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Manoel Thiago Nogueira
Manoel Thiago Nogueira

Posted on • Originally published at

My desktop setup - Part 2: The Z in the shell

On my last post, I talked a bit about setting the OS appearance to my liking. Now, to the shell.

For a few years, I used fish as my default shell. It was pretty user-friendly and easy to configure. But its syntax was not bash-compliant and I had to exercise my brain to put some workarounds to use tools that I needed to use frequently (and sometimes without having the same results).

I tested Zsh previously, but only recently put the effort to set it in a way that kept me pleased and productive. Here go the steps to put together what I tried.

Installing Zsh

To use Zsh in Ubuntu, you need to install it and set as your default shell:

$ sudo apt install zsh
$ chsh -s $(which zsh)

After these steps are complete, restart the user session to validate the change.

The next time you open your terminal, you will be greeted with the configuration function for new users and may press 2 to accept the defaults for now. This shall show a slightly different prompt without much flair, but we will solve it next.

The default zsh prompt look

The "Oh my!" effect

Customizing the terminal can be a quite daunting task. Luckily, there are great tools that allow us to ease it a bit. My choice is the Oh My Zsh framework by Robbie Russell and contributors.

To install it:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You need curl and git installed, so sudo apt install curl git in case they are not already in place.

The zsh prompt immediately after installing Oh My Zsh

It is... different. We got the git status indicator, yay!. But not much attractive yet.


The Oh My Zsh framework comes with a lot of themes, like one of my favourites, agnoster. To set one of these, you just need to edit the zshrc configuration file (~/.zshrc):


The zsh prompt with the agnoster theme

Thou I find this theme quite eye-pleasing, I decided to use the powerlevel9k one and pump it up a little to my preferences. It works in tandem with powerline-fonts to the visual niceties.

The zsh prompt with the customized powerlevel9k theme

First, to install it:

$ sudo apt install powerline powerline-fonts
$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k

Then, edit the ~/.zshrc file and add a few more lines to adjust the theme:

# Hide the user from the prompt

# Shorten the folder breadcrumbs
# ~/my/extremely/long/fumbled/path becomes ~/my/e/l/f/path

Shameless plug(ins)

I must admit that I am slightly lazy, so I'd prefer that my tools do the work for me. In the terminal case (no pun intended), I want that it complete my sentences, remember what I typed earlier, show me if I am typing something wrong, and so on. For my better fortune, there are two plugins for that: zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting.

To install them, clone their git repos into the plugins folder of Oh My Zsh:

$ git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
$ git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

After that, edit your ~/.zshrc (again!) and add those to the plugins section:

  # any other plugins come in here too

And look as it goes!

Animation illustrating the plugins' behaviour

Wow! Quite a lot in this post. Time to take a break and see you next time!

This post was originally published at my personal blog,

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