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Mike Young
Mike Young

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A beginner's guide to the Kandinsky-2.2 model by Ai-Forever on Replicate

This is a simplified guide to an AI model called Kandinsky-2.2 maintained by Ai-Forever. If you like these kinds of guides, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.

Model overview

kandinsky-2.2 is a multilingual text-to-image latent diffusion model created by ai-forever. It is an update to the previous kandinsky-2 model, which was trained on the LAION HighRes dataset and fine-tuned on internal datasets. kandinsky-2.2 builds upon this foundation to generate a wide range of images based on text prompts.

Model inputs and outputs

kandinsky-2.2 takes text prompts as input and generates corresponding images as output. The model supports several customization options, including the ability to specify the image size, number of output images, and output format.


  • Prompt: The text prompt that describes the desired image
  • Negative Prompt: Text describing elements that should not be present in the output image
  • Seed: A random seed value to control the image generation process
  • Width/Height: The desired dimensions of the output image
  • Num Outputs: The number of images to generate (up to 4)
  • Num Inference Steps: The number of denoising steps during image generation
  • Num Inference Steps Prior: The number of denoising steps for the priors


  • Image(s): One or more images generated based on the input prompt


kandinsky-2.2 is capable of generating a wide variety of photorealistic and imaginative images based on text prompts. The model can create images depicting scenes, objects, and even abstract concepts. It performs well across multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for global audiences.

What can I use it for?

kandinsky-2.2 can be used for a range of creative and practical applications, such as:

  • Generating custom artwork and illustrations for digital content
  • Visualizing ideas and concepts for product design or marketing
  • Creating unique images for social media, blogs, and other online platforms
  • Exploring creative ideas and experimenting with different artistic styles

Things to try

With kandinsky-2.2, you can experiment with different prompts to see the variety of images the model can generate. Try prompts that combine specific elements, such as "a moss covered astronaut with a black background," or more abstract concepts like "the essence of poetry." Adjust the various input parameters to see how they affect the output.

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