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Call, Apply & Bind Methods — Javascript

Each and every function in JS has access to this keyword.

1. Call

It’s similar to function borrowing, where we can use functions / borrow functions from one object and use them with another object instead of redeclaring them.

let name = {
  firstnName: 'Manoj',
  secondName: 'Ravi',
  fullName: function (district, state) {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.secondName} from ${district}, ${state}.`;

let getFullDetails = function(district, state) {
  return `${this.firstName} ${this.secondName} from ${district}, ${state}.`;

name.fullName('Chennai', 'TN');  // Manoj Ravi from Chennai, TN., 'Chennai', 'TN');  // Manoj Ravi from Chennai, TN.

let name2 = {
  firstnName: 'Sanjay',
  secondName: 'Ravi',
};, 'Coimbatore', 'TN');  // Sanjay Ravi from Coimbatore, TN., 'Coimbatore', 'TN');  // Sanjay Ravi from Coimbatore, TN.
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Additional parameters can be shared in a comma-separated format.

2. Apply

Similar to call, the only difference is the way we pass arguments. Instead of passing them individually (in a comma-separated format), we pass them as an array.

let getFullDetails = function(district, state) {
  return `${this.firstName} ${this.secondName} from ${district}, ${state}.`;

let name = {
  firstnName: 'Manoj',
  secondName: 'Ravi'
};, ['Chennai', 'TN']);  // Manoj Ravi from Chennai, TN.

let name2 = {
  firstnName: 'Sanjay',
  secondName: 'Ravi'
};, ['Coimbatore', 'TN']);  // Sanjay Ravi from Coimbatore, TN.

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3. Bind

Similar to call, this method does not invoke the function immediately; instead, it binds the function's reference and returns a new function that can be called later.

let getFullDetails = function(district, state) {
  return `${this.firstName} ${this.secondName} from ${district}, ${state}.`;

let name = {
  firstnName: 'Manoj',
  secondName: 'Ravi'

let printDetails = getFullDetails(name, 'Chennai', 'TN');
printDetails();  // Manoj Ravi from Chennai, TN.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you found this blog informative and engaging. If you notice any inaccuracies or have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

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11 Tips That Make You a Better Typescript Programmer


1 Think in {Set}

Type is an everyday concept to programmers, but it’s surprisingly difficult to define it succinctly. I find it helpful to use Set as a conceptual model instead.

#2 Understand declared type and narrowed type

One extremely powerful typescript feature is automatic type narrowing based on control flow. This means a variable has two types associated with it at any specific point of code location: a declaration type and a narrowed type.

#3 Use discriminated union instead of optional fields


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