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Midhul P
Midhul P

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How to use JavaScript Classes in real projects

JavaScript classes are a great way to organize code. Let’s see how you can use them in a simple To-Do List app.

Declaring a Class

We define a Task class to manage tasks:

class Task {
  constructor(description, dueDate) {
    this.description = description;
    this.dueDate = dueDate;
    this.isDone = false;

  markAsDone() {
    this.isDone = true;
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Creating Instances

You can create tasks like this:

const task1 = new Task('Write blog post', '2023-11-15');
// Task { description: 'Write blog post', dueDate: '2023-11-15', isDone: true }
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Extend the Task class for specific types of tasks:

class ShoppingTask extends Task {
  constructor(description, dueDate, items) {
    super(description, dueDate);
    this.items = items;

const shoppingTask = new ShoppingTask('Buy groceries', '2023-11-20', ['Apples', 'Milk']);
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Static Methods & Getters/Setters

You can add static methods for sorting tasks and use getters and setters to manage data validation.

For a more detailed guide, check out my full post on Medium: How to Use JavaScript Classes in Real Projects.

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