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How to get somebody fired using Git

Mauro Accorinti on April 02, 2024

This is Billy. He is a trainee developer working for an important company. Unfortunately for the company, today Billy has woken up and...
pshaddel profile image
Poorshad Shaddel β€’

Poor Trent should have been familiar with git reflog :) Nice article!

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you so much!

Git reflog would have definetely saved the day here

ethanwillingham profile image
Ethan Willingham β€’

This article is genius, sucked me in with entertainment and actually got me to read something and become informed, thankyou!

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Let's goooo, glad it helped and you enjoyed it!

kquiggins profile image
Kenneth Quiggins β€’

Adding lessons in with a sense of humor, I love it. 😎

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thanks Kenneth! The world needs fun git tutorials hahaha

kquiggins profile image
Kenneth Quiggins β€’

It most definitely does my friend πŸ™

thawkin3 profile image
Tyler Hawkins β€’

That was great, thanks for the laugh! Well written.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thanks for the kind comment!

wiktorwandachowicz profile image
Wiktor Wandachowicz β€’

That's why everybody and their dog should not use plain --force because it may be destructive.

Instead always use git push --force-with-lease (!)

Found this little gem while watching "So You Think You Know Git - FOSDEM 2024" on YouTube, around 17:42. There is even part 2 of this video 😊


sin_noariaaisin_2849 profile image
Sin No Aria (AI Sin) β€’

Out of curiosity, is there a reason why they aren't flipped? Like why it wasn't designed with force being force with lease by default and the current force being a force without lease command?

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

So after a few google searches, I honestly couldn't find the answer! So I just went into the Git repository and went down to a tag made 20 years ago.

Here's the git push documentation from that moment:

My guess is git push was made first and then somewhere down the line the option to push with lease was added later.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you for mentioning it! The resources you posted are also excellent so it adds a lot.

Thanks to you and another commenter, I decided to at least mention it in the article.

spo0q profile image
spO0q β€’ β€’ Edited

Congrats for this article. Pretty fun. In real conditions, sign your commits + protect main branches against forced push.

Pull requests can also mitigate those issues (which is mentioned in the post)

jankapunkt profile image
Jan KΓΌster πŸ”₯ β€’

If a previous commit is stable and you messed up things a lot (not necessary due to wrong git usage) then git reset --hard <commit hash> may be exactly what you need

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Oh absolutely! There's a use case and everything for git reset. Especially when you know what you're doing. Git is super powerful for that reason.

Git push - -force also has its uses. It's necessary for doing a clean rebase or when you want to cleanly amend a commit.

It's all about responsible use.

This article was about irresponsible use πŸ˜…

jankapunkt profile image
Jan KΓΌster πŸ”₯ β€’

The article is great! Just wanted to leave this one to make people curious. I also love converting on these kind of articles, finding gems I never heard/read before πŸ‘

mikec711g profile image
Michael Casile β€’

Creative way to provide some serious DON'Ts and why

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you for the kindness!

joao9aulo profile image
JoΓ£o Paulo Martins Silva β€’

The best way to learn, doing wrong things.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

There's no better way to learn πŸ˜„

segudev profile image
Thomas Segura β€’ β€’ Edited

Great article.
For reference, when a .env file is pushed to public GitHub, it is 54% likely to expose a secret (and it happens a lot..)
source: The State of Secrets Sprawl 2024

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Awesome stat! Really liked the phrase:
β€œCompromised credentials are a gift that keeps on giving
(your stuff away)”

schollii profile image
schollii β€’

Fun article, if a little evil. One clarification: git reset alters the commit history in your local repository only. If it no longer matches the history on the remote, you will need to use a forced push; regular push will fail.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Oh shoot! You're totally right. You're the first person to bring that up πŸ˜„

I updated the line. Thanks for making Billy a better developer!

erasmuswill profile image
Wilhelm Erasmus β€’

Now Billy can be the hero by using the distributed architecture and his newly-found git-fu to magically save everyone's work.
Perhaps he will also pin some bugs on Trent:

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

This is MASTERFUL. I love how this project even exists.

And maybe! Now that he's gotten all that evil out of his system, maybe he can put out some good in the world.

jerry97 profile image
Jerry β€’

Damn, tricked me into reading an article about git.

jerry97 profile image
Jerry β€’

Also, I read this in the Stanley Parables narrators voice.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

You know, it was kind of the vibe I was going for.

