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Cover image for πŸŽ‰πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ JavaScript Visualized: Prototypal Inheritance

πŸŽ‰πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ JavaScript Visualized: Prototypal Inheritance

Lydia Hallie on January 03, 2020

Ever wondered why we can use built-in methods such as .length, .split(), .join() on our strings, arrays, or objects? We never explicitly specified ...
mukeshsharma1201 profile image
Mukesh Kumar β€’

You should really make a tutorial for creating these beautiful Gifs as well :)

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’ β€’ Edited

Lmao β€œhi guys welcome to my tutorial today we start off by having caffeine-induced insomnia and getting random ideas for animated gifs using Keynote at 4AM...”. But I may actually totally do it if it can help people :)

iamsahithyan profile image
Sahithyan β€’

yes. please do it. The GIFs are awesome. "Tell us how" in a video.

combizs profile image
combizs β€’

I just auth'd to the community so I can β™₯️ the parent comment and compliment how awesome the GIF is. easy to read, clean transition and carries the point across.

savokiss profile image
savokiss β€’

Please do it!

kp profile image
KP β€’

please do it!

ivopauly profile image
Ivo Pauly β€’

Please do it!

mrmagician profile image
Avnish β€’

Please do it

ejbuggs profile image
EJ-Buggs β€’

please do it! I just created an account just so I could comment, heart, unicorn, and save this for reference. Explaining things in such a visual way in beyond helpful. Thank you.

tenxswej profile image
tenxswej β€’

Hello πŸ‘‹ Could you please tell me which tool did you use to illustrate the codes in this post?? I really need this..

amartya149 profile image
Amartya Aishwarya β€’

Would love to see that tutorial

meeru7 profile image
meeru7 β€’

hi, i am a beginner.
a question: what about Getters and Setters in reference to Constructor functions?
Please refer any resource specific to this.

pflash profile image
Precious adeyinka β€’

Yes please, lydia I was just gonna ask it will mean alot to me, thank you mukesh for asking this question ur great mate!πŸ˜‰

mjmhtjain profile image
mjmhtjain β€’

i second that

draczihper profile image
draczihper β€’

Hey @lydiahallie I'm following up on the making gifs tutorial, did you make it?πŸ˜‚

sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr β€’ β€’ Edited

Prototype, no one really uses it directly but it is one of the main architectural points of the language...

Instead we now have class, because, then we can look more like C# and Java, yay for pointless uniformity!

I wonder how pop JS would have looked today if we didn’t have all the baggage from poorly researched classical languages. :)

jankapunkt profile image
Jan KΓΌster πŸ”₯ β€’

I already mentioned in another discussion that still I wonder why prototypical inheritance is rarely taught at CS or SE classes. It's a very strong paradigm and mostly misused due to misunderstanding.

sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr β€’

Having used JS’s version 10-12’ish years ago days I can definitely understand why.

I had a lot of problems making it have good verbosity, I might give it a go again sometime, back then I was kind of a rookie. :)

That being said, I think it comes down to familiarity, most languages are made to resemble classical OOP and their structures, the commonly accepted truth has been that is was the most optimal way.

But if we look back, most of those features were based on popularity and not research on what would be better to manage state, have high verbosity etc.

Just look at Java literally founded on hype, but I digress, I am seeing a strong pull towards more diverse paradigms, it will be interesting to see were that takes us. :)

mickmister profile image
Michael Kochell β€’

It reminds me of how interpreters evaluate variables through different closures/scopes. If it's not in this scope, let's check the next one, and so on. Once we've checked everything up to global scope and still haven't found the variable, it is considered undefined. Very useful information.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr β€’

Not really, but I can see how you could interpret it like that.

I’m not sure how to help you understand how proper debate is done in this context.

But an accusation without argumentation is a really bad way to start a conversation. :/

Honestly it pissed me off a bit.
But maybe we can turn this around?

Thread Thread
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’

Okay let’s stop this discussion here or continue on hackernews lol

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sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr β€’

Actually yes, you could have asked for sources, and I could have given them.

Instead you decided to attack my intentions, which you have no way of knowing.

Please think about this before you comment more. I’ve given up my initial annoyance/insulted feelings, that was not easy, you clearly have not.

I’m not trying to keep some kind of moral high ground here, but I don’t know were to meet you if you keep this level of unwillingness to have a constructive debate.

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pablorn profile image
Pablo Reyes β€’

In the end you married or no?

Thread Thread
dexygen profile image
George Jempty β€’

Why did you necro this?

vncz profile image
Vincenzo Chianese β€’

It'd probably be a better language.

