Roman Numerals Encoder 💥
- Create a function taking a positive integer as its parameter and returning a string containing the Roman Numeral representation of that integer.
- Modern Roman numerals are written by expressing each digit separately starting with the left most digit and skipping any digit with a value of zero.
- In Roman numerals 1990 is rendered: 1000=M, 900=CM, 90=XC; resulting in MCMXC.
- 2008 is written as 2000=MM, 8=VIII, or MMVIII.
- 1666 uses each Roman symbol in descending order: MDCLXVI.
solution(1000) -> should return 'M'
Value Symbol
1000: 'M',
900: 'CM',
500: 'D',
400: 'CD',
100: 'C',
90: 'XC',
50: 'L',
40: 'XL',
10: 'X',
9: 'IX',
5: 'V',
4: 'IV',
1: 'I'
- Remember that there can't be more than 3 identical symbols in a row.
Task URL: Link
My Solution:
def solution(number: int) -> None:
symbol: dict[str, int] = {
1000: 'M',
900: 'CM',
500: 'D',
400: 'CD',
100: 'C',
90: 'XC',
50: 'L',
40: 'XL',
10: 'X',
9: 'IX',
5: 'V',
4: 'IV',
1: 'I'
value = ''
remainder = number
for i in sorted(symbol.keys(), reverse=True):
if remainder > 0:
multiple = i
roman_number = symbol[i]
divider = remainder // multiple
remainder = remainder % multiple
value += roman_number * divider
return value
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