Hey Flutter enthusiasts!
Ever worry about missing key Flutter updates? Well, worry no more!
Starting 2024, I'm here to keep you informed with a weekly Monday report. Let's stay ahead in the world of Flutter!
Table of Contents
Mayor Flutter updates:
There are no mayor flutter updates this week!
-> Currently Flutter Version Google I/O 3.22
New Flutter Videos:
The Flutter YouTube Channel did post new Videos:
#Flutter, #TechniqueOfTheWeek
New Flutter-Packages
langchain_gigachat (Version 0.1.2)
LangChain.dart unofficial integration module for SBER AI (GigaChat, GigaChat Pro)
dartutilities (Version 1.0.3)
A simple library that contains all utilities that you want
#Packages that depend on dartutilities
device_preview_plus (Version 2.0.0)
Approximate how your Flutter app looks and performs on another device
#collection, #device_frame, #flutter, #flutter_localizations, #freezed_annotation, #json_annotation, #provider, #shared_preferences
credit_card_flag_detector (Version 1.0.0+6)
A package that detects credit card types based on the current credit card number patterns
i_toast (Version 0.0.5)
Provides easy-to-use and non-intrusive toast messages with options for customization including duration, position, and appearance.
New Dev-Posts
Custom FlutterFlow authentication using Logto
Palomino for Logto ・ May 30
Web ou App? Qual o melhor para criar em Flutter?
Suami Rocha ・ May 31
création d’application Android et iOS avec Flutter
Media web Services ・ Jun 3
New Medium-Posts
Implementing Lazy Loading in Flutter The Ultimate Performance Hack by Sabin Poudel
Lazy loading in software development refers to the process of deferring the initialization of an object until it is needed. The condition scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent ==…
\Lazy Loading, Flutter, Android App Development
Flutter Dosya Konumu Hatası by Dilan Ilgın Atılgan
Flutter Align Widget by Jaime Alberto Téllez Bohórquez
En esta ocasión veremos un widget que nos permite como su nombre lo indica alinear un widget hijo dentro de un widget padre. Este widget permite poder ubicar el widget hijo en la posición que se…
\Flutter, Learning, Code, Technology
Flutter considerations for writing an App from the scratch by Bernardo Iribarne
After years writing apps, I’ve been building different app templates, I’ve been using different packages, there have been many changes but the considerations haven’t changed in the same scala and…
\Flutter App Development, Flutter, Flutter Widget, Flutter Ui
Streamline Flutter Development with Clean Architecture by Dhaval Kansara
Learn how Clean Architecture can streamline Flutter development for modular maintainable and testable apps with a practical example of a counter app.
\Flutter, Clean Architecture, Architecture, Clean Code, Dart
Last Flutter News: Flutter News 2024 #21 ʚїɞ
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