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Review of state management in React: kinds of lightweight trials - MobX, Zustand, Jotai and Valtio

After reviewing reducer-like solutions and facebook's experiment, continuing to answer the question #1 in the initial article , How good are today's widely-accepted libraries of state management in React?, I would look into kinds of lightweight trials of state management in React by this article, which includes the direct competitor of Redux - MobX, and some popular rising stars - Zustand, Jotai and Valtio.

As mentioned previously, with the example of the composite clock built with MVC pattern from the initial article as a baseline, for each lightweight trial, I would rebuild the same example module with it and review how good it is in comparison with the baseline.

Table of contents

Lightweight trials

By lightweight trials of state management, I mean those solutions that do state management in more straightforward ways unlike Redux family that involves multiple separate parts for state management. Intuitively, a more straightforward solution can result in lower overall cost of development but it may bring trouble in certain cases. Though, it's worth figuring out what the straightforwardness of each widely-accepted lightweight trials would really end up with.

Recalling the example module

Before that, let me recall the requirement of the example module a bit in case a reader might not have time to fully read the previous articles. If the previous articles have been read, this section can be skipped:

Demonstration of the composite clock

A composite clock is an interactive module that has 2 components, an analogue clock and a digital clock. The 2 child clocks always tick synchronously and can be set to new time by users. The analogue one can have its minute hand dragged. The digital one can have its text edited.

Although it's doable to use single big shared state for this example module, it's not always a good idea to use single big shared state for a real-world app because it brings poor maintainability of quality attributes(ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001). So, to closely emulate real-world situations, multiple related states are used here.

Then, there would be 3 related states seperately for the analogue clock, the digital clock and time itself. The state of time keeps a timestamp for the whole module. The states of the child clocks derive display data from the timestamp and accept user input data for setting the timestamp.

Relation of the 3 states

Example module built with MobX

Firstly, I would look into MobX. Again, create-react-app is used to initialize the React app. The option --template typescript is used to enable TypeScript:

$ npx create-react-app 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/8baa6b2 --template typescript
# ...
$ cd 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/8baa6b2

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The version of CRA in use is 5.0.1 and the generated directory structure looks as follows:

$ tree -I node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── logo192.png
│   ├── logo512.png
│   ├── manifest.json
│   └── robots.txt
├── src
│   ├── App.css
│   ├── App.test.tsx
│   ├── App.tsx
│   ├── index.css
│   ├── index.tsx
│   ├── logo.svg
│   ├── react-app-env.d.ts
│   ├── reportWebVitals.ts
│   └── setupTests.ts
└── tsconfig.json

2 directories, 19 files

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, src/App.tsx is cleared for later use:

// 8baa6b2/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';

const App: FC = () => {
  return null;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Following files are unused so removed:

$ rm src/App.css src/App.test.tsx src/logo.svg

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Also, to help with time parsing and formating, date-fns is installed:

$ npm i date-fns

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, to use MobX, mobx and mobx-react-lite are installed:

$ npm i mobx mobx-react-lite

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The example module, the composite clock, would be all placed in src/CompositeClock. To match the 3 requried states, there would be 3 stores, TimeStore.ts, AnalogueStore.ts and DigitalStore.ts. In MobX, a store hosts properties of a state, the derived data, the methods of states changing as well as the references to other stores.

And for view components, there are AnalogueView.ts for the analogue clock, DigitalView.ts for the digital clock, and CompositeView.ts as a glue. Besides, a React context that provides the stores is needed so stores can be initialized and accessed.

Relation of parts in the composite clock built with MobX

The 3 stores are coded as follows:

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/TimeStore.ts
import { makeAutoObservable } from 'mobx';

export class TimeStore {
  timestamp: number;

  constructor(timestamp?: number) {
    this.timestamp = timestamp ??;

  changeTimestamp = (timestamp: number): void => {
    this.timestamp = timestamp;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueStore.ts
import { makeAutoObservable } from 'mobx';
import { TimeStore } from './TimeStore';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

export interface AnalogueAngles {
  hour: number;
  minute: number;
  second: number;

export class AnalogueStore {
  private timeStore: TimeStore;

  isEditMode: boolean;
  editModeAngles: AnalogueAngles;

  get displayAngles(): AnalogueAngles {
    const d = new Date(this.timeStore.timestamp);
    return {
      hour: ((d.getHours() % 12) / 12) * TWO_PI + (d.getMinutes() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 12),
      minute: (d.getMinutes() / 60) * TWO_PI + (d.getSeconds() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 60),
      second: (d.getSeconds() / 60) * TWO_PI,

  constructor(timeStore: TimeStore) {
    this.timeStore = timeStore;
    this.isEditMode = false;
    this.editModeAngles = this.displayAngles;

  enterEditMode = (): void => {
    if (this.isEditMode) return;
    this.isEditMode = true;
    this.editModeAngles = this.displayAngles;

  exitEditMode = (submit: boolean = true): void => {
    if (!this.isEditMode) return;
    this.isEditMode = false;
    if (submit) {
      const d = new Date(this.timeStore.timestamp);
        Math.floor((this.editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) + 12 * Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12)
      d.setMinutes((this.editModeAngles.minute / TWO_PI) * 60);
      d.setSeconds((this.editModeAngles.second / TWO_PI) * 60);

  changeEditModeMinuteAngle = (minuteAngle: number): void => {
    this.editModeAngles.minute = (minuteAngle + TWO_PI) % TWO_PI;
    this.editModeAngles.hour =
      (Math.floor((this.editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) + minuteAngle / TWO_PI) * (TWO_PI / 12);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/DigitalStore.ts
import { format, isMatch, parse } from 'date-fns';
import { makeAutoObservable } from 'mobx';
import { TimeStore } from './TimeStore';

export class DigitalStore {
  static readonly FORMAT = 'HH:mm:ss';

  private timeStore: TimeStore;

  isEditMode: boolean;
  editModeText: string;

  get displayText(): string {
    return format(this.timeStore.timestamp, DigitalStore.FORMAT);

  get isEditModeTextValid(): boolean {
    return isMatch(this.editModeText, DigitalStore.FORMAT);

  constructor(timeStore: TimeStore) {
    this.timeStore = timeStore;
    this.isEditMode = false;
    this.editModeText = this.displayText;

  enterEditMode = (): void => {
    if (this.isEditMode) return;
    this.isEditMode = true;
    this.editModeText = this.displayText;

  exitEditMode = (submit: boolean = true): void => {
    if (!this.isEditMode) return;
    this.isEditMode = false;
    if (submit && this.isEditModeTextValid) {
        parse(this.editModeText, DigitalStore.FORMAT, this.timeStore.timestamp).getTime()

  changeEditModeText = (editModeText: string): void => {
    this.editModeText = editModeText;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, the stores context is coded as follows:

