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Mark Vassilevskiy
Mark Vassilevskiy

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3 Best Businesses That You Need to Start in 2023

Every business is a skill, and I’ll tell you which skills you need the most in the upcoming year!

The first thing that you need to realize is that business is a skill. To succeed in business, you need to improve yourself over time and do it constantly. It’s like going to the gym. You’re going there daily to build strong muscles; the same principle applies to building a solid business. The truth is that not everyone will buy a pass to the gym, create an exercise program, and start eating well. Most of the guys who want to be stronger are just sitting on the couch and thinking without taking any steps further toward their goal. They don’t act at all.

The same analogy can be seen in business. A tiny amount of people will actually succeed in building their own business and making it profitable. Many of you will add this article to your reading list and then forget about it in 5 minutes, taking no action.

So if you’re ready to start a new business and passionate about it, then this article is for you. I found the best business ideas that will definitely work in 2023 and will help you define your direction! And remember, with enough discipline, you can succeed in everything. People online are not better than you!

Starting a Personal Brand

It can be defined in different ways. You can start your own blog on YouTube, Medium, or any other social media platform, where you’ll talk about things that you think are important right now and share your ideas with everyone. It can also be a company that provides some sort of service or product for customers. For instance, it can be selling online books or guiding people in the sphere where you’re the best.

The main difference from the usual brand model is that the whole idea of a personal brand is about who you are and what you can provide to customers or viewers. In other words, you’re not selling a T-shirt with the name of your company; you’re giving your personal experience and skills to help other people. Or if you don’t want to help, you can entertain.

The best example of a successful personal brand is GaryVee. I personally love him and am always inspired by what he says. If you don’t know who he is, then he’s an entrepreneur who has been showing all his life and guides people through what they need to do. Gary is saying that building a personal brand is probably the most crucial business that you can own and it has lots of advantages.

By growing your personal brand, you’re growing yourself as well. If the whole concept revolves around you, then it’s hard to not improve because you always need to impress people with something new. It can be some new thoughts or views on some events. Also, by building a personal brand, you’re getting more and more famous. Do you know who is standing behind Zara, Stripe, Shopify, or any other pretty big company? (not including Apple, Google, and other top-tier companies). That’s right. Most of you use their products or services every day, but not so many know the CEOs and people behind them. With a big personal brand, it’s almost impossible. Your business can be literally your last name or a combination like GaryVee.

Selling Gigs on Gumroad

Gumroad is a platform where you can also provide some products or services. It can be fully passively or actively, but we’ll talk right now about passive implementation. In a nutshell, you’re creating a gig which people can buy an infinite number of times, such as eBooks, courses, or even Notion templates. It doesn’t matter what you want to sell, there will always be someone who wants to buy it. Your goal is to provide the best experience for customers and make it better than others. If you want to sell a course, then you need to be sure that the information inside is really useful and that people who buy it won’t just spend their money for nothing.

You also need to pay attention to designing and describing your service in the best possible way. A great design will catch the eyes of users, and a good description will give users an understanding of what your product is. By the way, try to do everything yourself for the first time, but you can also hire someone who will do some part of this job for you.

There are other alternatives. You don’t have to use only Gumroad. There’s also a Fiverr, which has been on the market for a long time. It has a much bigger community and user base, but with it comes a much higher level of competition between other guys in the same niche. Gumroad is smaller, simpler, and created especially for beginners and some specific purposes. I personally would prefer to use both of them and try to grow in any possible way.


Dropshipping, Amazon FBA, Print on Demand. If you’re living on the internet and constantly reading Medium articles, then you have probably already heard about all these strange words. They’re all similar to each other but have tiny differences. All of them are aimed at selling physical products online.

Dropshipping is simply a scheme where you buy something cheap from Aliexpress or any other comparable website and then sell it on your personal website. You don’t need to do everything from scratch; there’s a shopify which will make everything much easier. With Shopify, you’ll be able to build your store in several days and start selling it right away. The key advantage of Shopify is that you don’t need much budget to start. You just find a product, build a store and sell it online. The main problem is that you have to find different ways to promote your product, because without promotion, nobody will ever know about it and you’ll end up with nothing.

Amazon FBA uses the same principles, but you’re selling your product on Amazon, rather than on your personal website. It has some cons and pros over dropshipping. Firstly, you don’t need to build a store at all. Secondly, you are selling on the largest platform in the world. And thirdly, your product will be delivered by Amazon itself, so you can be sure that it will be fast and efficient. However, to start an Amazon FBA business, you’ll need a larger budget because you’ll need to first buy a lot of your product samples and give them to Amazon. So it will be able to ship and deliver your packages to customers.

Print on Demand is another form of dropshipping. But instead of selling some random products from Aliexpress, you’re selling clothes with your own print. That’s right, you can create a simple print by using Canva or something else and then just upload it on, for example, Prinfity. After that, you’ll need to build a store through Shopify and start selling!


That’s it. I hope you love all of these three ideas for business in the upcoming 2023 and will choose which one of them fits you best. And it’s very important to mention that you need to choose only one. If you start working on several of them, then you’ll end up with nothing. The key to success is to focus on things that are really important. If you liked this article, then don’t forget to leave a clap and follow me! Also, if you disagree with me on some points, then I’m happy to chat with you below :)

Top comments (2)

moazamdev profile image
Moazam Ali

I like the #1 and #2 one

metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Yeah, dropshipping is pretty boring and I've heard about it million times already. Thanks for commenting :)