Hi, Give your thoughts for an young man:
Over the past months I got slowly involved in a huge project...and as the time pass, I'm getting more and more stressed(seriously) with daily work(for number of reasons).
I was pretty happy before, the kind of person that smiles at monday 8am, but now, I wake-up already stressed, thinking about another day of work π.
I love my career, but I'm getting sad as each day passes, feeling that a I can't handle this current situation anymore for healthy reasons.
I was wondering if anyone have faced a similar situation and if has something to say about it,
let's talk πΆ
Hey all, it's been a while since this post, so let me tell you what happen:
I thought for about one week and decide to left my job, Was a hard but necessary decision, I had to work for one more month before I leave...
I took a time to relax and think about what I really wanted...After that I start to looking for remote work and found a very nice company, we did a few interviews and it's been two weeks since I've started, so far, I'm super happy and excited!
For those who are in similar situation: take a time to yourself and think what you really want, ask yourself if you happy...And if anyone wants to have a conversation, hit with a message.
Top comments (30)
I got some very good advice once from my mother-in-law. She says if you don't like your job, look for another one. One of two things will happen: It will be a good experience and make you feel better about what you are doing, or you will find another job. Either way, it's a win-win. She told me this because I said something similar to this to her. I was in a project that had me so stressed all the time. Just looking around at other jobs helped me feel better.
Another big thing to do is to reach out to others around you. You need to talk to your team mates or management. Get real, swallow your pride, and tell people what kind of problems you're having.
Good luck! I've been there; one way or another things will get better.
A little over a year ago I left a job because I noticed it was causing me increasing amounts of stress. It was nobody's fault in particular but that's just how things were. The evening after I told my boss I would be leaving the company I was dancing almost uncontrollably (and I'm no dancer).
That said, leaving without a good plan had left me in a very awkward position for finding new employment. Generally speaking people are more likely to hire you if they don't consider you unemployed (so either working, studying or similar). I Also didn't really know how to show off my capabilities, so recruiters would often low-ball me.
Luckily I'd left on good terms and some work from my previous employer still came my way while I was searching.
So my advice is: leave if you want, it can be really good for you, but make a plan, and do not burn any bridges.
I've definitely felt this way at times.
I'd say this: If you feel like you can bring this up with your management/co-workers and they will help work through it with you, it might be possible to stay.
If this doesn't even seem like they'd be compassionate towards your very legitimate issues, then you probably don't have a lot of great longterm reasons to stay.
On leaving the job: tread carefully. Have a plan for the best and the worst outcomes. I left a good job because I was working to create my own digital agency with 2 partners whose end goal was very different from mine (they wanted a side gig, I wanted it full time; which meant our dedication and money targets were vastly different). I thought all was wine and roses for almost a year until the rug was pulled out from under me. I had to go find a job, which led to a string of bad long-term contracts (for various reasons) and now Iβm back to square one: going freelance, burnt out, and not saying no to work because Iβm afraid of not bringing in enough money.
I have many regrets from the past 3 years, but it all stems from quitting that one job, thinking the grass was greener on the other side. It wasnβt. All that said, Iβm working to make the best of my situation. Be sure youβre doing the same, whether thatβs finding another job or making changes where you are.
Kudos to you. You took a chance on something exciting and learned some important things about goal alignment with the people you depend on. Its been some time since your post, hope you are in a better place now.
Yes, it happened to me, and I'm sorry it happened to you as well.
As a process engineer I worked on maintenance optimization of huge machines. It involved decisions that impacted the lives (at work and at home) of 800 people, and I worked long hours even on weekends.
From a cheerful person I quickly turned into stress walking on two feet, and at the end it broke my health. (Doctors worked more than a year on making me healthy again.)
I didn't get any support from the management, so I quit.
I have a new job, and a really humane boss, and really like where I am now, this is why I'm saying this:
If you bring the issues up and they can't offer something that would help you, I think you should leave them, there will be a better place waiting for you!
Sorry to hear that.. Is there anyone who could help alleviate your situation? Maybe a manager that you're comfortable with? You could also consult with a doctor, stress does affect your health. A 2-3 week break can be a good way to recuperate for a bit in the short term. Switching jobs could be the right move if you can't change the environment. But really, you're the best person to decide. Good luck!
I have a doctor appointment next week....I've seen other friends in similar situation, this is why I'm still thinking if I should get a 1~2 week break or definitively leave.
Thanks for your advice!
You have got all the advice you want here. Let me add one.
Things will get lot clearer.
I actually faced that kind of situation a couple of months back.
It burned me down, to be honest. This kind of work environment sucks.
If you think this job it hurting you down and not teaching you anything then leave it. Otherwise, you can change your viewpoint of thoughts.
Set a reasonable goal for each day which will satisfy your company and also keep you in a healthy mindset.
I came to find this in a hard way.
There will always be some important project that will bring some glory or whatever to the company. Just do your job properly, Try to give your 100%. Nothing is more important than someone's own health.
I have many years experience in this , Having worked at Samsung , startups , enterprises , freelancing , contractor I can tell you that sometimes discomfort is good for us developers . To me getting out of our comfort zone helps if nothing else to realize what a blessing it is to have a place that we just love going to every day . The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence sometimes . No one gets as frustrated as me when companies do things bass ackwards but having that experience will help you manage discomfort .
I've felt this at two jobs now. One is the role I'm currently in, and one was a few jobs back.
I've felt that I've been turning from the sort of person who likes helping people out and working on my own projects to the office grump who has nothing good to say anymore.
It's not necessarily you nor necessarily your job. If you're not a good fit, it's ok to think about moving on. Unless you're stuck because you need the money and there's nowhere else, you always have a choice. If it's the right time to move on, just move on. Don't feel bad about it - your company won't feel bad about it beyond the time it takes to source a replacement and get them up to speed.
Not everyone can find a vocation, and it's totally ok to want to change your role in the world. I'm pretty sure we all feel like this from time to time.
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