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Cover image for JavaScriptmas 2022 - Issue 4
Michael J. Larocca
Michael J. Larocca

Posted on • Edited on • Originally published at


JavaScriptmas 2022 - Issue 4

The post-JavaScriptmas 2022 post! This article concludes Scrimba's annual 24-day holiday event! I cover the remaining challenges with detailed solutions, more community highlights, and the Livestream!


Another successful JavaScriptmas annual event has come to an end! 💻

Although there are only two prize winners, I believe all participants are winners! Many have participated in the 24-day coding challenge, expanding their knowledge, growing their online presence by learning in public, and creating code reviews providing constructive feedback for their fellow coders! Indeed, all participants in this wonderful festive event were filled with the JavaScriptmas spirit! 🎄

In this last article of the JavaScriptmas 2022 series, I complete the remaining challenges, highlight others' outstanding works, and include the two announced prize winners along with their response messages! 🎉

I also list all 12 community highlights and all of my 24 challenge solutions!

Community highlights ⬇



Farrah completed the day 23 challenge with one succinct line of code, and then for a stretch goal, wrote a second function to display the list of sorted items by price (cheapest to most expensive) in DOM!

function sortProducts(data){
    return data.sort((a,b)=>{return a.price - b.price})
//Stretch - display list of items sorted by price (cheapest to most expensive) in DOM
function showList() {
    let listEl = ''
    listEl += `<div>${i.product} &nbsp&nbsp $${i.price}</div>`
    return listEl
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Farrah - Discord: 9tfdev#1635

🔗 Link to the scrim



The JavaScriptmas coder, who goes by the name mykalimba, created a visually impressive Christmas Jukebox for the day 24 challenge!

This Christmas Jukebox starts with the click of just one button that says, "Do it." When you click the button, it disappears, and then eight new buttons slide in one at a time with a nice slide-in effect! Each button has a color transition from green to red as you hover over them, and the selected song button changes to a gold-yellow.

In addition to the provided song buttons, new ones were added. One button included says "🎄🎅 Happy Holidays, Fellow Scrimbians! 🤶 🎄" that plays the song Never Gonna Give You Up, by Rick Astley when clicked!

mykalimba - Discord: headtothesky#3781

🔗 Link to the scrim



Jordan created a constructive code review of Jakub's already succinct JavaScript challenge solution!

Jordan starts by complimenting Jakub's solution, acknowledging that it works, and analyzing that Jakub's goal was to solve the challenge in as few lines of code as possible.

Jordan then refactors the code, thoroughly explaining and proving that the changes work in solving the coding challenge; he removes a spread operator, breaks repetitive code into a new function making the code dry, and changes a query selector to a getElementById.

🔗 Link to the code review

Jordan - Discord: chinagoblin#3171

Jakub - Discord: Jirous#5567

❄ Community highlights list ❄

My JavaScript code challenge solutions ⬇

Day 19 challenge

Century From Year

Given a year, return the century it is in. The first century spans from the year 1 up to and including the year 100, the second - from year 101 up and including the year 200, etc.


  • For the year = 1905, the output should be centuryFromYear(year) = 20;
  • For the year = 1700, the output should be centuryFromYear(year) = 17;


  • Math.floor()

We solve this challenge by using math. We need to divide the year passed in by 100, and we need to round up to determine the century.

To round up in JavaScript we use the Math.ceil() method.

function centuryFromYear(num) {
    return Math.ceil(num / 100);
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🔗 My solution for day 19

Day 20 challenge

Find Free Podcasts

We have a list of podcasts and need the ability to filter by only podcasts which are free.

Write a function that takes in the podcast data and returns an new array of only those podcasts which are free.

Additionally, your new array should return only objects containing only the podcast title, rating, and whether or not it is paid.

