Hello, folks! Today I'm going to share with you how I set up a blog page using the Dev.to API. This is a great way to expand the reach of your content. Additionally, I write the same post in both Portuguese and English to reach more people, and with that, there's a challenge of implementing localization on the blog so that the same post works in both languages.
Before discussing the API usage, I want to mention three references that helped me set up my blog page. Keeping in mind the concept that nothing is created, only combined, I drew inspiration from two blog themes for Nuxt 3 and a post on creating a skeleton loader with Tailwind CSS.
Alpine has a pleasant post layout, always highlighting the most recent one, while Nuxt Starter Blog provides a simple and effective way to handle pagination for numerous posts.
The minimalist blog theme, powered by Nuxt & Markdown.
The minimalist blog theme, powered by Nuxt.
- Start from a profile page, scale to a complete blog!
- An open source blog theme powered by Nuxt Content, editable from Nuxt Studio.
- Write pages in Markdown and Vue components with the MDC syntax.
- Use 30+ built-in components in your Markdown pages.
Quick Start
npx nuxi@latest init -t themes/alpine
Contributing 🙏
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies using
pnpm install
- Run
pnpm prepare
to generate type stubs. - Use
pnpm dev
to start playground in development mode.
This is a Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog (work in progress)
Inspired by tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog
Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# npm
npm install
Development Server
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Build the application for production:
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
npm run preview
Check out the deployment documentation for more information.
I liked the idea of combining the two. Thus, I could create a unique experience that combines the elegant look of Alpine with the navigational ease of Nuxt Starter Blog.
Thanks @koutsWhat you'll need:
- The Dev.to API, which facilitates fetching posts and tags for your blog.
- Tools like Nuxt.js and Vue-i18n to handle site localization and switch between posts in different languages.
- Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to manipulate the data returned by the API and create the structure of your blog page.
Step by step:
Fetch posts and tags from the Dev.to API:
I used the API to retrieve posts written by you and the tags associated with each post. I used my username as a query parameter for this call, along with the state "all", ensuring that the response returns a maximum of 1000 posts with associated tags, instead of the default 30. (I hope to write at least 500 posts 😅)
const { data: posts, pending } = await useLazyFetch(
Work with site localization and manipulate the data returned by the API:
Now comes the interesting part: to make this functional, the post needs to be available in both English and Portuguese on dev.to. To determine if the post is in one of the languages, I use the "canonical_url" field with the location in the URL (e.g., https://lfxa.vercel.app/en-US/blog?to=um-portfolio-de-um-engenheiro-de-software-162o,a-portfolio-of-a-software-engineer-3i47). This field indicates the URL where the post was originally published and is redirected to my site. I apply a filter to display only posts in the desired location.
const route = useRoute();
const { locale } = useI18n();
const filteredBlogPosts = computed(() => {
return props.posts
?.filter((post) => {
// location in url
const postLang = post.canonical_url.split("/")[3];
const isSameLanguage = postLang === locale.value;
//filter tag and location
const hasTagQuery = route.query.tag !== undefined;
return isSameLanguage &&
(!hasTagQuery || post.tag_list.includes(route.query.tag));
// pagination
props.postPerPage * (currentPage.value - 1),
currentPage.value * props.postPerPage,
As the post was originally published on dev.to, I redirect if someone clicks the link that leads directly to my site. (needs improvement if more site locations are added 😉).
// redirect to post in certain location
if (route.query.to !== undefined) {
const toPost = route.query.to.split(",");
const index = locale.value === "pt-BR" ? 0 : 1;
await navigateTo(`/blog/${toPost[index]}`);
I filtered the tags to show them in their respective location:
const tags = computed(() => {
const tagCounts = {};
props.posts?.forEach((post) => {
const lang = post.canonical_url.split("/")[3];
post.tag_list.forEach((tag) => {
const key = tag + ":" + lang;
if (tagCounts[key]) {
} else {
tagCounts[key] = 1;
const output = [];
for (const tagLang in tagCounts) {
const key = tagLang.split(":");
output.push({ name: key[0], quantity: tagCounts[tagLang], lang: key[1] });
output.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
return output;
and I also added a filter for tags that are selected and become query parameters:
// v-if
tag.lang === $i18n.locale;
// nuxtLink to
route.fullPath.includes(tag.name) ? 'blog' : 'blog?tag=' + tag.name
Create the structure of the blog post page:
To get the post content, it's necessary to query the API specifically for that particular post. I used the post's slug along with my username as query parameters in the API. The post content is provided in the "body_html" field, maintaining the CSS classes from the dev.to site. To ensure proper post viewing, I copied part of the CSS from the site that makes sense. I recommend avoiding the use of the v-html directive as it is sensitive to XSS attacks (Cross-Site Scripting). (I hope dev.to doesn't transmit malicious scripts that can be executed on users' sites).
const { data: post, pending } = await useFetch(
"https://dev.to/api/articles/lfxa/" + slug,
Additionally, if there's a language change on the page, I make a new call for the same post in the other language:
onBeforeRouteLeave(async (to, from, next) => {
if (
post.value &&
to.fullPath.split("/").pop() === from.fullPath.split("/").pop()
) {
const last = post.value.canonical_url.split("/").pop();
const toPost = last.replace("blog?to=", "").split(",");
const index = locale.value === "pt-BR" ? 0 : 1;
await next(`/${locale.value}/blog/${toPost[index]}`);
If you're interested, you can see the source code on GitHub here.
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In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
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