
Cover image for Where do you find design inspiration?
Madza Subscriber

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Where do you find design inspiration?

For me it's mostly Dribbble, Behance, Pinterest and Awwwards.
I find some UI inspiration in Codepen and CodeSandbox, too.

What are some sources you find your design inspiration on?

Top comments (10)

uzair004 profile image
Muhammad Uzair

I can't make design from dribble, i feel like those use too much design elements & illustrations, those designer mostly have no idea how it will be implemented or how it would look in responsive view. I recently came across a resource called Frontend Mentor. I like it as it is more relevant. Even though i feel like design are not best design but they are good for practice. Same goes with dribble designs , each time i test AAA contrast quality using plugins it shows yons of contrast problems.

louislow profile image
Louis Low

Pinterest and PlayStation Games.

allestri profile image

Isn't Pinterest a huge paywall tho ? I'm always baffled by how the modal is agressive while browsing on it.

ohenecoker profile image
Christian Coker

Pinterest, Behance, Dribbble

davidngassa profile image
davidngassa and lapa ninja

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

Art Daily :)

yohandah profile image
Yohan Dahmani

I like UpLabs

allestri profile image

Sorry my mistake, you need to have an account to browse the website, which is not user friendly like the others mentioned above.