DEV Community

Leira Sánchez
Leira Sánchez

Posted on

Like `console.log` But Better

Who hasn't peppered their code with console.logs in an attempt to find that pesky bug? The logs can get daunting and confusing. These will help you enhance your debugging experience with the console.

Did you know the console has more properties than log? Try it yourself! Write this into your console and be amazed.

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I will go through the ones I find the most useful.


This method displays your arrays and objects in a neat table. It takes in two parameters, the data, and the names (in an array) of the columns you wish to display (optional). Every element, or property, will correspond to a row in the table.


const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const object = {
  name: "Leira",
  lastName: "Sánchez",
  twitter: "MechEngSanchez",

console.log('array: ', array); 
// array:  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

console.log('object: ', object); 
// object:  { name: 'Leira', lastName: 'Sánchez', twitter: 'MechEngSanchez' }
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What is displayed when using table, is much more organized and easy to understand.

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This method keeps a count of how many times it has been called. I mostly use it to check that my functions are being called when I expect them to. You can provide it with a string as a parameter. It will serve as the label. If left blank, the default label is "default".

let dev = '';
const followMe = (dev) => {
    return `${dev} is following you`;

followMe('John'); // followers: 1
followMe('Karen'); // followers: 2
followMe('Camila'); // followers: 3
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This method only writes to the console if the assertion is false. You will not see it if it's true. The first parameter is what it will make the check on. The second one is the error message you wish to display.

const sum = (n1, n2) => {
    console.assert(n1 + n2 === 10, 'Not 10');

sum(3,2); // Assertion failed: Not 10
sum(5,5); //
sum(10,0); //
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Style the console.log


A quick, easy way to organize and keep track of your console.logs is to add labels. Simply, add a string as the first parameter and whatever you want to log as the second. I also like to add a colon and a space for readability.

const firstName = 'Leira';
console.log('First Name: ', firstName); // First Name: Leira
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You can add a string as every other parameter to add multiple labels to multiple values but I find that can get messy fast.

const lastName = 'Sánchez';

console.log('First Name: ', firstName, 'Last Name: ', lastName);
// First Name: Leira Last Name: Sánchez
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Messy, right?

Add Flair with CSS!

Make your logs colorful and pretty. Just add '%c' to the front of a string as the first parameter. The second parameter will be the CSS styles as a string.

console.log("%cCLICKED!", "font-family:arial;color:green;font-weight:bold;font-size:3rem");
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Let me know in the comments how else you use these or what other methods you find useful!

Oldest comments (91)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I like these things because they're just about as simple as console.log but more useful in a lot of cases.

I have a hard time adopting debugging tools any more complicated than print statements.

Great post!

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

Totally agree! Very simple tips that can be used right away.

daveblythe profile image
Dave Blythe (he/him)

Thanks, Ben.... so much feels here!
It feels so good when someone else acknowledges things like this, really:

"I have a hard time adopting debugging tools any more complicated than print statements"

This 'validates' for those of us who still fumble around semi-blindly with the classic duo of console.log() and alert(stuff) :D

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

These are great tips! Thanks for sharing 😄

fergarram profile image
Fernando Garcia

I had no idea, now I won’t forget! Thanks for sharing!

trungmnguyen profile image

Good work. Very helpful and informative.

thatzacdavis profile image
Zachary Davis

The CSS one was new to me haha, I see some nice troll error messages for my teammates coming in the future

miteshkamat27 profile image
Mitesh Kamat

I like the console.table() as every now and then we deal with json response. This could come handy as it is readable.

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Don't forget about console.dir! 🙂

navin_moorthy profile image

I often use console.dir to see the DOM attributes of an element

pavanmehta profile image
Pavan Maheshwari and console.groupEnd is also very useful.

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

Had no idea this was possible, great post Leira

navin_moorthy profile image

Checkout the Colored Console log extension for VSCode.

You can have Flair on all console.log with just a keypress. Also, you can change the styling directly in the extension.

leirasanchez profile image
Leira Sánchez

This seems promising. I will try it. Thank you

abdelrahmanahmed profile image

Long live “console.log”

sansseryph profile image

All of this information is blowing my mind, especially the fact that you can style console outputs!

leirasanchez profile image
Leira Sánchez

I’m glad you find it useful!

l_giraudel profile image
Loïc Giraudel

I now prefer log points in Chrome Dev Tools. It was already possible before with conditional break points but not as easy as the log points :)

leirasanchez profile image
Leira Sánchez

I have never tried log points. I will look into them. Thank you

tylerlwsmith profile image
Tyler Smith

Great article, I had never heard on console.assert!

One of the things that I starting doing as a short hand for writing labels is wrapping the variables in an object literal. It saves on the repetitive typing!

const firstName = 'Leira';
const lastName = 'Sánchez';
console.log({firstName, lastName}); // {firstName: "Leira", lastName: "Sánchez"}
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leirasanchez profile image
Leira Sánchez

Wow! This great! I will definitely be using this from now on. Thank you 🙂

vbelolapotkov profile image
Vasily Belolapotkov

I like that trick too! And now with console.table you can make it look even better!

sargis profile image

Don't forget about console.time

leirasanchez profile image
Leira Sánchez

Great when pairing it with console.timeEnd() !