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Vue, Rust & Kubernetes: The winning trio of meetup videos in 2021

Slowly but steadily Rust, Vue and Kubernetes took all over MeetupFeed last year and continue to ace with educational and brilliant videos from developing experts in 2022 as well! We’ve collected the best videos from 2021 for you to not miss a single meetup video that’s definitely worthy of your time!

Discover how to create a full stack app, learn about the future of the cloud, master continuous delivery and build a scalable real time video analysis pipeline, all from these videos. Challenges and lessons were learned along the way so deep dive into matters now and enjoy!

Create A Vue.js 3 Full Stack Application With Amplify, GraphQL, Auth and More | Erik Hanchett

Get ready for Erik Hanchett telling you all the details of how you can create a full stack application specifically, including AWS Amplify, Appsync, Lambda, Cognito for Authentication and Authorization and more!

Continuous Delivery in VUE using GitLab Feature Flags | Kristian Muñoz

Jump into what continuous delivery and feature flags truly are. In brief, let us guide you through different feature flag types, and the pros and cons of using them. All in all, learn how to reach continuous delivery in Vue, using Gitlab feature flags.

Why the Future of the Cloud will be Built on Rust | Oliver Gould

Let Oliver Gould (creator of Linkerd) convince you with an argument about the future of cloud software and the cloud native ecosystem all in all, in this talk.

Streaming video analysis using Pravega | Tom Kaitchuck

Curious about how Rust holds up when it needs to develop real world apps? Find out from this case study that explains how you can build a scalable real time video analysis pipeline using Pravega.

Modernizing a legacy app using Windows Containers and Kubernetes: Challenges and Lessons learned

The main purpose of modernizing the hosting was to scale down maintenance efforts and costs. The speaker will take you through the hosting options, solution implementation, experienced challenges and more in detail.

Kubernetes Security 101 – Best Practices

Get an overview of Kubernetes’ working while learning a few practices on how to secure your cluster when deploying a new cluster. This video covers everything you need from A-Z. Not to mention that you can learn how you can bridge the gap between these problems by using the perfect combination of the right tools.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Adopting a Secure Programming Language: Rust as a Case Study

Memory safety-related vulnerabilities are often combated by programming languages like Rust. To clarify why, let’s take a look at the adoption method of this more secure language through the eyes of senior developers who have worked with Rust on their teams or tried to introduce it.

Writing the Fastest GBDT Library in Rust | Isabella Tromba

To begin with, Isabella Tromba shares her experience in optimizing a Rust implementation of the Gradient Boosted Decision Tree machine learning algorithm. Discover a GBDT library that trains faster than similars written in C/C++.

Supercharging Your Code With Five Little-Known Attributes | Jackson Lewis

Attributes enable programmers to auto-derive traits, set up a test suite in no time, and moreover, to conditionally compile code for particular platforms. Find out how you can leverage its advantages.

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