Expected output:

    {title: "Scrimba Podcast", rating: 10, paid: false}, 
    {title: "Something about Witches", rating: 8, paid: false}, 
    {title: "Coding Corner", rating: 9, paid: false}
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We solve this challenge in 2 steps:

  1. Filter()
  2. Map()

Let's take a look at the first record in the podcasts array.

        id: 1,
        title: "Scrimba Podcast", 
        duration: 50, 
        tags: ["education", "jobs", "technology"], 
        hosts: ["Alex Booker"], 
        rating: 10,
        genre: "education",
        paid: false
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First, we need to create a new array to push records into and return.

const freePadCastsArrray = [];
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Next, let's see how to filter out the free podcasts. Using the JavaScript filter() method, we can iterate over the podcasts array and filter out the records with a false value for paid.

const podCasts = data.filter(podcast => podcast.paid === false);
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Now that we have the filtered list, we can chain on the JavaScript map() method to return only the key-value pairs needed. We then set the key-value pairs to variables and add them to a new object named newRecord.

    const podCasts = data.filter(podcast => podcast.paid === false).map(podcast => {
        const title = podcast.title;
        const rating = podcast.rating;
        const paid = podcast.paid;

        const newRecord = {
            title: title,
            rating: rating,
            paid: paid,
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Each iteration creates one newRecord that we push into the freePadCastsArrray.

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We solve the challenge by returning the returning freePadCastsArrray.

return freePadCastsArrray; 
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Here is the completed function.

function getFreePodcasts(data){
    const freePadCastsArrray = [];

    const podCasts = data.filter(podcast => podcast.paid === false).map(podcast => {
        const title = podcast.title;
        const rating = podcast.rating;
        const paid = podcast.paid;

        const newRecord = {
            title: title,
            rating: rating,
            paid: paid,
    return freePadCastsArrray; 
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🔗 My solution for day 20

Day 21 challenge

Definitely Not FizzBuzz

Scrimba CEO Per Borgen wants you to write a program to grant special bonuses to all his employees based on their employee ID numbers!

Scrimba has 100 employees and their employee ID numbers range from 1 - 100. If the employee's ID number is:

  • Divisible by 3 - Vacation!
  • Divisible by 5 - $100,000 bonus!
  • Divisible by both 3 and 5 - JACKPOT! 1 Million and a Yacht!
  • Not divisible by 3 or 5 - :(

Write a program to loop through all the ID numbers and print their prize.

Your function's output should look something like this:

  • 1 - :(
  • 2 - :(
  • 3 - Vacation!
  • 4 - :(
  • 5 - $100,000 bonus!

The code for this challenge is simple; we can solve it with a for loop and an else if statement.

The tricky part is structuring the correct order of the else if statement.

To solve the challenge, we will use the modulus operator (%) to determine if each number is divisible as instructed.

First, we create a for loop that counts from 1 to 100.

for(let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

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Now we start the if statement by checking if the current number i is divisible by both 3 and 5.

if(i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0) {
    console.log(`${i}: JACKPOT! 1 Million and a Yacht!`);
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Then, if the current number i is just divisible by 3:

else if(i % 3 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: Vacation!`);
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Next, we check if the current number i is just divisible by 5:

else if(i % 5 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: $100,000 bonus!`)
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And finally, if the current number i is not divisible by 3 or by 5:

else if(!i % 3 === 0 || !i % 5 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: :(`);
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Here is the completed function:

function awardBonuses(){
    for(let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

        if(i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: JACKPOT! 1 Million and a Yacht!`);
        } else if(i % 3 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: Vacation!`);
        } else if(i % 5 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: $100,000 bonus!`)
        } else if(!i % 3 === 0 || !i % 5 === 0) {
            console.log(`${i}: :(`);
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🔗 My solution for day 21

Day 22 challenge

Ready Tables

- Topic: Return a Function

Our restaurant has 20 tables and the staff serves 2 tables at a time. They need to know which tables are ready to serve. Let's fix this with what we learned about returning a function inside of another function.

  1. Create a function called displayTables.
  2. displayTables should map over the array of ready tables returned from getReadyTables to generate the html we need to render our display for the staff. One div should be generated for each table value. Here is an example: <div class="table">TABLE VALUE HERE</div>.
  3. Remember to remove the commas after applying map()
  4. Fetch the tables from the DOM
  5. Set the innerHTML content of the tables to the displayTables function call.

This challenge provides all the HTML & CSS; we just need to write the JavaScript. We will write a new function called displayTables that calls the provided function getReadyTables to solve this problem.

