During development, the application runs on our local machine. If you want to make your machine accessible from the outside there are solutions like ngrok.com, localhost.run, localtunnel.me, etc..
Have you ever used some of these and which has been your favorite?
Top comments (19)
Just want to take a moment and say that your #discuss posts actually teach me a lot!
Like in this case, I didn't even know that localhost tunnels existed! I've heard terms and concepts like SSH tunneling and also have connected to remote servers. (I don't know why haven't I thought about localhost tunneling being a technology.) But the fact that services like ngrok exist, makes me really rethink how much I don't know what I don't know!
I always thought the discussion format is the best way to learn. I always try to give my knowledge on the top too, so others can get some info from the initial post too. Furthermore, browsing through comments there are lots of valuable information, it's awesome to exchange the knowledge and it's a win-win for all of us participating ❤💯
Yes, exactly!
Thank you again for such fruitful discussions! :D
Ngrok is a ok
The easiest way, without using any third-party tools is to use a reverse, SSH tunnel.
The pre-requisite
Execute the below command to create a reverse tunnel from the remote machine to the localhost
All requests from REMOTE_PORT are forwarded : using the created tunnel
To expose hello world http service running on 8080 can be exposed over the internet using
ssh <USER>@<REMOTE_IP> -R <REMOTE_PORT>:localhost:8080
for those interested, also look at this brand new service I just released: mysocket
It's a fully anycasted service similar to ngrok, with lots of features!
Curious about your thoughts, and feedback! :) You should be able to get started in <1 min.
Demo video:
My favorite is Cloudflare's Argo Tunnel developers.cloudflare.com/argo-tun...
serveo, localhost.run, ngrok
Expose (github.com/beyondcode/expose)
I use laragon's share option which uses ngrock's free plan.
I love Laragon too, awesome tool 🔥🔥
ngrok's free plan covers everything I needed from localhost tunnels so far
ngrok works well.
If you want a stable domain and a OSS product, look into inlets.dev. This is what we use at cloodot
I'm a big fan of ngrok and their premium lets me set up a consistent domain so I don't have to adjust any hostname configuration.
Agree it's worth the payment for me when I'm using it daily.
Ngrok, because it's logging the requests at localhost:4040 which is handy to test APIs.