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lebo mawaya
lebo mawaya

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Creating an Interactive Glowing Mouse Trail with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript

Have you ever wanted to add a touch of interactivity to your website, making it more engaging and visually appealing? In this article, we'll explore how to create an interactive glowing mouse trail using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript. This captivating effect involves colorful circles that follow your mouse pointer, leaving behind a trail of fading light. It's a fun and creative way to make your website stand out. Let's dive into the step-by-step process of creating this mesmerizing effect.

What You'll Need:

  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Canvas Element
  • A Text Editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Step 1: Set Up the HTML Structure

To get started, create a simple HTML file with a canvas element that will serve as the canvas where the magic happens. The canvas element should be sized to cover the entire viewport to create a full-page effect.

Step 1

In this code, we set the background to black for a captivating contrast with the glowing circles. The canvas is styled to be a block element, ensuring it covers the entire viewport.

Step 2: JavaScript Magic

The real magic happens in the JavaScript code. We'll create a few functions to make it all come together

step 2

We'll define our canvas element and get its 2D rendering context.

step 2.1

Step 3: Managing the Glowing Circles

We'll manage our glowing circles using an array. These circles will follow the mouse pointer and leave behind fading trails. Here are the essential functions for this part:

step 3

Step 4: Mouse Interaction

Now, we'll set up an event listener to detect mouse movements and create circles at the mouse pointer's location.

step 4

Step 5: Animating the Canvas

We'll use the requestAnimationFrame method to continuously update the canvas, creating the illusion of animation.

step 5

Step 6: Randomized Glowing Circles

Inside the getRandomColor function, you can generate random colors for the circles. This function generates a random hexadecimal color, creating a variety of visually appealing effects.

step 6

Step 7: Bringing It All Together

The createCircle function adds a new circle to the array and removes old circles when the maximum circle count is reached.

step 7

Step 8: The Animated Glowing Effect

The draw function is responsible for drawing the canvas and animating the circles. It also applies a fading effect to create the glowing appearance.

step 8

Step 9: Enjoy the Interactive Glow

With these steps in place, your interactive glowing mouse trail is ready to go. The requestAnimationFrame function keeps the animation running smoothly, and the fading effect creates the captivating glow. As you move your mouse, you'll see colorful circles following your cursor, leaving a radiant trail in their wake like in the image below.

final view

Access the Source Code

Here's a link to my GitHub repository where you can find the complete source code. Enjoy adding this captivating interactive effect to your web projects!

Top comments (1)

ngdangtu profile image
Đăng Tú

This is what I'm looking for, thanks for the guide. I leave the playground code here in case somebody want to have a quick sneak peek: