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Tiny online developer tools

I regularly use many online tools to help software development so this is a list of these. Not being part of development tools, I have to hop on web versions of these.

Regular expressions

These tools help to create debug and understand various regular expressions which you will create. Also contain useful examples.

CRON schedule expressions

Sites with lot of tools

Converters, validators, beautifiers, minifiers, cryptography, generators, editors, viewers (this will give you idea what is there):

HTTP Request bin

If you need to test your HTTP requests, you can send them to free pages for debugging.

OpenAPI tools

Top comments (4)

cezarytomczyk profile image
Cezary Tomczyk

Those tools for regular expressions are really great. I've used them for long time and see their evolution.

megaimperator profile image

I forgot to mention AI chats - they can create initial regex-s to start with.

cezarytomczyk profile image
Cezary Tomczyk

They can. However, the answer is quite arbitrary and worth checking after all, as the provided regular expression may not necessarily be efficient.

victorrims68524 profile image
Rimsha Victor Gill

These resources will undoubtedly save a lot of time and effort in various aspects of our work.