Plus that man's voice is smooth as butter so it only made the experience better

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’


parimaldesign profile image
Parimal β€’

I hope there were Cameras in place and evidence that shows Trent was just a bit careless and Billy was behind this.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

I mean, if the company doesn't have basic permissions so nobody posts on Main, you think they care enough for cameras? πŸ‘€

shinyjohn0401 profile image
Levi Johnson β€’

This article is excellent! Thank you for the laughs and for reminding us of important work principles. I really enjoy learning from articles that incorporate humor. I'm eager for more laughs and learning. ;)

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Aww thank you Levi! We'll see what else I have cooked up for in the future

ayush2832 profile image
Ayush β€’


marissab profile image
Marissa B β€’

Billy as an agent of chaos was hilarious. Great article.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Super happy you enjoyed it!

obednyakundi profile image
Obed Nyakundi Paul β€’

lol. It was an amazing read.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you!

softgauresh profile image
softgauresh β€’

Excellent article thanks for sharing

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you for reading

softgauresh profile image
softgauresh β€’

I really like your sense of humour...way of thinking is totally super ...looking forward to collaborate with you ...

Thread Thread
softgauresh profile image
softgauresh β€’ β€’ Edited

Will take your help in furture definitely...really fan of your post ..looking forward for such a post
Really fan of your post

kanish profile image
Kanish Ravikumar β€’

All this time, this wasn't Billy's story, it was Trent's villian origin story

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Trent gonna come back with a vengence and with the git reflog

bcostaaa01 profile image
Bruno β€’

This made me laugh big time, Billy knows always how to get things done, even getting fired haha! Good read and eye opener for every developer :D

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you!

c9hp profile image
C9 β€’

This is best git tutorial i ever read.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you my kind friend

ademagic profile image
Miko β€’

hahaha, a git article i enjoyed reading for once

inn0cent_zer0 profile image
inn0cent_zer0 β€’

Nice article. Thanks for sharing.

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Periőić ‒

hahahah nice

starswan profile image
Stephen Dicks β€’

Its a shame you didn't mention git push --force-with-lease which is the correct way to do git force pushes.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

You are absolutely right. I added it as a sort of mention so others know it exists. Added it cause you and another commenter brought it up. Thank you

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya β€’

Love the humor. πŸ™Œ

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’


greenteaisgreat profile image
Nathan G Bornstein β€’

Absolute god-tier article. This sets a new genre for

greengeko profile image
Rey β€’

LOL, this is scaring me hahaha

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

It's the good kind of scared πŸ˜„

tariqywsf profile image
Tarek Bohdima β€’

enjoyed it till the last line, please keep writing "dumb" articles , it's educative and more important "not boring". and you are natural !

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Aww thank you! I think silly is the better term here but I have been blown away by how much others have enjoyed it. Thanks again

pindelrio profile image
Pindelrio β€’

Very funny!. We want more Billy stories

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Maybe in the future πŸ˜‰

chandrashekhar profile image
Chandrashekhar Mehta β€’

awesome, humorous explanation!!

mrnnabhani profile image
Najm El-Deen Nabhani β€’

I feel more sorry for the on-call than for Trent!

valdineisantos profile image
Valdinei dos Santos β€’

Disable send and merge in main branch, only permitted send for feature/Fix/others work branch. This resolve 80% issue problems. Merge only after receive 2 code reviews approved.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Yes, absolutely and completely agree!

tyisi profile image
TyIsI β€’

Thanks for the laugh! It's giving me BOFH vibes!

(And I just found Enterprise Developer From Hell!)

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

I have never heard of BOFH! I looked over it a bit and yeah I can see it hahaha

sujit-shrc profile image
Sujit Kumar β€’


sramek5 profile image
Michal Ε rΓ‘mek β€’

This is exactly why in our company I call for the enforcement of proper security measures in GitHub. Anyway, funny and true story bro! πŸ˜‰

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Absolutely!!! Always have good security measures.

And thank you for the comment πŸ˜„

devpriti1 profile image
priti roy β€’

great article!

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you!!

edydeyemi profile image
Edydeyemi β€’

This was quite fun to read, yet educative as well. Thanks for sharing

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you for reading!

gonemob profile image
Dave Schuster β€’

Love it! It's not worth doing if you can't have some fun (okay, not that kind)!

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Exaaaactly, you get it! hahaha

deepakhce profile image
deepak-hce β€’

I learned a lot with fun and laugh. Thank you.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you for reading!

muzkaviy profile image
Ozgur β€’

Your article turned the complexity of git commands into a delightful learning experience. Kudos for making technical education so engaging!

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Aww thank you Ozgur!

spondon profile image
Spondon β€’

one of the best articles i read today, love it!!

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thanks a ton for the love! Appreciate it

evandon profile image
Nineisten β€’

Not all Billy's wear capes. Amazing article.

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Thank you for the kindness πŸ˜„

osnipso profile image
Osni Oliveira β€’

Remote work would have prevented Billy from doing it all, just saying... =D

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

That is SUCH a good point though!!

Viva la revoluciΓ³n for remote work hahaha

mauroaccorinti profile image
Mauro Accorinti β€’

Oh absolutely. Everybody should worry how he codes if this is his way of learning hahaha

mahbod profile image
Mahbod Ahmadi β€’

The only thing Trent must do is set password for his laptop.

sin_noariaaisin_2849 profile image
Sin No Aria (AI Sin) β€’

Google github prophecy?