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨ β€’

You have a true gift for blogging. Keep on writing!

artoodeeto profile image
aRtoo β€’

the GOAT! suggestion for the next topic is this. hehe. thank you for this. :)

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’

Good idea!

ptejada profile image
Pablo Tejada β€’
adriaanbd profile image
Adriaan Beiertz β€’

Excellent articles, excellent visuals. Here's a resource I used to drill this down, with excellent explanations and visuals as well:

focus97 profile image
Michael Lee β€’

Came here with a "yeah, I understand JS prototypes but a visualization could be cool" and then realized how much this exceeded expectations. Great job with not just the explanations but also the animated graphics. Nicely done indeed.

umashankar profile image
umashankar β€’

It was Yesterday, when i was working on project. Inspecting Front-end code with google chrome dev tools and this thought struck my mind who would've written all these codes,where they came from.

And this day i found this article explaining everything very beautifully.
Thank you!

pencillr profile image
Richard Lenkovits β€’

This is awesome. It made me realize again that there are a lot of things I 'just use' without understanding it. Which is bad. :D

ptejada profile image
Pablo Tejada β€’

Good read. All this time I thought of JS prototype as a cool way to add functionality to objects that have already been instantiated. It all makes sense now :)

Seeing how an object is composed from a class was cool too.

perez11abel profile image
perez11abel β€’

The amount of YouTube videos and articles I've read and I could not understand prototypes. I really enjoyed Your article. Everything was super clear and concise and made the most since for me (a beginner.)

nanouchkaya profile image
Claudine β€’

Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial! Well explained. I finally understand what all those _proto_ mean in my console πŸ˜‚

Love your gif, they're very practical for understanding.

bigleegeek1 profile image
bigleegeek1 β€’

Your visual JS posts are the best for newbies as they provide the pertinent info needed!


porobertdev profile image
Robert P. β€’

Thank you Lydia! πŸ™‚

Very good article, easy to follow along and understand. This helped solidifying the knowledge I've previously learned before being linked here, but I've also got a rough idea on classes now. Classes seemed so weird until now πŸ˜‚

Nice gifs too!

I can't wait to read your other articles.

charanweb profile image

Best article with visualize so great.Im a begginer,Classes are very new to me . By reading this article, I understand very clearly.All the concepts are animation.Thank you so much Mam❀️❀️. It helps me a Lot

efti profile image
Nighty Greek β€’

The main reason that i subscribed to this site it was just to write you here a huge Congratulations and Thanks for making so simple the whole concept of Prototyps in JS. Really you gave me a huge boost to keep reading and practising the OOP part of JS that it can be useful for React.
Your series of visualized concepts of JS is a amazing work and a quite productive way to teach very easy complicated -at least for us the beginners- concepts!
Again thank you!

develawyer profile image
Zamir Narro πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ͺ β€’

You made it easy to follow and understand. Thanks Lydia! πŸ€—

alonedatascientist profile image
alonedatascientist β€’

Very helpful. Thank you.

ericwu91 profile image
EricWu91 β€’

Awesome content! I've been constructing objects in Javascript for a while, and never thought about adding methods directly to the prototype to save memory.

Thanks for that! πŸŽ‰

tothricsaj profile image
Richard Toth β€’

Yhea, I am fond of your articles. Could you write one about book recommendation?

gamzerol profile image
Gamze Erol β€’

it was an issue I was working on these days. Thank you, Lydia. With this animations, i completely figure out 🀩

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Wow, these are great!

veebuv profile image
Vaibhav Namburi β€’

Hey @lydia! Just discovered this and your twitter!

Amazing work pushing such excellent content soon after coming out of a bootcamp! Looking forward to all your future content!


mukherjee96 profile image
Aritra Mukherjee β€’

The animated diagrams help a lot! Thanks. ☺

hinasoftwareengineer profile image
Hina-softwareEngineer β€’

Nice effortπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

mrjaypeasmith_36 profile image
Jay β€’

Superb! I'm learning React at the moment and this helped me understand some of the structure of Class based components!

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’ β€’ Edited

That's great! Yeah it's definitely an important thing if you want to understand what's really going on when you're using React.

iggy_code profile image
Ignatius Sani β€’

Informative article

tobiasramzy profile image
Tobias β€’


zafer profile image
Zafer β€’

Excellent! Must have been hard to prepare

vvilliam5 profile image
Williams Oluwafemi β€’ β€’ Edited

Lydia, I really admire how articulate and visual your posts are, great article as usual. Keep up the awesome work :)

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’


ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez β€’

Simply amazing!