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/StoresContext.tsx
import { createContext, FC, PropsWithChildren, useContext, useMemo } from 'react';
import { AnalogueStore } from './AnalogueStore';
import { DigitalStore } from './DigitalStore';
import { TimeStore } from './TimeStore';

export interface Stores {
  time: TimeStore;
  analogue: AnalogueStore;
  digital: DigitalStore;

const StoresContext = createContext<Stores | null>(null);

export const StoresProvider: FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {
  const stores: Stores = useMemo(() => {
    const time = new TimeStore();
    const analogue = new AnalogueStore(time);
    const digital = new DigitalStore(time);
    return { time, analogue, digital };
  }, []);
  return <StoresContext.Provider value={stores}>{children}</StoresContext.Provider>;

export function useStores(): Stores {
  const stores = useContext(StoresContext);
  if (!stores) throw new Error('StoresContext not found');
  return stores;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And, the view components are coded as follows:

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.tsx
import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite';
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
import styles from './AnalogueView.module.css';
import { useStores } from './StoresContext';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const AnalogueView: FC<Props> = observer(({ className }) => {
  const {
  } = useStores().analogue;

  const angles = isEditMode ? editModeAngles : displayAngles;

  const calcEditModeMinuteAngle = useCallback(
    (pointX: number, pointY: number): number => {
      const pointLen = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pointX, 2) + Math.pow(pointY, 2));

      const normalizedX = pointX / pointLen;
      const normalizedY = pointY / pointLen;

      const oldX = Math.sin(editModeAngles.minute);
      const oldY = Math.cos(editModeAngles.minute);

      const rawMinuteAngle = Math.acos(normalizedY);

      const minuteAngle =
        normalizedY > 0 && oldY > 0
          ? normalizedX >= 0
            ? oldX < 0
              ? rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
              : rawMinuteAngle
            : oldX >= 0
            ? -rawMinuteAngle
            : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
          : normalizedX >= 0
          ? rawMinuteAngle
          : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI;

      return minuteAngle;

  const onMinuteHandMouseDown = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {

  const onMouseLeave = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), [exitEditMode]);

  const onMouseUp = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), [exitEditMode]);

  const onKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: KeyboardEvent): void => {
      if (isEditMode && e.key === 'Escape') {
    [exitEditMode, isEditMode]

  const onMouseMove = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>): void => {
      if (!isEditMode) return;

      const boundingBox = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
      const originX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;
      const originY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;

      const pointX = e.clientX - originX;
      const pointY = originY - e.clientY;

      changeEditModeMinuteAngle(calcEditModeMinuteAngle(pointX, pointY));
    [calcEditModeMinuteAngle, changeEditModeMinuteAngle, isEditMode]

  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
    return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
  }, [onKeyDown]);

  return (
      className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}
      <div className={styles.axis} />
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.hour}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.hour}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.minute}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.minute}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.second}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.second}rad)` }}

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 12px;
  padding: 8px;
  width: 160px;
  height: 160px;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border: 1px solid black;
  position: relative;

.axis {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  left: 47.5%;
  top: 47.5%;
  width: 5%;
  height: 5%;
  border-radius: 100%;

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  transform-origin: bottom center;

.hand.hour {
  left: 48.5%;
  top: 25%;
  height: 25%;
  width: 3%;

.hand.minute {
  left: 49%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 2%;
  z-index: 10;
  cursor: pointer;

.hand.second {
  left: 49.5%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 1%;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.tsx
import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite';
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { DigitalStore } from './DigitalStore';
import styles from './DigitalView.module.css';
import { useStores } from './StoresContext';

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const DigitalView: FC<Props> = observer(({ className }) => {
  const {
  } = useStores().digital;

  const refEditor = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null);

  const onDisplayClick = enterEditMode;

  const onEditorBlur = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(false), [exitEditMode]);

  const onEditorChange = useCallback(
    (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => changeEditModeText(,

  const onEditorKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
      if (e.key === 'Enter') {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditMode && refEditor.current) {;
  }, [isEditMode]);

  return (
    <div className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}>
      {isEditMode ? (
          {!isEditModeTextValid && (
            <div className={styles.invalidHint}>
              The input time doesn't match the expected format which is '{DigitalStore.FORMAT}'.
      ) : (
        <div onClick={onDisplayClick}>{displayText}</div>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.module.css */
.root {
  border: 1px solid black;
  width: 200px;
  line-height: 30px;
  text-align: center;

.editor {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: inherit;
  padding: 0;
  border: none;
  outline: none;

.invalidHint {
  line-height: 1.2;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.tsx
import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite';
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { AnalogueView } from './AnalogueView';
import styles from './CompositeView.module.css';
import { DigitalView } from './DigitalView';
import { StoresProvider, useStores } from './StoresContext';

export const CompositeView: FC = observer(() => {
  const {
    analogue: { isEditMode: isEditModeInAnalogueClock },
    digital: { isEditMode: isEditModeInDigitalClock },
  } = useStores();
  const { changeTimestamp } = time;

  const calcTimestampCorrection = useCallback(() => time.timestamp -, [time]);

  const refTimeCorrection = useRef<number>(calcTimestampCorrection());

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!isEditModeInAnalogueClock || !isEditModeInDigitalClock) {
      refTimeCorrection.current = calcTimestampCorrection();
  }, [calcTimestampCorrection, isEditModeInAnalogueClock, isEditModeInDigitalClock]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const tickHandler = setInterval(
      () => changeTimestamp( + refTimeCorrection.current),
    return () => clearInterval(tickHandler);
  }, [changeTimestamp]);

  return (
    <div className={styles.root}>
      <AnalogueView />
      <DigitalView />

export const CompositeClock: FC = () => {
  return (
      <CompositeView />

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 16px 8px;
  font-size: 16px;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After that, the composite clock is exported and used in App.tsx:

// 8baa6b2/src/CompositeClock/index.ts
export { CompositeClock } from './CompositeView';

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 8baa6b2/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';
+import { CompositeClock } from './CompositeClock';

const App: FC = () => {
-  return null;
+  return <CompositeClock />;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The example module built with MobX is complete. It can be previewed with the command npm start and its codebase is hosted at review-of-state-management-in-react/04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/8baa6b2.

Review of state management with MobX

In MobX, state-changing logics are defined by store methods. To understand what states a store method changes, what store properties the method changes needs to be tracked out by looking into function bodies of the method and other methods invoked by the method. But, unlike tracking state-changing events in MVC pattern, the tracking work in MobX store methods is as easy as tracking plain functions, which makes states changing in MobX predictable at limited cost. It can be perceived by checking how store methods in TimeStore.ts, AnalogueStore.ts and DigitalStore.ts work. Predictable states changing at limited cost of tracking changed store properties in function bodies of store methods makes up the brightest pro of MobX.

Meanwhile, another major pro of MobX is, all the state-managing logics related to one state can be clearly defined in one model, which makes the app domain clearly split.

But, on the other hand, the biggest con of MobX is, as MobX works very independently from React, a strong understanding of MobX's subscription mechanism is needed so to build the stores context and wrap view components with observer correctly, which takes extra cost of development. It can be seen by checking how StoresContext.tsx, AnalogueView.tsx and DigitalView.tsx are constructed.

