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Writing your first web component (Learn Modulo.js - Part 1 of 10)

๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome, all new subscribers and returning component coders! I'm kicking off a new 10 part tutorial series. While my other tutorials have used Modulo.js to build specific, fun little apps like pokemon dance parties, retro extruded text editors, or video game galleries, this tutorial series will build up on basic principals, starting from square one: What is a Web Component?

The Next Step After HTML and CSS

Have you just learned the basics of HTML and CSS, and are curious about going taking the next step, and want to build bigger and more complete web applications? Or, are you already a web developer or JavaScript pro, and just want to build quick and light web apps without too much bloat, tooling, or excess dependencies?

If so, Web Components are for you! They let you create reusable portions of code. By taking this tutorial, you'll learn how to fix repetitive, difficult-to-maintain HTML and CSS. It also uses only minimal tools and libraries, meaning you won't need Node.js, NPM, or a massive node_modules. It also lets you hone your skills in modern frontend web development: In the future tutorials in this series, you'll learn concepts like slots, shadowDOM, props, templating, state management, and more! These are concepts that are transferable to use other popular frameworks, and Modulo's simple, declarative approach could be a more inviting way to learn the core concepts without getting bogged down in complex setup.

Introducing the Modulo Framework

What is Modulo? Modulo is a free software / open source, small-but-mighty web framework written in JavaScript. It has no dependencies, and uses HTML syntax so it can set itself up on page load, with no need for Node.js or compilation. You can use it in a plain HTML "static site" (e.g. when you assemble HTML, CSS, and other static assets in a directory to launch on a static web host), or any other existing web app. This tutorial is about using Modulo as a tool to build Web Components.

Introducing Part 1

Viewing source of x-HelloWorld in Dev tools

In Part 1, we'll learn how to build a simple "Hello World" component. In future parts, we'll learn how to add in Style, Props, State, reactive forms, slots, APIs, and so much more, but for now, we'll start with the basics: Going beyond basic HTML and CSS by creating and re-using a Web Component with Modulo.

Step 1: Including Modulo

Before we can use Modulo, we'll have to include the framework. The entire framework is contained in "Modulo.js", a file containing 2000-lines of JavaScript. This means that starting a Modulo project requires literally no dependencies beyond your browser and editor. So, just open up a blank HTML file and get going with the following very simple starter code:

<template Modulo>
    <!-- our stuff will go here eventually... -->
<script src=""></script>
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Step 2: Defining your first component

Now that we have included it, we can start writing Modulo definitions and use the framework in general. We define our first component by creating a Modulo <Component ...> definition, and putting inside of it a <Template> definition, as below:

<Component name="HelloWorld">
        Hello <strong>Modulo</strong> World!
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This "Template" thus becomes the "template" for our component: Every time our component shows up on the page, it will render the given template inside of it.

Step 3: Using your first component

Once defined, you can use a component by referring to it's name as though it were a plain HTML tag:

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This will cause the following to show on the screen:

Hello Modulo World!

Note that once registered, components can go anywhere that plain HTML tags can go, and can be styled with CSS the same way as well. In other words, creating a component is like creating a brand-new type of HTML tag that can be used anywhere, just like the original HTML tags of <div>, <a>, etc. For example, we can put our component into other tags like this:

<p>One time: <x-HelloWorld></x-HelloWorld></p>
<div>Another time: <x-HelloWorld></x-HelloWorld></div>
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Step 4: Enhancing your first component

The "Template" can have more advanced code if we want. We can mix in CSS and classes. For example:

<Component name="HelloWorld">
        Hello <strong style="color: goldenrod">Modulo</strong> World!
        <p class="neat">Any HTML can be here!</p>
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Note that if you use the .neat selector in your CSS, this will apply to that span element, just like normal.

<x-HelloWorld> - Complete Example

Combining it all, we get the following results. Note how our custom Web Component can be used and re-used as though it were a normal, HTML tag:

<template Modulo>
    <Component name="HelloWorld">
            Hello <strong style="color: goldenrod">Modulo</strong> World!
            <p class="neat">Any HTML can be here!</p>
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Learning Modulo Part 1</h1>
<h2>Your first Web Component</h2>
<main style="border: 3px solid violet; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 3px">
    <section>One time: <x-HelloWorld></x-HelloWorld></section>
    <div>Another time: <x-HelloWorld></x-HelloWorld></div>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


That's all for Part 1! There's another 9 parts to go, so follow for more tutorials like this, and, as always, feel free to ask questions or suggestions in the comments. Next time... we're getting stylish!

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