I'm a pretty big fan of theremins, so when my newsfeed fed me the news that it's the theremin's 100th anniversary I had to share it with you all.
Here's the post that caught my eye. I'm pretty head-over-heels for Moog, who developed a new theremin in celebration of the 100th anniversary, which definitely played a hand in why I'm seeing this news. Speaking of "playing hands", the theremin is the only instrument to be played without touching it. 🙌
So what are your thoughts on theremins? Any favorite theremin tunes? What about a favorite theremin player (thereminist)?
Top comments (5)
One of my favorites is "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys:
And if you'd like to learn about how the theremin came to be involved in "Good Vibrations" here's an awesome college lecture on that very topic:
Happy centeneversary Theremin! My favorite theremin line is probably from Humming by Portishead. (Although I'm pretty sure it's a synth patch, and not a real theremin.)
If you're a fan of early electronic instruments, have you checked out the Ondes Martenot? I would love to play one.
Wow! The Ondes Martenot is soooo cool. I'm going to have to see if I can locate one of these — I'd love to try playing one too. While I'd never actually seen one and didn't know what it sounded like, I was reading about Radiohead's Kid A album recently and noticed that they used one of these on some tunes. Meant to look into it, but the Wikipedia blackhole took me elsewhere, haha!
Anyway, I'm totally gonna go look up Humming now. Portishead is awesome. Thanks for the suggestion!
I built a theremin from a kit once. A Moog Etherwave, actually. My young nieces were very pleased.
OOoo, I'm gonna look this up, that sounds like a cool way to experience a theremin.