DEV Community

Mian Azan
Mian Azan

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5 HTML Features You Should Know

We deal with a variety of technologies, frameworks, and programming languages as web developers. While learning HTML, CSS, and JS is simple, mastering each of them is difficult.
Even though there are numerous advantages to knowing more about HTML's features, it is sometimes disregarded. You can save a lot of time by using HTML features rather than creating them from scratch. Furthermore, your markup will be considerably cleaner and more user-friendly.
So let's look at five HTML features you've probably never heard of before! I hope this article will help you a lot!.

1. Input Suggestions

The html

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element contains a set of

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elements that represent the recommended options availabe to choose from within other controls.

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2. Details Discloure

The html

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element creates a discloure widget in which information is visible only when the widgets is toggled into an "open" state.

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3. The Base Element

The html

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element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document.

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In this example I am setting base Url to and target to blank. The images are loading taking into account that base URL + their respective src attribute. The anchor elements are redirecting to the base URL + the href attribute.

4. Lazy Loading Images And Iframes

You can add the loading attribute and set its value to lazy to defer the loading of both images and iframes until they become visible in the browser.

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5. The Picture Element

The html

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element contains zero or more

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elements and one

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element to offer alternative versions of an image for different display/device scenarios.

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In the above example if the browser width is atleast 800px then either head.jpg or head2x-jpg is used, depending on the device resolution. If the browser is between 450px and 800px then either head-small-2x.jpg is used again depending on the device resolution.

I hope this article will help you a lot 😅.

Top comments (8)

dijkhuizen profile image
Willem Albertus Martinus Dijkhuizen

This is such a helpful reminder, I totally forgot about these tags somehow! Thank you for sharing this with us :)

mianazanfarooq profile image
Mian Azan

Its my pleasure that this article helped you!

spaceninja151 profile image
Christian Knoll

Thanks! Great reminders!

mianazanfarooq profile image
Mian Azan

Glad! that article helped you

sarveshprajapati profile image
Sarvesh Prajapati

The could be included.... but either way... great content

mianazanfarooq profile image
Mian Azan

Glad to hear that article helped you

njmsaikat profile image
Saikat Roy

Simple but interesting.

brsnumget profile image

very good informations. thank you