix in L pattern
  22. Program to check the prime number
  23. Find the largest prime factor
  24. Factorial program in javascript
  25. Convert Roman numeral to an integer
  26. Print all the unique 2 digit combinations of given numbers
  27. Program to find the nth Fibonacci in javascript
  28. Program to print the Collatz sequence in javascript.
  29. Maximum Collatz sequence under 1000000
  30. Check if an array is palindrome in javascript
  31. Sort a stack using another stack
  32. Linear search algorithm in javascript
  33. Check if string contains a substring in javascript
  34. Program to check if a subarray with 0 sum exits or not
  35. Find the correct position to insert an element in the array
  36. Check if two string are anagram of each other
  37. Minimum characters to delete to make string anagram
  38. Find the maximum sum of products of two arrays.
  39. Program to add two binary numbers
  40. Find distinct ways to climb the stairs in javascript.
  41. Program to reverse a queue
  42. Selection sort in javascript
  43. Reverse a stack using recursion.
  44. Caesar Cipher in javascript
  45. Program to find the GCD of two numbers in javascript.
  46. Find the LCM of two numbers in javascript
  47. FizzBuzz program in javascript
  48. Program to print all the prime numbers from 1 to 100.
  49. Count all substrings having character k.
  50. Number of subarrays with given sum k
  51. Reverse a string using recursion
  52. Reverse a string using stack
  53. How to reverse an array in javascript
  54. Absolute difference between diagonals of matrix
  55. Program to print the chess board pattern in javascript
  56. Program to print the pyramid pattern
  57. Program to print the diamond pattern
  58. Program to print the floyd triangle
  59. Program to print the pascal triangle patterns
  60. Algorithm to merge two sorted array
  61. Program to print all the permutation of string
  62. Implement a Stack using Queue
  63. Bubble sort algorithm in javascript
  64. Recursive Bubble sort algorithm
  65. Insertion sort algorithm in javascript
  66. Recursive Insertion Sort Algorithm
  67. Find the maximum depth of nested parentheses in a string
  68. Sorting a linked list
  69. Learn how to implement two stack with an array
  70. Program to reverse a linked list using a stack
  71. Learn how to reverse a linked list
  72. Learn how to reverse a linked list recursively
  73. Program to check if two stacks are equal
  74. Program to print the next greater element in the array
  75. Program to check palindrome linked list
  76. Program to find an element in array such that sum of left array is equal to sum of right array
  77. Alternatively merge two different arrays
  78. Program to find the duplicate element in the linked list
  79. Sum and Product of all the nodes in the linked list which are less than k
  80. Print the last k nodes of the linked list in reverse.
  81. Decode a string (encoded with number followed by string)
  82. Program to sort only positive numbers of the array
  83. Count number of sub string recursively
  84. Implement stack with max and min function
  85. Bubble sort using two stacks
  86. Learn how to shuffle an array in javascript
  87. Learn how to reverse a doubly linked list
  88. Recursively reverse a doubly linked list
  89. Merge two sorted linked list
  90. How to find loop in linked list
  91. Find height and width of binary tree
  92. Tree traversal in Javascript
  • Javascript specific problems
  1. Javascript confirm box with yes & no option
  2. Replace all string occurrences in javascript
  3. How to find the substring in javascript
  4. How to find elements with indexof in javascript
  5. Javascript alert, confirm, prompt method
  6. Javascript settimeout method
  7. Javascript setinterval method
  8. How to use array sort in javascript
  9. Convert a string to lowercase in javascript
  10. Remove an item from an array in javascript
  11. Convert a string to uppercase in javascript
  12. Javascript get unique items from array
  13. How to get the last element of the array in javascript
  14. Get the current URL in javascript
  15. Different ways to get element by id in javascript
  16. How to open new tab in javascript
  17. Convert string to array in javascript
  18. Different ways to reload/refresh page in javascript
  19. Different for loop in javascript
  20. Best way to compare strings in javascript
  21. How to reverse a string in javascript
  22. Dutch national flag problem
  23. How to create a responsive sidebar menu
  24. 6 ways to convert string to a number in javascript
  25. Convert int to string in javascript
  26. How to copy array in javascript
  27. Get element by class in Javascript
  28. How to check undefined in javascript
  29. 3 different ways to hide DOM element using Javascript
  30. How to capitalize first letter of string in javascript
  31. How to format phone number in javascript
  32. How to merge objects in javascript
  33. Redirect url in javascript
  34. How to generate random number in javascript
  35. How to check if given object is array in javascript
  36. How to format a number to a currency in javascript
  37. How to create key value array in javascript
  38. How to remove object from array in javascript
  39. Unique id generator in javascript
  40. How to loop through object in javascript
  41. Make javascript functions sleep
  42. What is !! (double negation) operator in javascript?
  43. Learn how to round to 2 decimal places in javascript
  44. Difference between == and === operator in javascript
  45. let vs var in javascript
  46. Javascript const vs var
  47. Difference between != and !== operator in javascript
  48. How to loop through array in javascript
  49. How to find length of an array in javascript
  50. How to encode a url with javascript
  51. How to validate an email with javascript
  52. How to Copy to clipboard with Javascript.
  53. How to get url parameter using javascript
  54. Compare two array or object with JavaScript
  55. What is debouncing in javascript?
  56. What is throttling in javascript?
  57. How to do lazy loading in javascript
  58. Javascript function that returns sum of the previous values
  59. Restrict modification of object properties in javascript.
  60. Create a digital clock in javascript
  61. Javascript function to create hexa color
  62. How to load script efficiently with async and defer
  63. What is the difference between an array and an object in JavaScript?
  64. Credit card validation in javascript

This is the effort of last two years when I had decided to solve problems and post them on my blog. There is a long way ahead and I am planning to make it bigger by adding more useful resources.

Please do check them and if you think this will be helpful in any way then share with your friends.

Also from the coming Monday (02/03/2020). I will be sharing how to create different types of components in React and many more cool stuffs.

you can follow me on Twitter @learnersbucket for regular updates.

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