Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?
All wins count -- big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Getting a promotion!
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy 😄
Happy Friday!
Top comments (59)
I got a remote job as a community moderator, and I have an interview at the company of my dreams next week!
Congratulations, Doaa
Thanks Mahmoud 😄
@Doaa , Congratulations :)
Thank you so much!
I'll throw in a Dev Selfie with my win. Dropped 20lbs of fat and feeling awesome.
Way to go! In a similar fashion, this is week 2 for me of bringing my lunch to work everyday. Realized I was spending wayyy too much on eating out for lunch and needed to cut that shit out.
I've probably saved between $120-$300 so far this way.
Noice. 😎
NICE! That's awesome! :)
This is better than all the motivation/productivity & mood threads. Congrats & good work.
Managed to increase the performance of a very slow piece of code by a factor of 4.
Doing my masters degree in tandem with a full time job, I am relieved to see one of the most demanding courses be left behind me for good
Big week here:
Outside of tech-y stuff, I got my partner to watch Drop Dead Gorgeous (one of my favorite movies), and we both laughed so hard that my stomach still hurts.
Congrats all around!!
Any chance you can share this cleverly named domain? Totally interested now...
I just pointed the nameservers so it's probably not loading yet, but... we-are-anxio.us
oh, I am funny. 😂
I finally had a technical interview that I felt calm, cool, and collected all the way through. My first few I got very anxious and had a hard time thinking straight, so this is a big step forward for me!!
Best of luck!
Outside of personal life wins, I've got a few tech ones:
and that whole workflow so hopefully this will work out better! :)Can you share you discord server's link?
Sure thing here's the discord invite
And check out the info on the challenge as if you're interested!
My project got 10 stars on GitHub:
Template for creating and developing ZeroNet sites
ZeroNet Template
Template for creating and developing ZeroNet sites.
This project provides a template for creating and developing ZeroNet sites.
It supports NPM dependencies and it uses Gulp and Browserify for bundling scripts. It also supports SASS and automatic deployments with Travis CI.
You must have Git and Node.js installed on your computer. It is recommended that use the latest versions.
It is also recommended to also install Python and ZeroNet for easier developing and deploying. You need to use Python 3 version of ZeroNet.
If you don't already have your own ZeroNet site, you should create it from ZeroNet. Details are available in ZeroNet documentation. You must have a site's address and a private key.
You can then clone or fork this repository and install dependencies. It already contains an example site and code with ZeroFrame API.
And I created (my first) Dev.to post about it:
Article No Longer Available
Heyoo! Busy week right there. Nice accomplishments!
Well, writing my first weekly retro post is definitely a win! 😀
I had a three-day-long Angular & TypeScript-Workshop at work.
I understand better the appeal of having your Framework define lots of things like Routing and Ajax for you. I can see how its restrictive nature is a good fit for larger teams with diverse seniorities. Also the first-class IDE-support you get with TS is something I envied Java-Devs for. I guess that's why it is so huge in the enterprisey sector.
Half of the attendees were Java/Backend-Developers. They were amazed and surprised about how close all of that is to working with things like Spring (I have no idea if that is actually true).
For my personal taste it's still too object-oriented and verbose. Plus I'm a fan of server-rendering most things. But, you know, as Front-End-Dev in 2019 it can't hurt to know it. Plus TS and RxJS are impressive and I'll definitely use them in near future.
You can use server side rendering using Angular Universal. angular.io/guide/universal
In the right enviroment yes. At my work, projects & company I don't think I could justify a dedicated node-server only for the front-end, in addition to the Java-Server(s). Also I haven't worked on SPAs yet.
I could imagine it's a great fit if your app consumes services from all over the place. Then you need a front-end-server anyways.
Too object oriented? Do tell!
Made another step to learning good practices and improving my company's product code quality by implementing my first Visitor Pattern in an actual (aka not an example code) app!
I hope I'll achieve to convince everyone in the team of its usefulness regarding our use case...