Inside the displayTables function, we will write three variables:

  • tables to fetch the HTML tables <section> from the DOM
  • readyTables to call the provided function
  • outPut to set the innerHTML content of the tables
function displayTables() {
    const tables = document.getElementById("tables");
    const readyTables = getReadyTables();
    let outPut = ``;
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As instructed, we will use the JavaScript map() method to loop over the ready tables returned from getReadyTables function.

While iterating over the readyTables array, we add an HTML div element for every item ( table ) in the array, and add it to the outPut variable as follows: => {
        outPut += `<div class="table">${tabel}</div>`;
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We solve the challenge by setting the tables inner HTML to the value of the outPut variable.

Here is the completed function:

function displayTables() {
    const tables = document.getElementById("tables");
    const readyTables = getReadyTables();
    let outPut = ``; => {
        outPut += `<div class="table">${tabel}</div>`;

    tables.innerHTML = outPut;
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🔗 My solution for day 22

Day 23 challenge

Holiday Gift Shopping

You're online shopping for holiday gifts, but money is tight so we need to look at the cheapest items first. Use the built in sort() method to write a function that returns a new array of products sorted by price, cheapest to most expensive.

This challenge provides us with an array of products. The product array consists of key-value pairs, the product value in the form of an icon, and the product's price. To solve the challenge, we will use the JavaScript sort method to sort the items by price from lowest to highest.

When working with strings, the Javascript sort method works as expected.

const letters = ["a", "e", "d", "c", "b"];

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However, when working with numbers, we need to pass the following function into the sort method:

const points = [40, 100, 1, 5, 25, 10];
points.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});

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We need to access and compare each product's value to solve the challenge.

Let's look at the first record in the products array as follows:

{product: "🍭", price: 2.99}
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To access the price, we can access an object's properties using dot notation.

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Now, to solve the challenge, let's use the JavaScript sort method to sort from the lowest to the highest price.

return data.sort(function(a, b) {return a.price - b.price}); 
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We can write a more succinct line of code by refactoring as follows:

return data.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price); 
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Here is the completed function:

function sortProducts(data){
    return data.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price); 
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🔗 My solution for day 23

Day 24 challenge

Christmas Jukebox

The final Javascriptmas challenge is to build a music jukebox.

The styling of the music jukebox is complete, along with an embedded YouTube iframe to display Christmas videos and buttons containing the corresponding YouTube ID to the songs.

To solve this challenge, we need to program a function that changes the iframe's URL source when the user clicks on each of the song buttons.

Before we code the JavaScript, let's first look at the HTML iframe provided.

  <div class="container">
    <h1>🎄 Christmas Jukebox</h1>
    <iframe id="player" type="text/html" width="480" height="240" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

    <div class="songs">
        <button onclick="playSong('PoAjmmD89Vw')">White Christmas</button>
        <button onclick="playSong('1qYz7rfgLWE')">Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree</button>
        <button onclick="playSong('R_vmuL0gjU0')">Jingle Bell Rock</button>
        <button onclick="playSong('WaNwEkCeZrE')">It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas</button>
        <button onclick="playSong('AN_R4pR1hck')">It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year</button>
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Looking at the iframe src value, we can see the entire URL containing the YouTube song ID for White Christmas.

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Below is just the unique YouTube ID for White Christmas.

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Now, look at each button, and you will see a click event that calls a function called playSong with each song's unique YouTube ID passed in as a parameter.

To solve the challenge, we will use template literals to create a string that incorporates each song's YouTube ID passed in as a parameter and set the value to the player source.

player.src = `${id}?autoplay=1`;
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Here is the completed function.

const player = document.getElementById("player")

function playSong(id) {
  // Challenge: Add code here to make the youtube player play the new YouTube song
    player.src = `${id}?autoplay=1`;
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🔗 My solution for day 24

