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Netlify vs Vercel - 2024 Free Hosting Face-Off

Netlify and Vercel, both powerhouses in the realm of serverless deployment, offer developers swift and efficient solutions for deploying Jamstack applications. With parallel feature sets, the decision between the two may seem challenging. Let's take a look at the differences.

Exploring Jamstack: A Swift Overview

Jamstack, a revolutionary approach to web development, guarantees high speed and robust security through its decoupled architecture. This methodology ensures the independence of the front-end from the content management system (CMS), often hosted separately.

At the heart of Jamstack lies the principle of pre-rendering all content at build time, eliminating the need for resource-intensive server-side calculations during user requests. Unlike dynamic server-side rendering, Jamstack empowers you to deploy your static site on a content delivery network (CDN), ensuring rapid loading times.

While the term "serverless platforms" has gained buzz, it doesn't imply a lack of servers. Jamstack sites require servers to host HTML, and that's where a Jamstack hosting platform plays a crucial role.

Why Opt for a Jamstack Hosting Platform?

While hosting directly in an AWS elastic container is an option, Jamstack providers save time and money by managing infrastructure for you. Here's a glimpse of what to expect:

  1. Automated Builds: Code changes trigger automatic builds upon each commit or pull request.
  2. Continuous Deployment: Code changes are built and deployed instantly, with no human intervention.
  3. Site Previews: Unique URLs enable developers to preview changes for quality assurance.
  4. Atomic Deployments: Seamless background updates ensure zero downtime for your website.
  5. Easy Rollbacks: Effortlessly deploy previous builds to address any bugs or issues.
  6. Notifications: Receive timely alerts for CI/CD events via email or Slack.
  7. CDN: Your website's copy resides on a distributed server network for lightning-fast delivery.

With this understanding of Jamstack hosting platforms, let's delve into the Vercel vs. Netlify comparison, exploring their identities, goals, and unique offerings.

Build + Edge is 🔥

At the core of both Netlify and Vercel lies the potent build + Edge stack. Trigger a build step through Git or manual uploads, and witness your application seamlessly deployed to Netlify or Vercel's Edge Network, ensuring a rapid user experience. Whether you lean towards the dynamic capabilities of Next.js, the elegance of Tailwind CSS, the versatility of Jamstack, the innovation of Astro, or the transformative power of Gatsby, both platforms promise a compelling future for web development.


For Netlify, creating serverless functions involves setting up a functions directory, supporting AWS Lambda handlers in JavaScript or Go. Routing is handled based on the directory structure.


Vercel adopts a similar approach, utilizing an api directory for serverless functions. It takes the lead with added support for Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and Go. Vercel also offers a custom Express.js-like (req, res) => {...} format for JavaScript functions and optional Edge caching for responses.

Bonus Fact ✨

Netlify, founded in 2014, has established itself as a go-to platform, hosting over 1 million developers' sites, while Vercel, a newer entrant founded in 2015, has gained traction with its focus on performance and scalability.

Server Overview:

  1. Serverless Functions - While static sites are a breeze to deploy, most applications require a backend. Both Netlify and Vercel address this need by offering serverless functions via AWS Lambda.
  2. Server Side Rendering (SSR) - In the realm of SSR, Vercel emerges as the victor, offering the capability to deploy server-side rendered Next.js applications within minutes, a feat not as feasible with Netlify.
  3. Authentication - Netlify integrates a built-in authentication platform based on the GoTrue API, offering an easy setup. In contrast, Vercel requires an alternative method for authentication setup.
  4. Backend for Static Sites - Netlify shines in enhancing static sites with features like Netlify Forms, Analytics, and Split Testing, providing common functionality additions without the need for an extensive backend setup.

Bonus Fact ✨

Netlify's all-in-one approach streamlines the development process, making it an attractive choice for those seeking simplicity. Vercel, while equally capable, leans towards giving developers more control over their backend choices.

What to expect:

Pricing both platforms offer generous free plans, and a quick comparison reveals some distinctions:

  1. Build - Vercel takes the lead with a soft limit of 100 build hours/month for free and 400 with the Pro plan, compared to Netlify's 300 build minutes/month free and $7/500 minutes thereafter.
  2. Edge - Both Netlify and Vercel provide 100GB of free bandwidth (soft limit for Vercel). Netlify sells additional bandwidth at $20/100, while Vercel includes 1 TB with the Pro plan.
  3. Serverless Functions - Netlify bills based on invocations, offering 125k free and charging "$25+ when exceeded." Vercel bills based on GB-hours, providing 100GB-hours free and 1000GB-hours with the Pro plan.
  4. Netlify Forms, Identity, and Analytics - Netlify Forms grant 100 free submissions and cost "$19+ when exceeded." Identity offers 1000 free monthly active users, with a charge of $99 when exceeded. Analytics incurs a flat rate of $9/month.

Bonus Fact ✨

The competition between Netlify and Vercel has fostered innovation, pushing both platforms to continually enhance their features and services, benefiting the entire developer community.


Netlify and Vercel, seemingly identical at first glance, diverge in their focus. Netlify excels in client-side, static applications, while Vercel simplifies back-end work. If you're crafting a static site, Netlify emerges as the clear choice. However, for those seeking more server-side functionality and willing to invest a little time, Vercel stands out as the preferred option. The decision ultimately hinges on your project's specific needs and your development preferences. Choose wisely, and happy deploying ✨

Ready to elevate your web projects? Test the power of Netlify or Vercel by selecting a sleek theme or template featured in my latest article. Find inspiration and boost your development experience! 🚀

Top comments (8)

devluc profile image

Great article Travis. Offtopic: I couldn't find any contact means besides the form on your website. I've sent you a message through it. Did you get it? Asking because I got an error after Submit when I was redirected to the Thank You For Your Message page there.

lilxyzz profile image

Cheers Lucian, I sent you a message on My contact form has a known issue which I plan to fix when I have a moment.

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

I am using Netlify for my Nuxt deployments and I am very happy with that. So far, their free tier fulfills my needs.

lilxyzz profile image

Great to hear that you're enjoying Netlify for your deployments, Alois! It's indeed a fantastic platform, and their free tier is quite generous. If you ever have any tips or insights from your experience, feel free to share. Happy deploying! ✨

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

There is my commented guide, how I perform deploying

Maybe you can also review and if you see something, I can do better, let me know.

Thread Thread
lilxyzz profile image

Nice documentation, thanks for sharing :)

arthuqa profile image
Art Quant

The last time I signed up for Netlify, I was immediately asked for my card number, with no option to use the free period.

lilxyzz profile image

That's unfortunate to hear. I've never encountered this issue before. I recommend contacting support if you're unable to sign up for a free account. 🍻