Saying Goodbye Is Always Painful, Isn't it? And It hurts more when you can't meet the person before he/she leaves. Exactly the same thing happened to me.
Don't worry this is not an emotional blog. It is about how I offered a farewell to my friend who was working with me and left the organization.
My friend named Rajesh and I joined the same organization as fresher on the same day. We have spent 3 awesome years together. We learned many things together, had many laughs, meals, tea together, played dumb charades during training time and many more precious memories that if I try to list out then I will need to write series of books.
Due to this damn pandemic, we had to move to our hometown, but we were in touch as we were in the same project so we used to talk daily.
And that day came when he resigned to achieve his dream.
The main problem was that I couldn't meet him for the last time and couldn't give him a decent farewell. He was serving a notice period and a very few days left. So I thought to do something, Something that he would remember.
So finally after a lot of thoughts, I decided to create a farewell website for him, but it must have something that he would love. I have called every friend of Rajesh in our organization and asked to say something about Rajesh and a photo of both together.
As a developer, I then created a website for him which encompasses memories of him with us using fullpage javascript library to make a presentation-like site and a special 3D gallery album containing each photo of him we had with some music that would overload his mind with memories of us together.
He uploaded the video of that website on youtube a while ago, Hope you guys will like it, you must watch the last 3D gallery part.
The code is not optimized as I did not have enough time, and my only purpose was It should look good. If anyone interested in the code here is the git repo
Website for Rajesh's farewell
And those who want to know why he resigned from an IT organization, here is the answer.
His dream is to be a chef and open his own restaurant. He is damn good at this and he will achieve his dream for sure.
Thanks for reading. Writing this article refreshed tons of memories.
Top comments (6)
This give me the feel-goods! Thanks for sharing. π
Thanks Michael. Glad you liked it.
I've always loved stories about friendships and dreams like these!
Oh, the live website should be available at
Thank you Frans
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Kasey