DEV Community

Mandy Meindersma
Mandy Meindersma

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My third year as a Hacktoberfest Maintainer


This is my 5th Hacktoberfest! I have contributed for 5 years and maintained a repo for 3 years. Here is my github:

MandyMeindersma (Mandy Meindersma) · GitHub

Senior Developer at @dotdashcom. Former Senior Developer (Data Team) at @omxhealth. Previously @intuit - MandyMeindersma



A simple static site made with Vue, Nuxt and Tailwind. The idea is that this is an easier open source project for students who are new to the world of open source.

GitHub logo devedmonton / DES-Website

The Dev Edmonton Society website! We empower Edmonton Developers!

Netlify Status

All Contributors

New home for the website

Fostering a stronger software development community in Edmonton.

Build Setup

Note that all of these commands have been tested and used on Mac/unix machines, if you are on windows and these do not work for you look in the contributing guidelines for help.

# switch to project node version
$ nvm use
# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build production bundle and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

# run tests
$ npm test # run all tests and watch for changes
$ npm run test-run # a single run of all the tests

# run the linter
$ npm run lint-check # check for linting errors
$ npm run lint-fix # fix linting errors

# run the formatter
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Every year I break new things and learn how to fix them! This year was also the first year I presented about open source at Amii's Tech Aid!!

Easter Eggs

Also peep Github's fun easter egg on halloween:

A grid of squares representing how many contributions Mandy has done throughout the years and on what day. She has a total of 232

Top comments (1)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Rock on, Mandy! Really appreciate you participating in Hacktoberfest as a maintainer for 3 years straight. Thanks so much!! 🙌