refer :
If you’ve heard the name but are wondering what it means, OSINT stands for open source intelligence, which refers to any information that can legally be gathered from free, public sources about an individual or organization. In practice, that tends to mean information found on the internet, but technically any public information falls into the category of OSINT whether it’s books or reports in a public library, articles in a newspaper or statements in a press release. OS stands for Open Source while INT stand for Intelligent System. If you have data available from public / labs / hospitals / doctors then you can analyze it in different ways for betterment of Human Health races.
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OSINT for Epedemics and Virus outbreaks like Corona Virus
Project description
Today everyone know about Corona Virus and how lethal it is to humans and economies.
History is full of such breakouts by lethal microorganisms.
Can we develop a OSINTS ( Open Source Intelligent System) that can help world medical scientist, doctors , government or even common person to understand the old / new diseases breaking out to humans in different geographical areas.
For example, one can see on map how Corona Virus is moving from one location to other. Rate of infection etc.
I am living in a very developing country - India. We recently get ourselves rid of polio virus. But this is still not fool proof. Also my country suffers from malaria and dengue caused by mosquitoes. The later is lethal.
Relevant Technology
I don't know what can be best technologies to implement for this OSINTS. However, AI and big-data relevant technologies can help in this project
Complexity and required time
- [ ] Beginner - This project requires no or little prior knowledge of the technolog(y|ies) specified to contribute to the project
- [ ] Intermediate - The user should have some prior knowledge of the technolog(y|ies) to the point where they know how to use it, but not necessarily all the nooks and crannies of the technology
- [x ] Advanced - The project requires the user to have a good understanding of all components of the project to contribute
Required time (ETA)
- [ ] Little work - A couple of days
- [ ] Medium work - A week or two
- [x ] Much work - The project will take more than a couple of weeks and serious planning is required
- [ ] Mobile app
- [ ] IoT
- [ ] Web app
- [ ] Frontend/UI
- [ x] AI/ML
- [ ] APIs/Backend
- [ ] Voice Assistant
- [ ] Developer Tooling
- [ ] Extension/Plugin/Add-On
- [ ] Design/UX
- [ ] AR/VR
- [ ] Bots
- [ ] Security
- [ ] Blockchain
- [ x] Futuristic Tech/Something Unique
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