Hey all, I'm back to writing my Modulo.js tutorial series, and am always looking for more content ideas. If you want to see a certain type of tutorial in the future, be sure let me know in the comments -- and follow, if you haven't already!
In my previous tutorials, I showed how to use the single-file, 2000-line, small-but-mighty Modulo.js framework to make a gradient picker component in 13 lines, quickly embed APIs, or even how to build an animated text-shadow "wave" effect text picker. This time, we'll be making something like the last one, except instead of using pure HTML and CSS, we'll be employing the full power of SVG. This lets us really get wild with our text art designer tool! Ready for some creative and exciting shapes in SVG Text Art?
The final result
Try it out now, in less than 30 seconds: ๐๐๐ Want to skip ahead? Scroll to the end and copy the ~40 lines of HTML code into any local HTML file, and then open it in *Firefox. Modulo has no dependencies and even runs embedded in local HTML files, so it's really that easy!
Template and SVG
Including SVG in Modulo is as simple as adding it to a Template:
<svg viewBox="0 0 600 600" style="width: 600px; float: right">
<circle id="circle" cx="60" cy="100" r="40"
stroke="{{ state.stroke }}" fill="{{ state.color }}"
stroke-width="10" />
<text width="2000">
>Modulo.js: Text FX!</textPath>
In this snippet, we build a 600x600 SVG image (<svg viewBox="0 0 600 600" ...>
), put a 4-radius circle in it at 60x100, and use state.stroke
and state.color
state variables to assign it's color scheme. We then add a text element that "follows" the shape of the circle referring to it by it's ID: <textPath xlink:href="#circle">
Binding color inputs
We have our colors in our state, but the user has no way of adjusting them. Let's add to our Template two bound color inputs:
<label><input [state.bind] name="color" type="color"> Fill Color</label><br/>
<label><input [state.bind] name="stroke" type="color"> Border Color</label><br/>
The [state.bind] name="..."
binds each of these to those state variables, so the component will rerender with the new state when a new color is picked. If you are new to Modulo.js, and state and binding is confusing you, consider warming up with this tutorial on creating a font design tool, or the Modulo JS - Ramping Up Part 2: State. If SVG <textPath>
elements are confusing you, check out MDN's documentation.
Finishing up the other inputs: Offset, Border, Radius, and Text
Start with three new state variables, like the initial color
and stroke
ones, except using the data-prop :=
syntax for the numbers:
text="Modulo.js: Text FX!"
And, just like before, add in inputs:
<input [state.bind] name="text" />
<input [state.bind]="input" name="offset" type="range" min="0" max="300" />
<input [state.bind]="input" name="width" type="range" min="0" max="40" />
<input [state.bind]="input" name="radius" type="range" min="10" max="80" />
The first input controls the text (default type), and the other three input
tags with [state.bind]="input"
control numbers using type="range"
(the ="input"
tweak explained in this tutorial).
Adding in the new state variables back to the SVG
Let's go back to the SVG to assign the new state variables to cx=
, cy=
, r=
, and stroke-width=
attributes on the <circle>
, and the startOffset
and content of the <textPath>
<circle id="circle"
cx="{{ state.radius|add:20 }}" cy="100"
r="{{ state.radius }}"
stroke="{{ state.stroke }}" fill="{{ state.color }}"
stroke-width="{{ state.width }}" />
<text width="2000">
<textPath xlink:href="#circle" startOffset="{{ state.offset }}">
{{ state.text }}
Note the |add:20
for the cx=
: This |add filter gives an offset of 20 to the circle so it doesn't overflow on the left.
Firefox Footnotes
This tutorial requires the SVG feature of circular text, which Chrome hasn't yet implemented. My next tutorial will talk about SVG paths, which is supported by Chrome. The images generated can still be used cross-platform, however.
- Embeddable results
Combine everything, and we get the following results. Hope you enjoy this tutorial -- follow for more like this!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<template Modulo>
<Component name="TextArtCircleTool">
<svg viewBox="0 0 600 600" style="width: 600px; float: right">
<circle id="circle"
cx="{{ state.radius|add:20 }}" cy="100"
r="{{ state.radius }}"
stroke="{{ state.stroke }}" fill="{{ state.color }}"
stroke-width="{{ state.width }}" />
<text width="2000">
startOffset="{{ state.offset }}"
>{{ state.text }}</textPath>
<label><input [state.bind] name="text" /></label><br/>
<label><input [state.bind]="input" name="offset"
type="range" min="0" max="300" /> Offset</label><br/>
<label><input [state.bind]="input" name="width"
type="range" min="0" max="40" /> Border</label><br/>
<label><input [state.bind]="input" name="radius"
type="range" min="10" max="80" /> Radius</label><br/>
<label><input [state.bind] name="color" type="color"> Fill Color</label><br/>
<label><input [state.bind] name="stroke" type="color"> Border Color</label><br/>
text="Modulo.js: Text FX!"
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mdu.js"></script>
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