When you hear the word programmer or programming, to a layman a picture of a geeky or nerdy math genius who's stays behind the computer all day writing codes pops up! No being a programmer is about that, it's about solving problems and building solutions. In this post I'll be be top five soft skills every programmer needs to have
unarguably, a great deal of programmers lack communication skills they are not able to communicate problems with their team members there by making a problem very hard to solve.a lot of programmers have problem with communication because most of them spend the whole day writing codes and debugging and doing a lot of stuffs without getting out and meeting with people. Communication is a very essential skill every programmer should have this will enable him or her to pass across messages communicates solutions and problem with his community.
Many projects require a dozen of engineers to build, it's takes more than just interacting with your computer. You've to be able to work together with people. A programmer cultivate the habit of working hand-in-hand with others to build real life solutions.
Our world is filled with problem which needs to be solved by Man someone wants said today solution tomorrow's program so we keep on solving problem progressively a programmer needs to cultivate the habit of identifying a problem and ability to solve them he or she needs to be able to think critically in bringing good and simple solutions.

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My first article