To sum up, doing state management with MobX achieves predictable states changing at limited cost of tracking state-changing logics as well as at extra cost of correctly using the subscription mechanism.

Example module built with Zustand

Next, I would take a look at Zustand. Again, the React app is initialized with create-react-app --template typescript, src/App.tsx is cleared for later use, unused files are removed, the package of time helpers is installed:

$ npx create-react-app 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/61afc7d --template typescript
# ...
$ cd 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/61afc7d

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 61afc7d/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';

const App: FC = () => {
  return null;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ rm src/App.css src/App.test.tsx src/logo.svg

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ npm i date-fns

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, to use Zustand, zustand is installed:

$ npm i zustand

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Similarly, the composite clock would be all placed in src/CompositeClock. To match the 3 requried states, there would be 3 stores, TimeStore.ts, AnalogueStore.ts and DigitalStore.ts. In Zustand, a store hosts a state and one-state changing functions to the state. For multi-state changing, hooks using one-state changing functions provided from stores are built. For data deriving, getters on states are built.

And for view components, there are AnalogueView.ts for the analogue clock, DigitalView.ts for the digital clock, and CompositeView.ts as a glue. One tip is, for initial states assigning, it needs to be made using React contexts following the official guide.

Relation of parts in the composite clock built with Zustand

Then, the store for the state of time is coded as follows:

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/TimeStore.tsx
import { createContext, FC, PropsWithChildren, useContext, useRef } from 'react';
import { createStore, useStore } from 'zustand';

export interface TimeState {
  timestamp: number;

export interface TimeActions {
  getTimestamp(): number;
  changeTimestamp(timestamp: number): void;

function createTimeStore(initialState: Partial<TimeState> = {}) {
  return createStore<TimeState & TimeActions>((set, get) => ({
    timestamp: 0,

    getTimestamp() {
      return get().timestamp;

    changeTimestamp(timestamp) {
      set({ timestamp });

const TimeStoreContext = createContext<ReturnType<typeof createTimeStore> | null>(null);

export const TimeStoreProvider: FC<PropsWithChildren & Partial<TimeState>> = ({
}) => {
  const refTimeStore = useRef<ReturnType<typeof createTimeStore>>();
  if (!refTimeStore.current) {
    refTimeStore.current = createTimeStore(initialState);
  return (
    <TimeStoreContext.Provider value={refTimeStore.current}>{children}</TimeStoreContext.Provider>

export function useTimeStore(): TimeState & TimeActions;
export function useTimeStore<T>(selector: (state: TimeState & TimeActions) => T): T;
export function useTimeStore<T>(
  selector?: (state: TimeState & TimeActions) => T
): (TimeState & TimeActions) | T {
  const timeStore = useContext(TimeStoreContext);
  if (!timeStore) throw new Error('TimeStoreContext not found');
  return useStore(timeStore, (state) => (selector ? selector(state) : state));

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And, the stores for the states of the analogue clock and the digital clock are coded as follows:

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueStore.ts
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { create } from 'zustand';
import { TimeState, useTimeStore } from './TimeStore';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

export interface AnalogueAngles {
  hour: number;
  minute: number;
  second: number;

export interface AnalogueState {
  isEditMode: boolean;
  editModeAngles: AnalogueAngles;

export interface AnalogueBasicActions {
  _enterEditMode(editModeAngles: AnalogueAngles): void;
  _exitEditMode(): void;
  changeEditModeMinuteAngle(minuteAngle: number): void;

export const useAnalogueStore = create<AnalogueState & AnalogueBasicActions>((set, get) => ({
  isEditMode: false,
  editModeAngles: { hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 },

  _enterEditMode(editModeAngles) {
    set({ isEditMode: true, editModeAngles });

  _exitEditMode() {
    set({ isEditMode: false });

  changeEditModeMinuteAngle(minuteAngle) {
    const { editModeAngles } = get();
      editModeAngles: {
        minute: (minuteAngle + TWO_PI) % TWO_PI,
          (Math.floor((editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) + minuteAngle / TWO_PI) * (TWO_PI / 12),

export function useEnterEditMode(): () => void {
  const state = useAnalogueStore();
  const timeState = useTimeStore();

  return useCallback(() => {
    const { isEditMode, _enterEditMode } = state;
    const displayAngles = getDisplayAngles(timeState);
    if (isEditMode) return;
  }, [state, timeState]);

export function useExitEditMode(): (submit?: boolean) => void {
  const state = useAnalogueStore();
  const timeState = useTimeStore();

  return useCallback(
    (submit = true) => {
      const { isEditMode, editModeAngles, _exitEditMode } = state;
      const { timestamp, changeTimestamp } = timeState;
      if (!isEditMode) return;
      if (submit) {
        const d = new Date(timestamp);
          Math.floor((editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) + 12 * Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12)
        d.setMinutes((editModeAngles.minute / TWO_PI) * 60);
        d.setSeconds((editModeAngles.second / TWO_PI) * 60);
    [state, timeState]

export function getDisplayAngles(timeState: TimeState): AnalogueAngles {
  const d = new Date(timeState.timestamp);
  return {
    hour: ((d.getHours() % 12) / 12) * TWO_PI + (d.getMinutes() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 12),
    minute: (d.getMinutes() / 60) * TWO_PI + (d.getSeconds() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 60),
    second: (d.getSeconds() / 60) * TWO_PI,

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/DigitalStore.ts
import { format, isMatch, parse } from 'date-fns';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { create } from 'zustand';
import { TimeState, useTimeStore } from './TimeStore';

export interface DigitalState {
  isEditMode: boolean;
  editModeText: string;

export interface DigitalBasicActions {
  _enterEditMode(editModeText: string): void;
  _exitEditMode(): void;
  changeEditModeText(editModeText: string): void;

export const DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT = 'HH:mm:ss';

export const useDigitalStore = create<DigitalState & DigitalBasicActions>((set) => ({
  isEditMode: false,
  editModeText: '',

  _enterEditMode(editModeText) {
    set({ isEditMode: true, editModeText });

  _exitEditMode() {
    set({ isEditMode: false });

  changeEditModeText(editModeText) {
    set({ editModeText });

export function useEnterEditMode(): () => void {
  const state = useDigitalStore();
  const timeState = useTimeStore();

  return useCallback(() => {
    const { isEditMode, _enterEditMode } = state;
    if (isEditMode) return;
  }, [state, timeState]);

export function useExitEditMode(): (submit?: boolean) => void {
  const state = useDigitalStore();
  const timeState = useTimeStore();

  return useCallback(
    (submit = true) => {
      const { isEditMode, editModeText, _exitEditMode } = state;
      const { timestamp, changeTimestamp } = timeState;
      if (!isEditMode) return;
      if (submit && isEditModeTextValid(state)) {
        changeTimestamp(parse(editModeText, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT, timestamp).getTime());
    [state, timeState]

export function isEditModeTextValid(state: DigitalState): boolean {
  return isMatch(state.editModeText, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT);

export function getDisplayText(timeState: TimeState): string {
  return format(timeState.timestamp, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, the view components are coded as follows:

