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Making BOT using Python

After making a Database connection using python and MySQL, Now was the time to start making commands for my BOT.

Steps to creating various commands:

1. Creating the custom Help command.
2. Creating Helper and Member command to add points.
3. Creating the points command that will display points of specific users.
4. Creating the Helper and Member leaderboard command.

First downloaded and imported all the required libraries.              1.5.1
prettytable             2.0.0
mysql-connector         2.2.9
mysql-connector-python  8.0.21
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So, discord has it's own help command. First thing was to remove the help command and make a custom one!

import discord 
import json

from datetime import datetime
from discord.ext import commands
from config_database import *

from prettytable import PrettyTable
from prettytable import from_db_cursor

# Custom Prefix for BOT
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="++")

# reading the help commands from `JSON` File 
config_file = open("config.json")
config = json.load(config_file)

# Removing Discord in-build Help command
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Creating Custom Help Command!

@bot.command(pass_context = True)
async def help(ctx):

    print("!help Command Is Running!")

    embed = discord.Embed(
        title = "Help command list", 
        timestamp = datetime.utcnow(),
        description = "Please Follow these commands from any channel!\n\n "

    embed.add_field(name = "1. Member", value = config['Member_add/remove'], inline = False)
    embed.add_field(name = "2. Helper", value = config['Helper_add/remove'], inline = False)
    embed.add_field(name = "3. Leaderboard", value = config['Leaderboard'], inline = False)
    embed.add_field(name = "4. Points", value = config['points'], inline = False)

    embed.set_footer(text = 'Bot Made By Saurabh')
    embed.set_footer(text="Command invoked by {}".format(
    await ctx.send(embed = embed)
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It took me more than 3 weeks for creating the member and helper commands for adding and removing points😒. Added database functions to insert the data into the database.

Passing all the required parameters to the functions!

submitted_by(message_id, user_tag, username, user_id, message_Content, point, channel_name)
server(channel_name, channel_id, Server_name)
Given_To(message_id, g_name, g_id, g_tag, has_role)
add_points(g_tag, g_name, message_id, point, has_role)
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After finishing these commands, I created commands for the leaderboard and looking for individual users points.

Command for displaying specific user Points

@bot.command(pass_context = True)
async def pts(ctx, username: discord.Member = None):
    print('Command points is running!')

    if username:
        tag = username.discriminator
        member_name = username
        user_point = users_points(tag)

        embed = discord.Embed (
            title = f"{member_name} has {user_point[0]} Points!", 
            color = 0x8150bc,
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow(),
        embed.set_footer(text = 'Bot Made By Saurabh')
        embed.set_footer(text="Command invoked by {}".format(   
        await ctx.send(embed = embed)

        await ctx.send("Please add Username to see their pointsπŸ™ˆ !!!!!")
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This method will display points to the specific users in the Channel.

Command for Leaderboard

@bot.command(pass_context = True)
async def lb(ctx, command = None):
    print('Command Leaderboard is running!')

    mydb, cursor = get_connection()

    if command == 'helper':

        fetch = '''
            SELECT Username, Total_Points, dense_rank() 
            OVER ( order by Total_points desc ) 
            AS 'rank' FROM points WHERE Is_Helper = 1;

        value = from_db_cursor(cursor)

        embed = discord.Embed (
            title = f"Leaderboard for {command}!", 
            color = 0x8150bc,
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow(),
            description = "```


        embed.set_footer(text = 'Bot Made By Saurabh')
        embed.set_footer(text="Command invoked by {}".format(   
        await ctx.send(embed = embed)
        print('Fetching Data for Helper Leaderboard!\n')

    elif command == 'member':

        fetch = '''
            SELECT Username, Total_Points, dense_rank() 
            OVER ( order by Total_points desc ) 
            AS 'rank' FROM points WHERE Is_Helper = 0   ;

        value = from_db_cursor(cursor)

        embed = discord.Embed (
            title = f"Leaderboard for {command}!", 
            color = 0x8150bc,
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow(),
            description = "```


        embed.set_footer(text = 'Bot Made By Saurabh')
        embed.set_footer(text="Command invoked by {}".format(   
        await ctx.send(embed = embed)
        print('Fetching Data for Member Leaderboard!\n')

        await ctx.send('Please add helper/member in your command for displaying the leaderboard!')
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These methods will check, whether helper/member is passed as a parameter, if not passed it will display the else block!

After searching StackOverflow, watching youtube videos, At last, my BOT was working πŸŽ‰πŸ€© which took me almost 1.5-months😩, since I was very new to making Discord BOT.

πŸ––πŸΌπŸ˜ƒ Hope you'll like this Blog!!! πŸ––πŸΌπŸ˜ƒ

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