PHP Metaprogramming refers to writing code that can generate or manipulate other code. In other words, it allows programs to have greater flexibility by enabling them to inspect, modify, or even generate new code at runtime. It can also involve techniques like reflection, dynamic code generation, and introspection.
In PHP, metaprogramming is most commonly done using:
- Reflection API: Allows inspecting classes, methods, properties, and more at runtime.
Magic Methods: Special methods like
, etc., that intercept and manage access to class properties or methods dynamically. - Eval Function: Dynamically evaluates code (though generally discouraged for security reasons).
- Anonymous Functions and Closures: Can be used to create functions dynamically.
- Dynamic Class and Method Creation: Using classes to create new methods or properties on the fly.
Example of PHP Metaprogramming
Let's demonstrate metaprogramming in PHP using the Reflection API and Magic Methods.
Example: Dynamic Getter/Setter Using Magic Methods
Here, we'll create a class that uses magic methods (__get
and __set
) to handle non-existent properties dynamically.
class DynamicClass {
private $data = [];
// Magic method to handle dynamic property setting
public function __set($name, $value) {
echo "Setting '$name' to '$value'.\n";
$this->data[$name] = $value;
// Magic method to handle dynamic property getting
public function __get($name) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) {
echo "Getting '$name'.\n";
return $this->data[$name];
echo "Property '$name' not set.\n";
return null;
// Magic method to handle dynamic method calls
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
echo "Calling method '$name' with arguments: " . implode(', ', $arguments) . "\n";
return null;
// Usage example
$obj = new DynamicClass();
// Setting properties dynamically
$obj->name = "Metaprogramming";
$obj->type = "PHP";
// Getting properties dynamically
echo $obj->name . "\n"; // Outputs: Metaprogramming
echo $obj->type . "\n"; // Outputs: PHP
// Calling a dynamic method
$obj->dynamicMethod("arg1", "arg2");
Setting 'name' to 'Metaprogramming'.
Setting 'type' to 'PHP'.
Getting 'name'.
Getting 'type'.
Calling method 'dynamicMethod' with arguments: arg1, arg2
Example: Using PHP Reflection
PHPβs Reflection
API allows inspecting and manipulating classes, methods, and properties at runtime.
class ExampleClass {
public $name;
public $type;
public function __construct($name, $type) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->type = $type;
public function sayHello() {
echo "Hello from $this->name, a $this->type example!\n";
function reflectOnClass($className) {
// Reflecting on the class
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($className);
echo "Class: " . $reflector->getName() . "\n";
// Reflecting on the class properties
echo "Properties: \n";
foreach ($reflector->getProperties() as $property) {
echo "- " . $property->getName() . "\n";
// Reflecting on the class methods
echo "Methods: \n";
foreach ($reflector->getMethods() as $method) {
echo "- " . $method->getName() . "\n";
// Usage example
$example = new ExampleClass("Metaprogramming", "PHP");
$example->sayHello(); // Outputs: Hello from Metaprogramming, a PHP example!
// Reflecting on the ExampleClass
Hello from Metaprogramming, a PHP example!
Class: ExampleClass
- name
- type
- __construct
- sayHello
Hands-On Example: Dynamic Method Invocation
Now letβs build a metaprogramming example where we invoke methods dynamically on an object using the ReflectionMethod
class Calculator {
public function add($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
public function multiply($a, $b) {
return $a * $b;
function dynamicInvoke($object, $methodName, $args) {
try {
$method = new ReflectionMethod($object, $methodName);
return $method->invokeArgs($object, $args);
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
echo "Method not found: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// Example usage
$calc = new Calculator();
// Dynamically invoke 'add' method
$result1 = dynamicInvoke($calc, 'add', [2, 3]);
echo "Addition Result: " . $result1 . "\n"; // Outputs: 5
// Dynamically invoke 'multiply' method
$result2 = dynamicInvoke($calc, 'multiply', [3, 4]);
echo "Multiplication Result: " . $result2 . "\n"; // Outputs: 12
// Attempt to invoke a non-existent method
dynamicInvoke($calc, 'subtract', [5, 2]);
Addition Result: 5
Multiplication Result: 12
Method not found: Method Calculator::subtract() does not exist
Key Concepts in PHP Metaprogramming
- Reflection API: Allows runtime inspection of classes, methods, and properties.
Magic Methods: Special methods in PHP that are invoked when interacting with class properties and methods dynamically.
, etc.
- Dynamic Method Invocation: Using reflection to dynamically call methods at runtime based on input.
Metaprogramming in PHP is a powerful technique that enables developers to write flexible and dynamic code. Using the Reflection API, magic methods, and other tools like closures or eval
, PHP metaprogramming provides the ability to introspect and manipulate the structure and behavior of objects and methods at runtime. However, it should be used cautiously, especially when security is a concern.
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