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.tsx
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
import {
} from './AnalogueStore';
import styles from './AnalogueView.module.css';
import { useTimeStore } from './TimeStore';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const AnalogueView: FC<Props> = ({ className }) => {
  const state = useAnalogueStore();
  const { isEditMode, editModeAngles, changeEditModeMinuteAngle } = state;
  const displayAngles = useTimeStore(getDisplayAngles);

  const enterEditMode = useEnterEditMode();
  const exitEditMode = useExitEditMode();

  const angles = isEditMode ? editModeAngles : displayAngles;

  const calcEditModeMinuteAngle = useCallback(
    (pointX: number, pointY: number): number => {
      const pointLen = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pointX, 2) + Math.pow(pointY, 2));

      const normalizedX = pointX / pointLen;
      const normalizedY = pointY / pointLen;

      const oldX = Math.sin(editModeAngles.minute);
      const oldY = Math.cos(editModeAngles.minute);

      const rawMinuteAngle = Math.acos(normalizedY);

      const minuteAngle =
        normalizedY > 0 && oldY > 0
          ? normalizedX >= 0
            ? oldX < 0
              ? rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
              : rawMinuteAngle
            : oldX >= 0
            ? -rawMinuteAngle
            : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
          : normalizedX >= 0
          ? rawMinuteAngle
          : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI;

      return minuteAngle;

  const onMinuteHandMouseDown = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {

  const onMouseLeave = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), [exitEditMode]);

  const onMouseUp = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), [exitEditMode]);

  const onKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: KeyboardEvent): void => {
      if (isEditMode && e.key === 'Escape') {
    [exitEditMode, isEditMode]

  const onMouseMove = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>): void => {
      if (!isEditMode) return;

      const boundingBox = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
      const originX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;
      const originY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;

      const pointX = e.clientX - originX;
      const pointY = originY - e.clientY;

      changeEditModeMinuteAngle(calcEditModeMinuteAngle(pointX, pointY));
    [calcEditModeMinuteAngle, changeEditModeMinuteAngle, isEditMode]

  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
    return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
  }, [onKeyDown]);

  return (
      className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}
      <div className={styles.axis} />
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.hour}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.hour}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.minute}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.minute}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.second}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.second}rad)` }}

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 12px;
  padding: 8px;
  width: 160px;
  height: 160px;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border: 1px solid black;
  position: relative;

.axis {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  left: 47.5%;
  top: 47.5%;
  width: 5%;
  height: 5%;
  border-radius: 100%;

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  transform-origin: bottom center;

.hand.hour {
  left: 48.5%;
  top: 25%;
  height: 25%;
  width: 3%;

.hand.minute {
  left: 49%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 2%;
  z-index: 10;
  cursor: pointer;

.hand.second {
  left: 49.5%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 1%;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.tsx
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import {
} from './DigitalStore';
import styles from './DigitalView.module.css';
import { useTimeStore } from './TimeStore';

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const DigitalView: FC<Props> = ({ className }) => {
  const state = useDigitalStore();
  const { isEditMode, editModeText, changeEditModeText } = state;
  const displayText = useTimeStore(getDisplayText);

  const enterEditMode = useEnterEditMode();
  const exitEditMode = useExitEditMode();

  const refEditor = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null);

  const onDisplayClick = enterEditMode;

  const onEditorBlur = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(false), [exitEditMode]);

  const onEditorChange = useCallback(
    (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => changeEditModeText(,

  const onEditorKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
      if (e.key === 'Enter') {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditMode && refEditor.current) {;
  }, [isEditMode]);

  return (
    <div className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}>
      {isEditMode ? (
          {!isEditModeTextValid(state) && (
            <div className={styles.invalidHint}>
              The input time doesn't match the expected format which is '{DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT}'.
      ) : (
        <div onClick={onDisplayClick}>{displayText}</div>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.module.css */
.root {
  border: 1px solid black;
  width: 200px;
  line-height: 30px;
  text-align: center;

.editor {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: inherit;
  padding: 0;
  border: none;
  outline: none;

.invalidHint {
  line-height: 1.2;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.tsx
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { useAnalogueStore } from './AnalogueStore';
import { AnalogueView } from './AnalogueView';
import styles from './CompositeView.module.css';
import { useDigitalStore } from './DigitalStore';
import { DigitalView } from './DigitalView';
import { TimeStoreProvider, useTimeStore } from './TimeStore';

export const CompositeView: FC = () => {
  const { getTimestamp, changeTimestamp } = useTimeStore(({ getTimestamp, changeTimestamp }) => ({
  const isEditModeInAnalogueClock = useAnalogueStore(({ isEditMode }) => isEditMode);
  const isEditModeInDigitalClock = useDigitalStore(({ isEditMode }) => isEditMode);

  const calcTimestampCorrection = useCallback(() => getTimestamp() -, [getTimestamp]);

  const refTimeCorrection = useRef<number>(calcTimestampCorrection());

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!isEditModeInAnalogueClock || !isEditModeInDigitalClock) {
      refTimeCorrection.current = calcTimestampCorrection();
  }, [calcTimestampCorrection, isEditModeInAnalogueClock, isEditModeInDigitalClock]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const tickHandler = setInterval(
      () => changeTimestamp( + refTimeCorrection.current),
    return () => clearInterval(tickHandler);
  }, [changeTimestamp]);

  return (
    <div className={styles.root}>
      <AnalogueView />
      <DigitalView />

export const CompositeClock: FC = () => {
  return (
    <TimeStoreProvider timestamp={}>
      <CompositeView />

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 16px 8px;
  font-size: 16px;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After that, the composite clock is exported and used in App.tsx:

// 61afc7d/src/CompositeClock/index.ts
export { CompositeClock } from './CompositeView';

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// 61afc7d/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';
+import { CompositeClock } from './CompositeClock';

const App: FC = () => {
-  return null;
+  return <CompositeClock />;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The example module built with Zustand is complete. Its codebase is hosted at review-of-state-management-in-react/04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/61afc7d.

Review of state management with Zustand

In Zustand, one-state changing logics are defined by store functions. As a store function is restricted to changing the one state represented by the store, what one state a store function changes can be clearly understood by only checking what one state the store represents, which makes one-state changing in Zustand predictable without tracking logics in any function bodies. Meanwhile, multi-state changing logics are defined by multi-state changing hooks. Though, to understand what states a multi-state changing hook changes, what store functions the hook invokes needs to be tracked out by looking into function bodies of the hook and other hooks invoked by the hook. But, unlike tracking state-changing events in MVC pattern, the tracking work in Zustand multi-state changing hooks is as easy as tracking plain functions, which makes multi-state changing in Zustand predictable at limited cost. It can be perceived by checking how TimeStore.ts, AnalogueStore.ts and DigitalStore.ts work. Predictable one-state changing at no cost of tracking logics in any function bodies and predictable multi-state changing at limited cost of tracking invoked store functions in function bodies of multi-state changing hooks make up the brightest pro of Zustand.

