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My First Step into JavaScript Beginner Projects

Quick question . . . Does anyone dream in JavaScript syntax? I had a dream that I was inside of my computer, pushing around letters and numbers and trying to organize code. I woke up and the first thing I thought to myself wasn't that it was weird, but questioning if I did it correctly because I woke up before I got to console.log() it. Tell me I'm not the only one dreaming of code.

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Learning all this stuff on my own is pretty tough. Especially with my kitchen within reach. I really had to discipline myself to not open my pantry door for the billionth time. I had to have a serious talk with myself and ask who needs the attention more? That chip? Or JavaScript?

That talk must have pushed me because guess what? I closed the chip bag and I finally finished the JavaScript book I’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks and I feel pretty good! I’m looking forward to building some projects to get some sense of everything I’ve learned. Along with the book, I've been reviewing with Mimo on the side. If I'm on my phone, I might as well review some JavaScript things. I really like the multiple ways the app reviews JavaScript terms. But I only have the free version. So I actually really take the time to review if my solution is correct because once I lose all my hearts (I only get three), I have to wait a couple of hours until I can play again.

Today, my first step is to sign up with #JavaScript30. I don't know why I'm nervous, but I am. Let's get to building!

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Last Week’s Accomplishments:

  • Finally finished Head First JavaScript Programming A Brain-Friendly Guide by Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Robson

On My Mind:

  • I need JavaScript projects. What’s a cool project that you’ve done?

Until next week,
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Top comments (5)

srikanth74659 profile image

These people help you to upgrade your skills and perspective in every way(all have YouTube channel) :

• Florinpop7 : #30Days30Projects && visit his blog(
• WesBos : #Javascript30,
• Ania Kubow : 7 Games built using Js,
• FreeCodeCamp : 15 JS Projects..

lynnecodes profile image

Nice! I just signed up for Wes Bos’ #JavaScript yesterday and have yet to do the projects from freeCodeCamp. Thanks so much for your ideas. Super helpful!

mhmdyasramer profile image
Muhammad Yasser

I mad a memory game following this tutorial

lynnecodes profile image

This is awesome. I’ll have to put that on my lists of things to make. Thanks for the tutorial!

mhmdyasramer profile image
Muhammad Yasser

You are welcome