My JavaScriptmas Submissions 💻

Below is my list of each day's completed JavaScriptmas challenges. ⬇

I hope that "Scrimba Claus" checks it twice! 🎄


Pixabay: Illustration by Mohamed Hassan

❄ My JavaScriptmas submissions ❄

Date Scrim
12/01/2022 Panic function
12/02/2022 Totally Private Data Farm
12/03/2022 Favorite Foods
12/04/2022 Whispering function
12/05/2022 Candy Sale
12/06/2022 Taco Tray
12/07/2022 Alternating Caps
12/08/2022 Valid Time
12/09/2022 toTitleCase
12/10/2022 Sort by length
12/11/2022 Decode an Alien Message
12/12/2022 Breakfast Menu
12/13/2022 Emojify
12/14/2022 Count Vowel Consonant
12/15/2022 Palindromes
12/16/2022 Insert Dashes
12/17/2022 Pumpkin's Prizes
12/18/2022 Candies
12/19/2022 Century From Year
12/20/2022 Find Free Podcasts
12/21/2022 Definitely Not FizzBuzz
12/22/2022 Ready Tables
12/23/2022 Holiday Gift Shopping
12/24/2022 Christmas Jukebox

Scrimba JavaScriptmas Grand Finale

Huge congratulations to the two winners! 🎉

Solution winner: @Kouski

Code Review winner: @leroy


Hi, what a Christmas present...Thank you so much to all the Scrimba crew. I really appreciate the prize, i think that this web is one of the best places to learn, the courses are interactive, fun, useful. Besides they spend a lot of time and effort in free stuff, helping the people for free. I recommend to invest some money learning at Scrimba, I was thinking seriously to suscribe when i start the javascript Challenge...and i am so happy to win this prize. Thank you again and Merry Christmas to everyone!


Kouski - Discord: Oscar Gamarra#1310


Dear, Scrimba Team.

I just want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the recent challenge. I gained so much knowledge from it, and it was a priceless experience.

I'm incredibly appreciative that I was given the chance to put my abilities to the test and challenge myself to become a better coder. The resources and support provided by Scrimba were top-notch, and I feel confident that I have gained valuable knowledge and skills that will serve me well in my future endeavors.

Once more, many thanks for everything. I am looking forward to future opportunities to learn and grow with Scrimba.



Leroy- Discord: Leroy#0512

💥 Holiday Sale! Christmas Discount on Pro membership!💥

Pro Member

All the content you need to become a hireable developer!

  • 77h Frontend Career Path
  • All 60+ courses
  • Full access to community
  • Course certificates

🔗 Pro member Discount

If you would like to learn more about my journey with Scrimba and how learning with them may help you, you can read my article: How Scrimba is helping me and many others to become confident, well-prepared web developers

I continue to have wonderful experiences with Scrimba, and I highly recommend learning with them! You can read my full Scrimba review on my 12/13/2020 post.

Per Harald Borgen Quote

"That's one of the best Scrimba reviews I've ever read, @MikeJudeLarocca. Thank you! 🙏 "

— Per Harald Borgen, CEO of Scrimba December 14, 2020

Advance your career with a 20% discount on Scrimba Pro using this affiliate link!

Become a hireable developer with Scrimba Pro! Discover a world of coding knowledge with full access to all courses, hands-on projects, and a vibrant community. You can read my article to learn more about my exceptional experiences with Scrimba and how it helps many become confident, well-prepared web developers!

Important: This discount is for new accounts only. If a higher discount is currently available, it will be applied automatically.

How to Claim Your Discount:

  1. Click the link to explore the new Scrimba 2.0.
  2. Create a new account.
  3. Upgrade to Pro; the 20% discount will automatically apply.
Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. I will earn a commission from any purchases made through these links at no extra cost to you. Your support helps me continue creating valuable content. Thank you!


JavaScriptmas is a wonderful festive seasonal event created by Scrimba. Participants grow their coding skills and "online" presence by being encouraged to code every day during the event and sharing their solutions with the community.

JavaScriptmas participants of all coding levels receive an equal opportunity to win prizes throughout the event due to Scrimba's craftily created "raffle" style contest; the more you code and submit valid solutions, the more chances you have to win!

This year, Scrimba also added code review submissions as "raffle" tickets, encouraging students to provide constructive feedback for each other, resulting in earning more chances to win a grand prize!

Scrimba is once again running a holiday sale! There is still time to get a discount on a year of Scrimba Pro membership, so if you are considering signing up, now is a great time while it's at this fantastic price!

Let's connect! I'm active on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Did you take part in this year's JavaScriptmas event? Are you interested in taking part in JavaScriptmas next year? Please share the article and comment!

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