But, on the other hand, because building and maintaining multi-state changing hooks always involve building and maintaining underlying one-state changing store function, multi-state changing hooks and their underlying stores become high-coupling, which brings difficulties in development, thus overall cost of development becomes high. High coupling between stores and their multi-state changing hooks leads to the biggest con of Zustand.

Besides, a module built with Zustand is actually not completely modularized by default, because when a module gets initialized for multiple instances, these instances are sharing exactly the same states in the app-wide states. To resolve this issue, a stores context that hosts module-wide states needs to be introduced per module, which is costly in Zustand. Incomplete modularization by default is another major con of Zustand.

Besides, a minor con of Zustand is, no strong support is provided for data deriving and initial states assigning, so extra cost of development is needed.

A worth-mentioning tip is, as a store can provide latest-state-accessing function using the get calls, latest states can be accessed in state-changing hooks immediately after a store function is invoked, thus any kinds of state-changing logics can be coded.

To sum up, doing state management with Zustand achieves predictable states changing at limited cost of only tracking multi-state changing logics but at a bit high overall cost of development. Further more, if comparing Zustand with Redux Toolkit(RTK), it's not hard to find that Zustand stores are pretty much like RTK slices, which makes Zustand pretty much like a lightweight verson of RTK.

Example module built with Jotai

Next, let me check out Jotai. Again, the React app is initialized with create-react-app --template typescript, src/App.tsx is cleared for later use, unused files are removed, the package of time helpers is installed:

$ npx create-react-app 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/d6f8289 --template typescript
# ...
$ cd 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/d6f8289

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';

const App: FC = () => {
  return null;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ rm src/App.css src/App.test.tsx src/logo.svg

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ npm i date-fns

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, to use Jotai, jotai is installed:

$ npm i jotai

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Again, the composite clock would be all placed in src/CompositeClock. To match the 3 requried states, there would be 3 groups of atoms and state-changing hooks placed seperately in TimeAtom.ts, AnalogueAtom.ts and DigitalAtom.ts. In Jotai, an atom represents a state or a derived datum, and a state-changing hook is built by using state setting calls to an atom.

And for view components, there are AnalogueView.ts for the analogue clock, DigitalView.ts for the digital clock, and CompositeView.ts as a glue. Besides, Jotai providers need to be initialized but doing it costs little.

Relation of parts in the composite clock built with Jotai

The 3 groups of atom states and state-changing hooks are coded as follows:

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/TimeAtom.ts
import { atom, useSetAtom } from 'jotai';
import { useCallback } from 'react';

export interface TimeState {
  timestamp: number;

export const timeAtom = atom<TimeState>({
  timestamp: 0,

export function useChangeTimestamp(): (timestamp: number) => void {
  const setTime = useSetAtom(timeAtom);
  return useCallback(
    (timestamp) => {
      setTime((state) => ({ ...state, timestamp }));

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueAtom.ts
import { atom, useAtom, useAtomValue, useSetAtom } from 'jotai';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { timeAtom, useChangeTimestamp } from './TimeAtom';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

export interface AnalogueAngles {
  hour: number;
  minute: number;
  second: number;

export interface AnalogueState {
  isEditMode: boolean;
  editModeAngles: AnalogueAngles;

export const analogueAtom = atom<AnalogueState>({
  isEditMode: false,
  editModeAngles: { hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 },

export const displayAnglesAtom = atom<AnalogueAngles>((get) => {
  const d = new Date(get(timeAtom).timestamp);
  return {
    hour: ((d.getHours() % 12) / 12) * TWO_PI + (d.getMinutes() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 12),
    minute: (d.getMinutes() / 60) * TWO_PI + (d.getSeconds() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 60),
    second: (d.getSeconds() / 60) * TWO_PI,

export function useEnterEditMode(): () => void {
  const [analogue, setAnalogue] = useAtom(analogueAtom);
  const displayAngles = useAtomValue(displayAnglesAtom);

  return useCallback(() => {
    if (analogue.isEditMode) return;
    setAnalogue((state) => ({ ...state, isEditMode: true, editModeAngles: displayAngles }));
  }, [analogue, displayAngles, setAnalogue]);

export function useExitEditMode(): (submit?: boolean) => void {
  const [analogue, setAnalogue] = useAtom(analogueAtom);
  const time = useAtomValue(timeAtom);
  const changeTimestamp = useChangeTimestamp();

  return useCallback(
    (submit = true) => {
      if (!analogue.isEditMode) return;
      if (submit) {
        const d = new Date(time.timestamp);
          Math.floor((analogue.editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) +
            12 * Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12)
        d.setMinutes((analogue.editModeAngles.minute / TWO_PI) * 60);
        d.setSeconds((analogue.editModeAngles.second / TWO_PI) * 60);
      setAnalogue((state) => ({ ...state, isEditMode: false }));
    [analogue, changeTimestamp, setAnalogue, time]

export function useChangeEditModeMinuteAngle(): (minuteAngle: number) => void {
  const setAnalogue = useSetAtom(analogueAtom);

  return useCallback(
    (minuteAngle) => {
      setAnalogue((state) => ({
        editModeAngles: {
          minute: (minuteAngle + TWO_PI) % TWO_PI,
            (Math.floor((state.editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) + minuteAngle / TWO_PI) *
            (TWO_PI / 12),

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/DigitalAtom.ts
import { format, isMatch, parse } from 'date-fns';
import { atom, useAtom, useAtomValue, useSetAtom } from 'jotai';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { timeAtom, useChangeTimestamp } from './TimeAtom';

export interface DigitalState {
  isEditMode: boolean;
  editModeText: string;

export const DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT = 'HH:mm:ss';

export const digitalAtom = atom<DigitalState>({
  isEditMode: false,
  editModeText: '',

export const displayTextAtom = atom<string>((get) =>
  format(get(timeAtom).timestamp, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT)

export const isEditModeTextValidAtom = atom<boolean>((get) =>
  isMatch(get(digitalAtom).editModeText, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT)

export function useEnterEditMode(): () => void {
  const [digital, setDigital] = useAtom(digitalAtom);
  const displayText = useAtomValue(displayTextAtom);

  return useCallback(() => {
    if (digital.isEditMode) return;
    setDigital((state) => ({ ...state, isEditMode: true, editModeText: displayText }));
  }, [digital, displayText, setDigital]);

export function useExitEditMode(): (submit?: boolean) => void {
  const [digital, setDigital] = useAtom(digitalAtom);
  const isEditModeTextValid = useAtom(isEditModeTextValidAtom);
  const time = useAtomValue(timeAtom);
  const changeTimestamp = useChangeTimestamp();

  return useCallback(
    (submit = true) => {
      if (!digital.isEditMode) return;
      if (submit && isEditModeTextValid) {
        changeTimestamp(parse(digital.editModeText, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT, time.timestamp).getTime());
      setDigital((state) => ({ ...state, isEditMode: false }));
    [changeTimestamp, digital, isEditModeTextValid, setDigital, time]

export function useChangeEditModeText(): (editModeText: string) => void {
  const setDigital = useSetAtom(digitalAtom);

  return useCallback(
    (editModeText) => {
      setDigital((state) => ({ ...state, editModeText }));

