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How SafeLine's Dynamic Protection Safeguards Your Website

What is SafeLine?

SafeLine is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) developed by Chaitin Technology. It leverages advanced technologies like big data and machine learning to create a network attack detection system. SafeLine continuously monitors and analyzes global threat intelligence, attack data, and vulnerability information in real time. This enables it to quickly identify and detect unknown security threats, accurately determine the type and source of attacks, and promptly issue alerts.

Additionally, SafeLine features a proprietary intelligent defense engine and a user-friendly visual management interface, providing efficient attack prevention and comprehensive security monitoring. This makes it an essential tool for delivering secure and reliable cloud security services to users.

How to Install SafeLine

You can choose the installation method based on your system environment, with support for one-click installation:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSLk"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once the installation is complete, you can access the SafeLine management interface by visiting https://<your-server-ip>:9433.

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To protect a site, simply navigate to Web ServicesAdd Web Service and add the site you wish to secure.

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Experiencing SafeLine's Dynamic Protection

My Blog System (Typecho)

I set up a blog system using Typecho, a lightweight blogging platform.

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Before Enabling Dynamic Protection

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Initially, the web page’s source code was not encrypted, making it vulnerable to attacks.

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The first step in using SafeLine's dynamic protection is to add the resources you want to protect.

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For example, I chose to protect the admin/login.php file. After adding it, simply click "Save" to enable dynamic protection.

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Dynamic Protection Enabled

Once dynamic protection is enabled, the source code of the resources you’ve chosen will be dynamically encrypted. When you access a protected resource, you'll notice a significant difference.

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Before and After Comparison:

  • Before Dynamic Protection: The source code is visible and unprotected.

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  • After Dynamic Protection: The source code is dynamically encrypted, enhancing security.

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Protection Logs

SafeLine’s protection logs provide a clear record of successfully intercepted attacks.
For instance, if a directory scanner attempts to probe your site, SafeLine will effectively block the attempt, and you can see the detailed logs of this activity.

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As network security evolves, SafeLine, the next-generation WAF from Chaitin Technology, uses big data and machine learning to protect users from cyberattacks. It is easy to install, supporting both online and one-click installation methods. With the dynamic protection feature, users can encrypt site resources to enhance security. Additionally, SafeLine offers detailed protection logs, enabling users to monitor and block potential attacks. SafeLine provides comprehensive network security protection and monitoring, ensuring a safer digital environment.

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