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Cover image for My Online Portfolio

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My Online Portfolio

Guess what?!

I have been working on my online portfolio for the last couple of weeks and I am so excited to say that it’s ready for you to see!

Take a look

Alt Text

I have learned so much HTML, CSS, and JavaScript during this process and can’t believe that it was almost three months ago that I left my job as a Pharmacy Program Director to become a Web Developer.

There were times that I thought it was hard and thought that I would never understand these crazy coding languages. But I don’t regret my decision to take this path. The more I build, the more I understand.

I am so ready to get out there and start my new career and use my new knowledge to create amazing designs and websites. If there is anyone hiring in the Las Vegas area or remotely, I'd love the opportunity to show you what I can do!

Never give up! Today’s just another step towards the future you want.

Until next time,
<3 Lynne

Top comments (31)

michaelphipps profile image

Nice work! Did you do the artwork yourself or use stock art? Would you like any critical feedback?

lynnecodes profile image

Thank you! I did do all the artwork myself and would appreciate any feedback.

michaelphipps profile image

The artwork is fantastic. I reckon you could have a decent side-hustle selling artwork elements for other designers to use!

Anyway... my critique...

Check the site on a mobile phone. Many of your navigation elements are too small to read, let alone click.

The creative concept is cute, but the user experience suffers. Websites are user interfaces first. It was not obvious to me that some of the elements on the screen could be clicked on.

I recommend reading some of Jacob Nielsen's usability stuff - Warning: he does prioritize 'easy to use' over 'pretty to look at'. Maybe google "Objective v Subjective Design" as well.

While I'm mentioning UX, Watch this short video on "Badly designed doors" [5mins 31secs] - while it has nothing to do with web design, it has everything to do with the user experience, and I hope you can take the concept back to your web designs.

Oh - and while I'm thinking about it - the clock at the bottom - you should shorten the hour hand to avoid ambiguous times. This video explains the issue well

BTW: I'm not suggesting you scrap what you have done. Instead I'm hoping I have inspired you to think about how you can make your current design easier to use.

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lynnecodes profile image

I really do appreciate your feedback and will be taking a look at all of the resources you gave me. I really want to become a good designer and developer. This really made me see things that I overlooked. Thank you!

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devworkssimone profile image

Agree with him, some may understand last part is not there just for the design but can be' clickable bit its not immediate. What tools you use for artwork ? Very cool overall

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lynnecodes profile image

Yes, I totally understand the confusion of clickable items and I’m trying to find ideas on how to make that more immediate. Thanks for taking the time to take a look at it! ☺️

I used Figma to create some of the images. But created most elements using just CSS.

madza profile image

Looks pretty lit 🔥🔥
Also, bonus points for creativity 💯😄

rahil1304 profile image
Rahil Sarvaiya

Hey amazing work. It's very creative and artsy. Good use of colours as well. They blend really well. Just a small suggestion, when you click the "view all blogs" pencil button, there's no back button to take me back to the home page. So maybe you could just add that.
Other than this small thing, it looks pretty good 👍🏻

lynnecodes profile image

Oh yeah! I do have at the top to link back. But adding a separate link “back” is a great idea! I will add that! Thanks for your suggestion. 👍🏼

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Congrats on launching your portfolio website! 🎉

I like the illustrations you chose, keep it up!

igor_brussolo profile image
Igor Brussolo 🕷️🏳️‍🌈

Congrats, it is very beautiful and fun to interact.✨
I was going to say that on mobile the text is quite small but I already saw that they gave this feedback. 🤳
Thank you very much for sharing, it is very inspiring, I hope to be able to finish my portfolio soon. 🤞

lynnecodes profile image

I didn’t realize how small the text became on mobile devices. I really appreciate the willingness to help and point that out! Thanks!

redhedded1 profile image
Larry A. Ball

Nice work. I'm an ex-pharmacist (STLCOP 1994) who started working as a programmer in 1999, web dev in 2007.

lynnecodes profile image

That’s awesome! Did you ever have a hard time with your transition? Or did you switch over with no regrets?

redhedded1 profile image
Larry A. Ball

At first I was working on an IBM mainframe and it was very challenging, but at least the COBOL syntax is easy. It took a while to understand SQL, as there were not the online resources there are now, but I used some books. Then I started in on web about the time of CSS being used almost all the time and jQuery came out. So web was challenging, and still can be. It was worth it as I enjoy it 99% of the time! Good luck to you, looks like you have a good start!

thinkc profile image
Tunde Oyewo

Very nice. Well done!

devworkssimone profile image

I would also try to add the "sketches" fading in while you scroll down. I dunno how to do all the stuff you did I am just providing suggestion from a user prospective😊

lynnecodes profile image

I appreciate your suggestion. I'll look into it! Thanks!

winstonpuckett profile image
Winston Puckett


raubaca profile image
Raul Barrera

Nice work!

mbahderek profile image
Mbah Derek

This is very nice and I love your design too. You have a bright frontend future in tech. Adding react to your skillset will be awesome

lynnecodes profile image

Thank you so much! I am actually about to get started with React and I’m super excited.

grezor profile image

It's really very beautiful, continue to enjoy coding. When we love. It is true that things must change between pharmacy and web developer. But we can all make our dream come true

lynnecodes profile image

Thank you so much!

mark_codes_the_web profile image
Mark Codes the Web

Nice work. Great illustrations.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Your website is dope and worthy of a design award 💯