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And, the view components are coded as follows:

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.tsx
import { useAtomValue } from 'jotai';
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
import {
} from './AnalogueAtom';
import styles from './AnalogueView.module.css';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const AnalogueView: FC<Props> = ({ className }) => {
  const { isEditMode, editModeAngles } = useAtomValue(analogueAtom);
  const displayAngles = useAtomValue(displayAnglesAtom);

  const enterEditMode = useEnterEditMode();
  const exitEditMode = useExitEditMode();
  const changeEditModeMinuteAngle = useChangeEditModeMinuteAngle();

  const angles = isEditMode ? editModeAngles : displayAngles;

  const calcEditModeMinuteAngle = useCallback(
    (pointX: number, pointY: number): number => {
      const pointLen = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pointX, 2) + Math.pow(pointY, 2));

      const normalizedX = pointX / pointLen;
      const normalizedY = pointY / pointLen;

      const oldX = Math.sin(editModeAngles.minute);
      const oldY = Math.cos(editModeAngles.minute);

      const rawMinuteAngle = Math.acos(normalizedY);

      const minuteAngle =
        normalizedY > 0 && oldY > 0
          ? normalizedX >= 0
            ? oldX < 0
              ? rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
              : rawMinuteAngle
            : oldX >= 0
            ? -rawMinuteAngle
            : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
          : normalizedX >= 0
          ? rawMinuteAngle
          : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI;

      return minuteAngle;

  const onMinuteHandMouseDown = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {

  const onMouseLeave = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), [exitEditMode]);

  const onMouseUp = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), [exitEditMode]);

  const onKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: KeyboardEvent): void => {
      if (isEditMode && e.key === 'Escape') {
    [isEditMode, exitEditMode]

  const onMouseMove = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>): void => {
      if (!isEditMode) return;

      const boundingBox = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
      const originX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;
      const originY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;

      const pointX = e.clientX - originX;
      const pointY = originY - e.clientY;

      changeEditModeMinuteAngle(calcEditModeMinuteAngle(pointX, pointY));
    [calcEditModeMinuteAngle, changeEditModeMinuteAngle, isEditMode]

  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
    return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
  }, [onKeyDown]);

  return (
      className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}
      <div className={styles.axis} />
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.hour}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.hour}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.minute}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.minute}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.second}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.second}rad)` }}

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 12px;
  padding: 8px;
  width: 160px;
  height: 160px;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border: 1px solid black;
  position: relative;

.axis {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  left: 47.5%;
  top: 47.5%;
  width: 5%;
  height: 5%;
  border-radius: 100%;

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  transform-origin: bottom center;

.hand.hour {
  left: 48.5%;
  top: 25%;
  height: 25%;
  width: 3%;

.hand.minute {
  left: 49%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 2%;
  z-index: 10;
  cursor: pointer;

.hand.second {
  left: 49.5%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 1%;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.tsx
import { useAtomValue } from 'jotai';
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import {
} from './DigitalAtom';
import styles from './DigitalView.module.css';

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const DigitalView: FC<Props> = ({ className }) => {
  const { isEditMode, editModeText } = useAtomValue(digitalAtom);
  const displayText = useAtomValue(displayTextAtom);
  const isEditModeTextValid = useAtomValue(isEditModeTextValidAtom);

  const enterEditMode = useEnterEditMode();
  const exitEditMode = useExitEditMode();
  const changeEditModeText = useChangeEditModeText();

  const refEditor = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null);

  const onDisplayClick = enterEditMode;

  const onEditorBlur = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(false), [exitEditMode]);

  const onEditorChange = useCallback(
    (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => changeEditModeText(,

  const onEditorKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
      if (e.key === 'Enter') {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditMode && refEditor.current) {;
  }, [isEditMode]);

  return (
    <div className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}>
      {isEditMode ? (
          {!isEditModeTextValid && (
            <div className={styles.invalidHint}>
              The input time doesn't match the expected format which is '{DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT}'.
      ) : (
        <div onClick={onDisplayClick}>{displayText}</div>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.module.css */
.root {
  border: 1px solid black;
  width: 200px;
  line-height: 30px;
  text-align: center;

.editor {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: inherit;
  padding: 0;
  border: none;
  outline: none;

.invalidHint {
  line-height: 1.2;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.tsx
import { useAtomValue, useStore } from 'jotai';
import { useHydrateAtoms } from 'jotai/utils';
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { analogueAtom } from './AnalogueAtom';
import { AnalogueView } from './AnalogueView';
import styles from './CompositeView.module.css';
import { digitalAtom } from './DigitalAtom';
import { DigitalView } from './DigitalView';
import { timeAtom, useChangeTimestamp } from './TimeAtom';

export const CompositeView: FC = () => {
  useHydrateAtoms([[timeAtom, { timestamp: }] as const]);

  const store = useStore();
  const { isEditMode: isEditModeInAnalogueClock } = useAtomValue(analogueAtom);
  const { isEditMode: isEditModeInDigitalClock } = useAtomValue(digitalAtom);

  const changeTimestamp = useChangeTimestamp();

  const calcTimestampCorrection = useCallback(() => {
    return store.get(timeAtom).timestamp -;
  }, [store]);

  const refTimeCorrection = useRef<number>(calcTimestampCorrection());

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!isEditModeInAnalogueClock || !isEditModeInDigitalClock) {
      refTimeCorrection.current = calcTimestampCorrection();
  }, [calcTimestampCorrection, isEditModeInAnalogueClock, isEditModeInDigitalClock]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const tickHandler = setInterval(
      () => changeTimestamp( + refTimeCorrection.current),
    return () => clearInterval(tickHandler);
  }, [changeTimestamp]);

  return (
    <div className={styles.root}>
      <AnalogueView />
      <DigitalView />

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 16px 8px;
  font-size: 16px;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After that, Jotai providers are initialized per app for app-wide states and per module for module-wide states:

// d6f8289/src/index.tsx
import { Provider } from 'jotai';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';
import './index.css';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement);
      <App />

// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function
// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))
// or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.tsx
-import { useAtomValue, useStore } from 'jotai';
+import { Provider, useAtomValue, useStore } from 'jotai';


+export const CompositeClock: FC = () => {
+  return (
+    <Provider>
+      <CompositeView />
+    </Provider>
+  );

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, the composite clock is exported and used in App.tsx:

// d6f8289/src/CompositeClock/index.ts
export { CompositeClock } from './CompositeView';

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';
+import { CompositeClock } from './CompositeClock';

const App: FC = () => {
-  return null;
+  return <CompositeClock />;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The example module built with Jotai is complete. Its codebase is hosted at review-of-state-management-in-react/04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/d6f8289.

Review of state management with Jotai

In Jotai, state-changing logics are defined by state-changing hooks. To understand what states a state-changing hook changes, what state setting calls the hook invokes needs to be tracked out by looking into function bodies of the hook and other hooks invoked by the hook. But, unlike tracking state-changing events in MVC pattern, the tracking work in Jotai state-changing hooks is as easy as tracking plain functions, which makes states changing in Jotai predictable at limited cost. It can be perceived by checking how state-changing hooks TimeAtom.ts, AnalogueAtom.ts and DigitalAtom.ts work. Predictable states changing at limited cost of tracking invoked set calls in function bodies of state-changing hooks makes up the brightest pro of Jotai.