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’

Thank you!

gizelads profile image
Gizela Delgado Soto β€’

It is a cool article! And the visuals help a lot! πŸ˜„

tanth1993 profile image
tanth1993 β€’

thank you for your sharing. now I know why we don't need to code: arr.prototype.filter(...), but arr.filter(..).

berns_churches profile image
Berns Fire Death β€’

This rules. The gifs make it exciting and clear to what is happening, your explanations are simple and fun! Thank you!

mohamedhesham1 profile image
Mohamed Hesham β€’

amazing article

phatsss profile image
phatsss β€’

i really love your Gifs lolz

lightningwind profile image
David Islam β€’

Well explained!

prafulla-codes profile image
Prafulla Raichurkar β€’

Wow! This explanation makes it crystal clear

devvsakib profile image
Sakib Ahmed β€’

great!!!!!!!!! describing was easy

dvakatsiienko profile image
Dima Vakatsiienko β€’

Hi! How do you create such a cool looking pictures with diagrams and animations?

dvakatsiienko profile image
Dima Vakatsiienko β€’

how do you create such a cool looking animations and disagrams?

thorondormanwe profile image
Carlos Rangel β€’

I came here guided by the Odin Project, and your explanation is really clear and concise. Thanks :)

dennisrcao profile image
Dennis Cao β€’

wow, thank you for this article, tried many online sources - YT , other articles. this one really fully explained it, really appreciate the gifs as well.

priyadarshu profile image
Priyadarshini Chettiar β€’

Amazing article ❀️

roeyherzel profile image
Roey Herzel β€’

Awesome article! Which node console/repl did you use for the gifs? That object explorer (expand) is super useful

bjw1234 profile image
ZuoZuomu β€’

good job!

paulinegc profile image
Poplingue β€’

Β« Daisy is cute, Jack is fearless Β» but nice article anyway.

rricardocoder profile image
Ricardo el coder β€’

Hi! Awesome article. I had a little question, how do you do that amazing animations?

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez β€’
ruthiel profile image
Ruthiel Trevisan β€’

Thank you so much for this lessons.
The GIF's are amazing and it is easy to understand.

mukeshsharma1201 profile image
Mukesh Kumar β€’

Can you please tell me about Function overloading and overriding in Javascript?

danieltareke profile image
Daniel β€’

great article

juliosaraiva profile image
Julio Saraiva β€’

@theavocoder, In the last example, why me there is a proto if only Functions there is a prototype?

nqaze profile image
Nabil Kazi β€’

Which tool do you use to craft these beautiful code flow and animations? Would love to hear about that.

prabutdr profile image
Prabhakaran β€’

Very good explanation with images, loves it.

pablowbk profile image
Pablo β€’

This was awesome. Recently completed the OOP section on freeCodeCamp and your article helped me cement those concepts

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe β€’

Wow, superbly explained...better than my professors!

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’

Lol thank you!

mbougarne profile image
Mourad Bougarne β€’

It's just a JavaScript there is no magic there, even Prototyping is a JavaScript that helps in extend, add extra custom functionality to an existing object. Am I wrong?

patrykbernasiewicz profile image
Patryk Bernasiewicz β€’

I love how you can make your articles so informative and in the same time, so super-fun to read. All the best to you!

jinglescode profile image
Jingles (Hong Jing) β€’ β€’ Edited

Great article and beautiful graphics to explain concepts! Keep writing more, we will be reading...

rboesp profile image
Robert Boespflug β€’

This is amazing thank you!!

trisha114 profile image
Trisha Aguinaldo β€’

This is such a cool article! Thank you for sharing ❀️

yaizacanopoli profile image
Yaiza Canopoli β€’

Very clear breakdown! Thank you so much :)

codingfunky profile image
CodingFunky β€’

This really helped me understand the concepts :)

endzelisp profile image
Armando Endzelis β€’

Hi there.. Exist a difference between using:

me = Object.create(person) and,
me.prototype = Object.create(person.prototype)

Thank you for your great tutorial.

surjoyday_kt profile image
Surjoyday Talukdar β€’

"Prototypal Inheritance" this will now stick to my memory permanently. The best way one can explain. Thank You @lydiahallie

adrianadamz profile image
Adrian Adam Ε»ywno β€’

You've done a beautiful job at taking a complicated topic and making it easy to digest. Your visualizations and brevity allow for this. Many thanks!

adarshk profile image
Adarsh K. β€’

πŸ™ Thank you for sharing this, very well explained.

abdellani profile image
Mohamed ABDELLANI β€’

You did a great job. Thank you !

emmaindal profile image
Emma Indal β€’

Thank you Lydia, great job, again!!

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie β€’

Thank you Emma!

mat3uszkek profile image
Mateusz SkrobiΕ› β€’

"A chihuahua is (somehow... 😐) still a dog." hahaha :D Great article btw!!!! <3