Hello! I'm back again, with a new things to share.
For the past week, I'm looking for a simple web app that has this system monitoring (CPU Usage, Memory, Disk, etc.) feature on read-only for Linux.
I found one Webmin, it has a cool dashboard though! The thing is, you need to be careful using this tool since it will expose a lot of things on the server or machine that you installed it on.
Here are the reasons why I'm not inclined to use Webmin on the servers that I'm working on:
Yes, there are many ways to make it as secured though, I'm still in doubt with it because even you delete the root user that has access for everything, it will still have these features that modify the server since all I want is a dashboard for system monitoring.
The dashboard for the system monitoring is only available for that server, meaning if you have cluster of servers you'll need to check it one by one to get the info you want.
That being said, I came up with this thing named TailStat. The current goal features for this right now are:
- Super lightweight dashboard for system monitoring
- Fully read-only access
- To support multiple server monitoring (WIP)
I'm hoping that this will also help others who have been searching for the same features that I have mention.
This is open for any contribution and I prepared some straight forward instruction how to get started with it, though I know it is not that thorough that it should be.
Thanks for reading this one.
Happy crafting ๐!
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