Besides, as Jotai store providers can be nested easily, module-wide states can be hosted easily in the Jotai store provider of a module while app-wide states are hosted in the Jotai store provider of the app, which makes a module able to be initialized easily for multiple instances with independent states. In the example, the Jotai store provider in src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.tsx hosts the module-wide states and the Jotai store provider in src/index.tsx hosts the app-wide states. Nestability of Jotai store providers leads to another major pro of Jotai.

For cons of Jotai, I don't think there is a noticeable one. Perhaps, one con is, the brightest pro of Jotai is not strong enough.

To sum up, doing state management with Jotai achieves predictable states changing at limited cost of tracking state-changing logics. By the way, if comparing Jotai with Recoil, it's easy to find that Jotai atoms are pretty much like Recoil atoms or selectors, which makes Jotai pretty much like a lightweight verson of Recoil.

Example module built with Valtio

Lastly, I would visit Valtio. Again, the React app is initialized with create-react-app --template typescript, src/App.tsx is cleared for later use, unused files are removed, the package of time helpers is installed:

$ npx create-react-app 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/f8e6217 --template typescript
# ...
$ cd 04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/f8e6217

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// f8e6217/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';

const App: FC = () => {
  return null;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ rm src/App.css src/App.test.tsx src/logo.svg

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ npm i date-fns

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, to use Valtio, valtio is installed:

$ npm i valtio

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The example module, the composite clock, would be all placed in src/CompositeClock, too. To match the 3 requried states, there would be 3 groups of state proxies, deriving proxies and state-changing functions placed seperately in TimeState.ts, AnalogueState.ts and DigitalState.ts. In Valtio, a state proxy in Valtio hosts a state as well as derived data from the state itself, and a deriving proxy hosts a derived datum from any states.

And for view components, there are AnalogueView.ts for the analogue clock, DigitalView.ts for the digital clock, and CompositeView.ts as a glue. Besides, some helper is built for initial states assigning.

Relation of parts in the composite clock built with Valtio

The 3 groups of state proxies, deriving proxies and state-changing functions are coded as follows:

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/TimeState.ts
import { useInsertionEffect } from 'react';
import { proxy } from 'valtio';

export const timeState = proxy({
  timestamp: 0,

export function changeTimestamp(timestamp: number): void {
  timeState.timestamp = timestamp;

export function useHydrateTimeState(initialState: Partial<typeof timeState> = {}): void {
  useInsertionEffect(() => {
    Object.assign(timeState, initialState);
  }, []);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/DigitalState.ts
import { format, isMatch, parse } from 'date-fns';
import { proxy } from 'valtio';
import { derive } from 'valtio/utils';
import { changeTimestamp, timeState } from './TimeState';

export const DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT = 'HH:mm:ss';

export const digitalState = proxy({
  isEditMode: false,
  editModeText: '',
  get isEditModeTextValid() {
    return isMatch(this.editModeText, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT);

export const digitalDerived = derive({
  displayText: (get) => format(get(timeState).timestamp, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT),

export function enterEditMode(): void {
  if (digitalState.isEditMode) return;
  digitalState.isEditMode = true;
  digitalState.editModeText = digitalDerived.displayText;

export function exitEditMode(submit: boolean = true): void {
  if (!digitalState.isEditMode) return;
  digitalState.isEditMode = false;
  if (submit && digitalState.isEditModeTextValid) {
      parse(digitalState.editModeText, DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT, timeState.timestamp).getTime()

export function changeEditModeText(editModeText: string): void {
  digitalState.editModeText = editModeText;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueState.ts
import { proxy } from 'valtio';
import { derive } from 'valtio/utils';
import { changeTimestamp, timeState } from './TimeState';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

export interface AnalogueAngles {
  hour: number;
  minute: number;
  second: number;

export const analogueState = proxy({
  isEditMode: false,
  editModeAngles: { hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 } as AnalogueAngles,

export const analogueDerived = derive({
  displayAngles: (get) => {
    const d = new Date(get(timeState).timestamp);
    return {
      hour: ((d.getHours() % 12) / 12) * TWO_PI + (d.getMinutes() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 12),
      minute: (d.getMinutes() / 60) * TWO_PI + (d.getSeconds() / 60) * (TWO_PI / 60),
      second: (d.getSeconds() / 60) * TWO_PI,

export function enterEditMode(): void {
  if (analogueState.isEditMode) return;
  analogueState.isEditMode = true;
  analogueState.editModeAngles = analogueDerived.displayAngles;

export function exitEditMode(submit: boolean = true): void {
  if (!analogueState.isEditMode) return;
  analogueState.isEditMode = false;
  if (submit) {
    const d = new Date(timeState.timestamp);
      Math.floor((analogueState.editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) +
        12 * Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12)
    d.setMinutes((analogueState.editModeAngles.minute / TWO_PI) * 60);
    d.setSeconds((analogueState.editModeAngles.second / TWO_PI) * 60);

export function changeEditModeMinuteAngle(minuteAngle: number): void {
  analogueState.editModeAngles.minute = (minuteAngle + TWO_PI) % TWO_PI;
  analogueState.editModeAngles.hour =
    (Math.floor((analogueState.editModeAngles.hour / TWO_PI) * 12) + minuteAngle / TWO_PI) *
    (TWO_PI / 12);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And, the view components are coded as follows:

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.tsx
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio';
import {
} from './AnalogueState';
import styles from './AnalogueView.module.css';

const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const AnalogueView: FC<Props> = ({ className }) => {
  const { isEditMode, editModeAngles } = useSnapshot(analogueState);
  const { displayAngles } = useSnapshot(analogueDerived);

  const angles = isEditMode ? editModeAngles : displayAngles;

  const calcEditModeMinuteAngle = useCallback(
    (pointX: number, pointY: number): number => {
      const pointLen = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pointX, 2) + Math.pow(pointY, 2));

      const normalizedX = pointX / pointLen;
      const normalizedY = pointY / pointLen;

      const oldX = Math.sin(editModeAngles.minute);
      const oldY = Math.cos(editModeAngles.minute);

      const rawMinuteAngle = Math.acos(normalizedY);

      const minuteAngle =
        normalizedY > 0 && oldY > 0
          ? normalizedX >= 0
            ? oldX < 0
              ? rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
              : rawMinuteAngle
            : oldX >= 0
            ? -rawMinuteAngle
            : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI
          : normalizedX >= 0
          ? rawMinuteAngle
          : -rawMinuteAngle + TWO_PI;

      return minuteAngle;

  const onMinuteHandMouseDown = useCallback((e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
  }, []);

  const onMouseLeave = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), []);

  const onMouseUp = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(), []);

  const onKeyDown = useCallback(
    (e: KeyboardEvent): void => {
      if (isEditMode && e.key === 'Escape') {

  const onMouseMove = useCallback(
    (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>): void => {
      if (!isEditMode) return;

      const boundingBox = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
      const originX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;
      const originY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;

      const pointX = e.clientX - originX;
      const pointY = originY - e.clientY;

      changeEditModeMinuteAngle(calcEditModeMinuteAngle(pointX, pointY));
    [calcEditModeMinuteAngle, isEditMode]

