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PART# 1 - Efficient File Transfer System Using HTTP for Large Datasets - Chunked Uploads

Let's break down the provided HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and CSS code for a chunked file upload dashboard part by part.

HTML Code:

Structure Overview:

  • Bootstrap for Layout: The code uses Bootstrap 4.5.2 to create a responsive layout with two main sections:
    • Chunked Uploads Section: For uploading large files in chunks.
    • Downloads Section: For listing and downloading previously uploaded files.

Key Elements:

  • <input type="file" id="fileInput" multiple>: This input allows multiple file selection.
  • <div id="progress-bar"></div>: Placeholder for displaying upload progress.
  • <div id="file-list"></div>: Placeholder to show selected files before uploading.
  • <button id="uploadBtn">Upload Files</button>: Button to initiate the upload process.
  • <button id="downloadBtn">Download Files</button>: Button to fetch and display the list of downloadable files.

PHP Code (chunked-file-upload.php):

This file handles the server-side logic of uploading files in chunks.

Key Parts:

  1. Receive Chunk and Metadata:

    • $_FILES['fileChunk']: Receives the chunk of the file being uploaded.
    • $_POST['chunkIndex']: The index of the current chunk.
    • $_POST['totalChunks']: The total number of chunks for the file.
  2. Chunk Storage:

    • $chunkFilePath = $targetDir . "$fileName.part$chunkIndex": Each chunk is saved as a separate .part file until the final file is assembled.
  3. Merging Chunks:

    • if ($chunkIndex == $totalChunks - 1): When the last chunk is uploaded, the script merges all chunks into the final file.
  4. Return Response:

    • A JSON response is returned to the client with the upload status and file details.

Why use chunking?

  • Large files are broken into smaller chunks to prevent timeouts and memory issues, making the upload process more reliable.

PHP Code (download.php):

Handles file downloads.

Key Parts:

  1. $_GET['file']: Retrieves the file name from the URL query string.
  2. File Path Construction:
    • $filePath = $targetDir . $fileName: Constructs the full path of the file.
  3. File Download:
    • readfile($filePath): Sends the file to the client as a downloadable stream.

Why use it?

  • Enables users to download files directly from the server. The server sends proper headers to prompt the browser to download the file rather than displaying it.

PHP Code (get_files.php):

Lists all uploaded files available for download.

Key Parts:

  1. scandir($targetDir): Scans the directory for all uploaded files.
  2. array_diff(): Filters out . and .. from the list of files.
  3. echo json_encode(array_values($files)): Returns the file list as a JSON array.

Why use it?

  • Provides a dynamic list of files available for download, which is updated on each request.

JavaScript Code (chunked-file-upload.js):

Handles the client-side logic of chunked file uploads and file downloads.

Key Parts:

  1. Drag and Drop:

    • preventDefaults(e): Prevents the browser from opening files when dropped.
    • handleDrop(e): Handles dropped files and displays them.
  2. Display File List:

    • displayFileList(files): Shows the selected files with their sizes and statuses in the file list before upload.
  3. Uploading Files in Chunks:

    • for (let file of files): Loops through each selected file.
    • const chunk = file.slice(start, end): Slices a portion of the file to upload as a chunk.
    • uploadChunk(): Recursively uploads each chunk, updates the progress bar and status, and merges the chunks on the server.
  4. Download Files:

    • $.ajax({url: './src/get_files.php'}): Sends an AJAX request to get the list of uploaded files.
    • downloadFile(fileName): Initiates the download by redirecting the user to download.php.

Why use chunked upload in JS?

  • For large files, uploading in smaller chunks ensures the process continues even if one chunk fails. It improves reliability by allowing chunk-by-chunk retries.

CSS Code (chunked-file-upload.css):

Key Styles:

  1. #drop-area:

    • Dashed Border: Visually indicates the area where users can drop files.
    • Highlight Effect: The border color changes when a file is dragged over.
  2. Progress Bar:

    • #progress-bar: The width dynamically updates to reflect the upload progress.
  3. File List:

    • #file-list .file-status: Adds spacing and styles to display the file name, size, and status.

Why style these elements?

  • A user-friendly interface helps users understand what actions they can perform (drag-and-drop, file selection) and gives feedback on the status of their uploads/downloads.


This system allows large files to be uploaded reliably in chunks and provides users with feedback through a progress bar and status updates. Additionally, the download section gives users the ability to download uploaded files. Combining Bootstrap, JavaScript, and PHP ensures that the system is both user-friendly and functional.

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PART# 2 - Efficient File Transfer System Using HTTP for Large Datasets - Range Requests

Source Code

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