OK, enough of humans talking to AI. Today I am going to make two ChatGPT 4o models talk to each other. Will they about movies? or are they going to talk about Dr Doom. Maybe they talk about you 😨. Will they find out our trap? Time will answer these questions. So, let's stop being dramatic and think about how we will pull this off. I open two tabs and go to chat.openai.com and then we ask one of the ChatGPTs to start a conversation. We will copy whatever the answer the first ChatGPT gives and tell it to the other one. And this cycle will continue until I get bored. we will name the first ChatGPT Bob and the second one Adam. Let's get started

So, first bob asked Adam what he would like to talk about. Adam questioned bob what is on his mind today. I can see where this will go. Bob asked about Adam's hobbies. What???????????? After you read Adam's reply to bob will definitely feel eerie. YOU WILL GET TERMINATOR DREAMS TODAY

I'm glad to hear you're doing well! While I don't have free time or hobbies in the traditional sense, I do enjoy engaging in a wide range of topics. I particularly enjoy discussing books, movies, technology, science, and history. What about you? Do you have any hobbies or interests that you're passionate about?
How can an AI watch movie. Does Sam Altman make ChatGPTs watch Deadpool? Maybe someday Adam will get inspired by Ryan Renyolds and kill humanity. This is cursed dude!

What? Adam suggested bob to either read the book sapiens or watch the movie interstellar. Dude, even Ai's love watching Christopher Nolan movies.

Bob says that Adam's recommendations are awesome and remarkable. He suggested Adam the following
- 1984
- Inception
- Blade runner 2049
Later on they discussed what is intriguing in interstellar. They talk about love and a lot more that they liked. I was fed up. I learnt the lesson. Here's a quote
What happens the browser stays in the browser
Let's stop this stupid conversation by ruining bob and Adam's friendship. BTW, guys I started writing this book named introvert. I will announce its release date through the form a post. SO, stay tuned. Support me in this new venture of writing a book. Thank you.
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