  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
    return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
  }, [onKeyDown]);

  return (
      className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}
      <div className={styles.axis} />
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.hour}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.hour}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.minute}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.minute}rad)` }}
        className={`${styles.hand} ${styles.second}`}
        style={{ transform: `rotateZ(${angles.second}rad)` }}

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/AnalogueView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 12px;
  padding: 8px;
  width: 160px;
  height: 160px;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border: 1px solid black;
  position: relative;

.axis {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  left: 47.5%;
  top: 47.5%;
  width: 5%;
  height: 5%;
  border-radius: 100%;

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: black;
  transform-origin: bottom center;

.hand.hour {
  left: 48.5%;
  top: 25%;
  height: 25%;
  width: 3%;

.hand.minute {
  left: 49%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 2%;
  z-index: 10;
  cursor: pointer;

.hand.second {
  left: 49.5%;
  top: 10%;
  height: 40%;
  width: 1%;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.tsx
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio';
import {
} from './DigitalState';
import styles from './DigitalView.module.css';

interface Props {
  className?: string;

export const DigitalView: FC<Props> = ({ className }) => {
  const { isEditMode, editModeText, isEditModeTextValid } = useSnapshot(digitalState, {
    sync: true,
  const { displayText } = useSnapshot(digitalDerived);

  const refEditor = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null);

  const onDisplayClick = enterEditMode;

  const onEditorBlur = useCallback(() => exitEditMode(false), []);

  const onEditorChange = useCallback(
    (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => changeEditModeText(,

  const onEditorKeyDown = useCallback((e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditMode && refEditor.current) {;
  }, [isEditMode]);

  return (
    <div className={`${className ?? ''} ${styles.root} ${isEditMode ? styles.editMode : ''}`}>
      {isEditMode ? (
          {!isEditModeTextValid && (
            <div className={styles.invalidHint}>
              The input time doesn't match the expected format which is '{DIGITAL_TEXT_FORMAT}'.
      ) : (
        <div onClick={onDisplayClick}>{displayText}</div>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/DigitalView.module.css */
.root {
  border: 1px solid black;
  width: 200px;
  line-height: 30px;
  text-align: center;

.editor {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: inherit;
  padding: 0;
  border: none;
  outline: none;

.invalidHint {
  line-height: 1.2;

.editMode.root {
  outline: 2px solid skyblue;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.tsx
import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio';
import { analogueState } from './AnalogueState';
import { AnalogueView } from './AnalogueView';
import styles from './CompositeView.module.css';
import { digitalState } from './DigitalState';
import { DigitalView } from './DigitalView';
import { changeTimestamp, timeState, useHydrateTimeState } from './TimeState';

export const CompositeView: FC = () => {
  useHydrateTimeState({ timestamp: });

  const { isEditMode: isEditModeInAnalogueClock } = useSnapshot(analogueState);
  const { isEditMode: isEditModeInDigitalClock } = useSnapshot(digitalState);

  const calcTimestampCorrection = useCallback(() => timeState.timestamp -, []);

  const refTimeCorrection = useRef<number>(calcTimestampCorrection());

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!isEditModeInAnalogueClock || !isEditModeInDigitalClock) {
      refTimeCorrection.current = calcTimestampCorrection();
  }, [calcTimestampCorrection, isEditModeInAnalogueClock, isEditModeInDigitalClock]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const tickHandler = setInterval(
      () => changeTimestamp( + refTimeCorrection.current),
    return () => clearInterval(tickHandler);
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className={styles.root}>
      <AnalogueView />
      <DigitalView />

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

/* f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/CompositeView.module.css */
.root {
  margin: 16px 8px;
  font-size: 16px;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, the composite clock is exported and used in App.tsx:

// f8e6217/src/CompositeClock/index.ts
export { CompositeView as CompositeClock } from './CompositeView';

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// d6f8289/src/App.tsx
import { FC } from 'react';
+import { CompositeClock } from './CompositeClock';

const App: FC = () => {
-  return null;
+  return <CompositeClock />;

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The example module built with Valtio is complete. Its codebase is hosted at review-of-state-management-in-react/04-kinds-of-lightweight-trials-mobx-zustand-jotai-and-valtio/f8e6217.

Review of state management with Valtio

In Valtio, state-changing logics are defined by state-changing functions. To understand what states a state-changing function changes, what state proxies the function changes needs to be tracked out by looking into function bodies of the function and other functions invoked by the function. But, unlike tracking state-changing events in MVC pattern, the tracking work in Valtio state-changing functions is as easy as tracking plain functions, which makes states changing in Valtio predictable at limited cost. It can be perceived by checking how TimeState.ts, AnalogueState.ts and DigitalState.ts work. Predictable states changing at limited cost of tracking changed state proxies in function bodies of state-changing hooks makes up the brightest pro of Valtio.

But, on the other hand, a module built with Valtio is actually not completely modularized by default, because when a module gets initialized for multiple instances, these instances are sharing exactly the same app-wide states. To resolve this issue, state proxies need to be hosted in React contexts and state-changing functions need to be returned from hooks, which is costly in Valtio. Incomplete modularization by default leads to the biggest con of Valtio.

Besides, a minor con of Valtio is, no strong support is provided for initial states assigning, so extra cost of development is needed.

To sum up, doing state management with Valtio achieves predictable states changing at limited cost of tracking state-changing logics as well as at extra cost of resolving incomplete modularization. Also, if comparing Valtio with MobX, it's easy to find that Valtio state proxies and state-changing functions are pretty much like MobX stores, which makes Valtio pretty much like a lightweight verson of MobX.

Summary for lightweight trials

After reviewing the 4 lightweight trials of state management, MobX, Zustand, Jotai and Valtio, the most insightful finding can be, they actually work no worse than reducer-like solutions and at no less cost of development. Because what states state-changing logics change can all be known at limited cost, they all achieve predictable states changing at limited cost. But, because of their different preferences, they result in extra cost of development on differently. In addition, because latest states can be accessed immediately after some states are changed, they have no inability in any kind of state-changing logics.

Then, another interesting insight is, Zustand is designed like a lightweight version of RTK, Jotai is designed like a lightweight version of Recoil, Valtio is designed like a lightweight version of MobX. I mention this because noticing this might help user devs have a more comprehensive understanding on these libraries, but I can't tell whether the authors designed them in these ways on purpose or by accident.

What's next

By far, as widely-accepted libraries of state management including reducer-like solutions, facebook's experiment, and lightweight trials have been reviewed, I think the question #1 in the initial article is answered well enough. Then, in the next article, I would make an overall summary and look into the question #2 in the initial article, What does a better library of state management in React look like?.

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