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Martin Kobimbo
Martin Kobimbo

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Creating a simple message board app in django


  • Version Control(Git)
  • Python
  • Command line/Terminal
  • Web development concepts


"Hey there, curious minds! Ever wanted to create your own interactive space online? Get ready to dive into the exciting world of Django as we build a simple message board together.

We will use a database to create a basic message board app where users can post or read short messages.

We will dive into Django's powerful admin interface which provides a visual way to make changes to our data.

Initial SetUp

To give you a picture here is what we are doing first:

  • create a new directory on our desktop called mb.

  • Install virtualenv if you haven't already

  • Install Django in a virtual environment

  • Create a project called mb_project

  • Create an app called posts

  • update

In your terminal/Command line interface type in the following:

$ cd Desktop

$ mkdir mb

$ cd mb

$ pip install virtualenv

$ pipenv install django

$ pipenv shell

(mb) $ django-admin startproject mb_project

(mb) $ python startapp posts

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Now let Django know about our app "posts" by adding it to the bottom of the INSTALLED_APPS section inside our file.



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Now execute a migrate command to create a database.

(mb) python migrate

If you type in the ls command in your terminal or simply view the files section inside your VScode you will see a db.sqlite3 file. This represents our database.

We can now spin up our local server to see if everything works correctly.

(mb) $ python runserver

click on the HTTP link to navigate to see the Django page.

Creating a database model

Let's create a database model to store and display posts from our users.

Open the file inside our posts app

You will see that Django is importing a module called models which will help us in building database models, which will "model" the characteristics of the data in our database. Now we need to create a model to store the text content of a message board post.

Here is how we do it:

from django.db import models

class Post(models.model):

    text = models.TextField()

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What have we just done here? We just created a database model called Post which has a field of text. We have also specified the type of content it will hold by putting in TextField(). Django provides many model fields which in turn support different types of content like integers, characters emails etc.

Models Activation

We need to activate our model. Whenever we create or modify an existing model, we must update Django with two steps.

Initially, we create a migrations file with the makemigrations command. This file will help us track any changes.

lastly, we build the actual database with the migrate command which will execute instructions inside our file.

Stop the server by typing ctrl+c in your terminal. then run these two commands:

(mb) $ python makemigrations posts

(mb) $ python migrate

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Working with the Django Admin

One of Django's impressive features is a built-in admin interface that provides a visual way to interact with data.

To use the Django admin, we first need to create a superuser who can log in. Inside your terminal/command-line console type in:

$ python createsuperuser

You will then get this:

Superuser created sucessfully.

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note that your password will not appear in the terminal when typed in

Now restart the server with python runserver command. Click the HTTP link that appears in the terminal, and now you should be able to see the login screen for the admin.

Admin Log in

Log in with your username and password. You will see the admin homepage next.

Admin HomePage

We can immediately see that there is a problem. Our posts app doesn't feature here. For us to see our app inside the Django admin we need to update our file.

In your text editor open the file and type in the following code.

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Post

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refresh your browser and you will see that the app now appears.

Since that's done let's create our first post. Click on the add button opposite Posts and type any message of choice (could be a quote, instruction, or gibberish) in the Text field.

Then click the Save button. You will be redirected to the main post page.

You will note that our new entry is called "Post object". Let's change that. Within the file add a new function str like this:

from django.db import models

class Post(models.Model):
    text = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.text[:50]

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This will display the first 50 characters of our text field.

Creating Views/Templates/URLs

For us to be able to display database content on our homepage, we have to put our views, templates, and URLs together.

Lets begin with the view. In the file enter the code below:

from django.views.generic import ListView
from .models import Post

Class HomePageView(ListView):
    model = Post
    template_name = 'home.html'

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In the code we first imported ListView then we imported the post model. In the view, we subclass ListView and specify the correct model and template.

We now need to configure our URLs and make our template. We begin with the template. Within your terminal create a new directory called templates and within the template a home.html file:

$ mkdir templates
$ touch templates/home.html

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Now update the DIRS field in our file like this:

       'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],



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In our home.html we will create our own variable called post and then access the desired field to be displayed as post.text:

<h1>Message board homepage</h1>
  {% for post in object_list %}
  <li>{{ post.text }}</li>
{% endfor %}

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The name object_list isn't that friendly. Instead, we can provide an explicit name via the context_object_name attribute.

In our file, add the following:

context_object_name = 'all_posts_list'

Declaring the name like this helps other members of a team.

Let's also update our template in home.html so that it references all_posts_list rather than object_list.

<h1>Message board homepage</h1>
  {% for post in all_posts_list %}
  <li>{{ post.text }}</li>
{% endfor %}

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Lastly, let us set up our URL configurations. Do this by adding the code below in our We simply add posts and include on the second lines.

from django.urls import path, include

path('' include('posts.urls')),

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Then create an app level file.

$ touch posts/

then update it like this:

from django.urls import path

from .views import HomePageView

urlpatterns = [
   path('', HomePageView.as_view(), name='home'),

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Restart the server with python runserver and navigate to our homepage using the http link in the terminal.

WOW! we are all done here, congratulations on making it to the end. You can now add more posts through the Django admin and see how the posts appear. Happy Hacking Ya'll!.

Top comments (1)

ephiusjb profile image
Ephius Mutambo

Neat and easy to follow, very helpful