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manish srivastava
manish srivastava

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Riddle Solved: How many Ancestors I have since 1000 BC... ChatGPT answers


Assuming an average male reproductive age of 35 years, and assuming that you were born in the year 2000, that would mean that there have been approximately 57 generations of male ancestors between you and a male ancestor who lived in the year 1000 BCE.

Since each generation doubles the number of direct ancestors, the number of male ancestors you would have had in each generation going back 57 generations would be:

1 (you)
2 (your father)
4 (your grandfather)
8 (your great-grandfather)
16 (your 2nd great-grandfather)
32 (your 3rd great-grandfather)
64 (your 4th great-grandfather)
128 (your 5th great-grandfather)
256 (your 6th great-grandfather)
512 (your 7th great-grandfather)
1,024 (your 8th great-grandfather)
2,048 (your 9th great-grandfather)
4,096 (your 10th great-grandfather)
8,192 (your 11th great-grandfather)
16,384 (your 12th great-grandfather)
32,768 (your 13th great-grandfather)
65,536 (your 14th great-grandfather)
131,072 (your 15th great-grandfather)
262,144 (your 16th great-grandfather)
524,288 (your 17th great-grandfather)
1,048,576 (your 18th great-grandfather)
2,097,152 (your 19th great-grandfather)
4,194,304 (your 20th great-grandfather)
8,388,608 (your 21st great-grandfather)
16,777,216 (your 22nd great-grandfather)
33,554,432 (your 23rd great-grandfather)
67,108,864 (your 24th great-grandfather)
134,217,728 (your 25th great-grandfather)
268,435,456 (your 26th great-grandfather)
536,870,912 (your 27th great-grandfather)
1,073,741,824 (your 28th great-grandfather)
2,147,483,648 (your 29th great-grandfather)
4,294,967,296 (your 30th great-grandfather)
8,589,934,592 (your 31st great-grandfather)
17,179,869,184 (your 32nd great-grandfather)
34,359,738,368 (your 33rd great-grandfather)
68,719,476,736 (your 34th great-grandfather)
137,438,953,472 (your 35th great-grandfather)
274,877,906,944 (your 36th great-grandfather)
549,755,813,888 (your 37th great-grandfather)
1,099,511,627,776 (your 38th great-grandfather)
2,199,023,255,552 (your 39th great-grandfather)
4,398,046,511,104 (your 40th great-grandfather)
8,796,093,022,208 (your 41st great-grandfather)
17,592,186,044,416 (your 42nd great-grandfather)
35,184,372,088,832 (your 43rd great-grandfather)
70,368,744,177,664 (your 44th great-grandfather)
140,737,488,355,328 (your 45th great-grandfather)
281,474,976,710,656 (your 46th great-grandfather)
562,949,953,421,312 (your 47th great-grandfather)

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carpediem profile image

Wow that's actually insane...

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